Unit 2 AOS1 b Flashcards
Outline what a healthy and respectful relationship is.
A healthy and respectful relationship is a relationship that exists between two or more individuals, which are built on mutual respect, trust, honesty, and loyalty, where each individual feels comfortable and safe.
Outline what a relationship is.
A relationship is a connection between two or more people.
Identify all characteristics of healthy and respectful relationships.
Are there different types of relationships?
What are the six types of relationships?
What is a quality for each type of relationship?
Family- diverse and unique, provide love, support and security
Friends- based on common interest, provides support, helps with decision making, good or bad influence
Intimate- involves strong emotions, physical attractions, desire to spend a lot of time together
Online- social networking enables development of relationships all ages, effective way to stay in touch
Professional- good trust, communication and respect, needs to be supportive and open.
Teachers/mentor/coaches- positive role models, important people in a young persons support network.
What does a healthy relationship look like? (key qualities)
Respect, equality, safety, empathy, honesty, trust, loyalty.
What are the three types of abuse in a relationship?
physical abuse (kicking, hitting)
sexual abuse (unwanted touching, unwanted sexual activity)
emotional abuse (repeated insults, put downs, social isolation)
What is parenting?
It is broadly refers to the activity of raising a child. It includes a set of behaviours that characterise how parents interact on a daily basis to meet the child needs.
What is verbal communication?
Verbal communication: clearly conveying a message through talking and careful listening
What is non-verbal communication
Non-verbal communication: use of body language through facial expressions & tone of voice.
What does a unhealthy relationship look like?
A unhealthy relationship is where the person is prevented from challenging themselves and is unable to be there best self.
What are the considerations of becoming a parent?
Responsibilities (meeting a child’s needs, managing with lifestyle changes. providing an environment for optimal development) ,
Support (social and emotional),
Resources (time, money, knowledge, material resources, government)
Financial circumstances (bills, clothes, classes)
Career goal
Emotional impact
What are the rights of a child?
The right to live a full life.
The right to good quality healthcare, clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment
The right to a standard of living good enough to meet physical & mental needs
The right to relax, play & join a wide range of leisure activities
What are the four types of parenting styles?
Explain them
1) Authoritarian: rules set & children expected to follow without question or else they are punished. Often results in children with lower levels of emotional and mental H&W.
2) Authoritative: have rules but allow some exceptions. Use consequences rather than punishment & include positive rewards. Children with these types of parents usually develop good decision making skills.
3) Permissive: no discipline and take on the role of friend more than parent. Rarely discourage bad behaviour. Children often have issues with authority & rules, causing difficulties at school. Often report sadness and poor mental health.
4) Uninvolved: No interest and do not meet child’s basic needs. Often parents are affected by mental health or substance abuse problems. Children feel rejected and have poor self esteem.
What is fertilisation?
The process of an egg and sperm fusing together to form a zygote
What is conception?
The moment one becomes pregnant, and occurs as soon as an egg is fertilized by the sperm.
What is a zygote?
The fused cell that forms after the fertilization process
What is fertility?
The quality of being fertile and able to conceive.
What is infertility
The inability to conceive despite having unprotected sex for over 12 months during a female’s fertile window
What is the process of Fertilisatio?
Process of Fertilisaton:
Every 28 days an ovum (egg) is released from the ovaries into fallopian tubes (ovulation)
During sex, sperm enters the vagina, the sperm cell travels through the cervix, up the uterus into the fallopian tubes
When a single sperm cell meets an ovum in the tube, they fuse and create a zygote. Conception has occurred and egg has been fertilized. Zygote travels down the fallopian tubes unto uterus
What is prenatal development?
Refers to the growth and development of a fetus that occurs in the uterus, all the way from conception to childbirth. Prenatal development involves three key stages, including the germinal, embryonic, and fetal stages of prenatal development.
What are the three stages of prenatal development?
Germinal Stage
Embryonic Stage
Fetal Stage
Explain Germinal stage
Starts at conception, ends at implantation.
The zygote divides as it travels down fallopian tubes, when it reaches the uterus, blastocyst implants itself in the endometrium it becomes the embryo.
Explain the Embryonic stage.
Starts at implantation and ends at week 8.
Blood vessels grow and form the placenta.
Greatest structural development occurs (organs form)
Embryo is vulnerable to environmental factors smoking, drug)
Explain the fetal stage.
Starts at week 9 and ends at birth.
Spinal cord and neurons form.
Synapse develop.
Lungs filled with amniotic fluid.
Hearing is developed.
Vital organs are fully developed.
What are some protective factors for pregnancy?
Maternal diet- iron
Maternal diet- folate
Access to healthcare
High-parental SES
What are some risk factors for pregnancy?
Poor maternal diet
Drug and alcohol use
Environmental toxins
List three examples of responsibilities parents may have.
Proving education
Meeting basic needs
Provide a safe environment
What does optimal development mean?
Optimal development refers to the changes of an individual’s physical, intellectual, emotional, and social conditions occurring in a way that enables an individual to reach their full potential.
Describe the process of federalisation.
Fertilisation is the process of an egg and sperm fusing together to form a zygote. The fertilisation process involves an egg being released from a female’s ovaries during ovulation into the fallopian tube, which is then fertilised by a sperm cell that has entered the body via sexual intercourse and travelled up the uterus to meet the egg.
What is a risk factor?
Risk factors related to prenatal development are things that can negatively impact the health and development of a fetus during prenatal development through increasing the likelihood of developing a disease, illness, or injury.