Revision of all three areas Flashcards
Using an example, explain the meaning of optimal health and wellbeing.
Optimal health and wellbeing involves an individual experiencing the highest possible level of health and wellbeing when taking their unique experiences, characteristics, and lifestyle into account.
Outline one disadvantage of the World Health Organisation’s definition of health.
One disadvantage of the World Health Organisation (WHO) definition is the fact that it does not include spiritual and emotional dimensions of health and wellbeing.
Identify one factor that can influence Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ perspectives of health and wellbeing, and explain how that factor could influence their perspectives on health and wellbeing.
Culture is a factor that can influence Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ perspectives of health and wellbeing, because culture has major influence on the beliefs and values of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples specifically.
Discuss the meaning of health and wellbeing for youth.
Youth often have a rounded, holistic view of the meaning health and wellbeing and consider all the dimensions of health and wellbeing.
For example, youth often value the importance of their social connections and relationships (social health and wellbeing) as well as managing their stress levels (mental health and wellbeing), as they transition to adulthood and begin managing more challenges and gain independence
Physical health and wellbeing?
The functioning of the body and its systems, including the body’s capacity to perform daily tasks and activities.
Regular exercise
Strong immune system
Good diet
No injuries or illnesses
Mental health and wellbeing
The current state of wellbeing of the mind, involving the ability to think and process information.
High self-esteem
Low stress levels
Low anxiety levels
Emotional health and wellbeing
The ability to express, control and manage feelings in a positive way and display resilience.
Expressing emotions in a appropriate way
Ability to display resilience
Social health and wellbeing
The ability to form meaning and satisfying relationships with others, as well as the ability to appropriately manage and adapt to social situations.
Strong support network
Form and maintain relationships
Good friendship group
Adapt to social situations
Spiritual health and wellbeing.
The ideas beliefs, values and ethics that an individual possesses, contributing to a sense of meaning, purpose and belonging.
Having a sense of belonging
Sense of purpose
Have beliefs and values
What does wellbeing mean?
An equilibrium in which the individual feels happy, healthy, capable and engaged.
What does health and wellbeing mean?
A person’s physical, social, emotion, mental and spiritual existence characterised by the equilibrium in which they feel happy, healthy, capable and engaged.
What is socioeconomic status mean?
What are the three aspects of it?
Socioeconomic status (SES) is a measure of a person’s social and economic position based on income, education and occupation.
Income- being able to afford nutritious food, housing, healthcare, transport and educational resources
Education- (health literacy) attend regular health check-ups, maintain a nutritious diet, regular exercise.
Occupation- different occupation require different physical labour.
What does health status mean?
An individual’s or population’s overall level of health, taking into account various aspects such as life expectancy, amount of disability. levels of disease risk factors. Collected by population surveys.
Why do we measure health status?
- to know what is making us sick
- to find out how well/ill the population is
- to find out which diseases are causing the biggest problems.
- to see here the government should be spending its health budget.
What are health indicators?
Standard statistics that are used to measure and compare health status.
Life expectancy:
Life expectancy is the number of years of life remaining to a person at a particular age if death rates do not change.
The number of deaths in a population in a given period.
Morbidity refers to ill health in an individual and the levels of ill health in a population or group.
What is the difference between incidence and prevalence?
Incidence: the number of NEW cases of a condition in a given period
Prevalence: the total number of cases of a condition at a given time.
What is burden of disease?
A measure of the impact of disease and injuries. It measures the gap between current health status and an ideal situation.
How do you measure burden of disease?
DALY=Years Lost due to disability (YLD) + Years of Life Lost due to premature death (YLL)
What are some social cultural factors?
- Income
- Family
- Housing
- Education
- Peer group
- Employment
- Access to health information
Name and explain risk factors.
Poor diet: A poor diet may involve not consuming enough nutrient-dense food, such as fruit and vegetables or any eating behaviours. This could lead to an mental problem/disorder. Affecting optimal mental health.
Lack of sleep:
Sleep can affect body functions such as energy levels, hormone levels, and cognitive and mood.
This could lead to a mental health problem/disorder.
Social media:
Social media is an online communication and sharing platform that could lead to a mental health disorder/problem. Negative impacts on self-esteem and increase stress and anxiety levels
Name and explain protective factors.
Regular exercise:
Exercise releases endorphins which can promote positive emotions and help an individual feel good about themselves. This means it is less likely to form a mental health disorder/problem
Good diet: A good diet may involve consuming nutrient-dense food, such as fruit and vegetables. From this it ensures optimal brain functioning. Promoting good mental health.
What is beyond blue?
Beyond blue is a non-government program that gives programs and project centres to help support youth with depression and mental health disorders.
What is Headspace?
Headspace is a government program that provides information and services on mental mental health issues. They also provide information or drug and alcohol use.
What is a macronutrient? Give three examples.
Macro nutrient is a large molecule which are required in high quantities. Such as:
Carbohydrate, protein and fats.
What is a micronutrient? Give three examples.
A micronutrient is a small in size and only needed in small quantities for the functions they preform.
Such as:
iron, calcium and B group vitamins.
What is the healthy eating pyramid?
The Healthy Eating Pyramid is a simple visual guide to the types and proportion of foods that we should eat every day for good health. It is visually shown through a pyramid.
What is the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating?
It is a food guide which visually represents the proportion of the five food groups recommended for consumption each day. It is visually shown through a divided circle.
Explain four marketing techniques.
Product Placement:
this is used by food and drink companies to subtly promotes their product through appearances through tv, film, or other media.
Marketing Celebrity endorsements:
marketers use celebrities to develop a relationship between the consumer and product being sold
Immersive marketing:
It is used to make the user participate in a specific campaign or action. This seeks interaction with potential customers.
Location-based mobile marketing:
This is done through collecting mobile numbers, marketers are able to follow young people through their lives via tracking techniques they have the ability to offer marketing offers.
What is the function of Carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are the most readily form of energy and helps maintain your body temperature.
What is the function of protein?
Protein is essential for growth and development. It also repairs and replaces body cells.
What is the function of fats?
Fats protects body organs and it is a concentrated form of energy.
What is the function of calcium?
Calcium builds up hard tissue in bones, teeth.
What is the function of sodium?
Sodium regulates fluids from the body.
What is the function of iron?
Essential for blood as it creates a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body.
What is the function of B group vitamins?
Controls your metabolism and releasing energy from carbs. Good from circulation and nervous system.