Unit 2-5 Flashcards
A social concept that groups certain people together based on physical traits like skin color, though there is no biological basis for such categorization.
A norm that is just a traditional or usual way of doing something
A culturally shaped way of acting that reflects and enforces culture.
Groups of people who share the same cultural identity, which is often based on their heritage and ancestry.
ethnic groups
The attitude or opinion that the norms, values, and customs of one’s own culture are superior to those of other people’s.
The view that morality is culturally determined and consequently there is no objective moral rule or law that is universally correct.
cultural relativism
A system of communication through conventional symbols.
The integration of national economies into the global economy with open access to people, goods, and information.
A punishment or reward given out in response to breaking or fulfilling a cultural norm.
A complex behavior that is preprogrammed.
A group within a larger culture that has distinctive attitudes and behaviors which sets them apart from the dominant culture.
A culture or subculture with values and customs that are opposed to those accepted by most of the society.
A norm that deals with questions of morality, right and wrong.
The transition from a pre-modern society to a modern society; the process of urbanization and industrialization.
Perceptions and practices, largely shaped by the subjective meaning we give to our experiences, used to define what is real.
social construction of reality
Belief of a group or individual on which behavior and decisions are based.
cultural value
The transfer of cultural ideas from one national or ethnic group to another. Usually the cultural idea is transformed somehow.
A language used by a subculture to distinguish themselves from the dominant culture; the jargon of a subculture.
Any object, word, or action that signifies meaning of something else.
The transmission of information and meaning through channels that are not spoken out loud or written down.
non-verbal communication
Norms that are so strong a violation is considered so offensive and even unmentionable and includes extreme sanctions.
The assumption that any aspect of a culture is integrated with other aspects, so that no dimension of culture can be understood in isolation.
Knowledge, language, values, norms, customs, and material objects that characterize a group and are passed from person to person from one generation to the next.
The ways people use their bodies to communicate with one another non-verbally.
Learning cultural patterns of a new culture. Generally we use this concept to describe children learning their own culture.