Unit 2 Flashcards
is an institutional arrangement of governance that addresses regional or globalized issues that go beyond the scope of a nation-state
Global Interstate System -
puts emphasis on diversity and celebrates multiculturalism.
focuses more on the economic aspect of the exchanges among countries and society
happening in developing countries as an effect of globalization. This transition results in consumption of high-calorie, nutrient-poor foods which are high in fats and sugars resulting in rise of obesity and diet-related chronic diseases worldwide.
“nutrition transition”
The shift of authority to actors above and below the state is termed as
glocalization or internal globalization
is an international financial institution that provides
loans to countries of the world for capital projects, established during the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 and include other members like the Internationa Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IRDB), International Developmen Association (IDA), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and Multilatera Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) (The World Bank, n.d.).
The World Bank (WB)
looks at the stability of the international monetary system by monitoring global economy, lends to countries, and provides policy and technical advisory functions to members (Maverick, 2019)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
regulates international trades, ensures smooth flow of trade, and provides a forum for negotiations for trade agreements among countries and regions of the world (International Monetary Fund 2019)
World trade organization (WTO)
responsible for global researches on medicines and vaccines including the World Health Report and Survey
World Health Organization (WHO)
thirty five member countries aim to stimulate economic progress and world trade by providing a platform to compare policy experiences and identify good practices in domestic and international economic policies and programs of its members
Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
deals with labor problems and international labor standards and social protection for workers
International Labor Organization
leads international efforts to defeat hunger, eliminate food insecurity and malnutrition, and increase resilience of livelihoods and food
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
contributes to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms
for regulations of international air transport; shipping and prevention of pollution at sea; developing standards on ICT; international intellectual property rights standards
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO); International Maritime Organization (IMO); International Telecommunication Union (ITU): The World intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
defined as political, economic, and cultural cooperation between nations,
is an ideology based on the belief that flow of people, goods, art information should flow freely across national borders.
is the expansion of national economies, the global market driven by modern technologies and institutional set ups that promote faster and easier flow of goods and capital
Economic globalization
denotes that the economies of various countries are more interconnected from extraction, production, distribution, consumption, to disposal of goods and services
Global economy
are global financial institutions that support a country’s economic growth through support (i.e., loans, technical assistance) to governments and now other private sectors
International financial institutions
is an international organization with 183 member countries that promotes international monetary cooperation and exchange stability to foster economic growth and high employment and to provide short-term financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustments
International Monetary Fund
is a system of nongovernment institutions that operates across geographical borders and organize and mobilize for a
common issue or cause
Global civil society
is an “enterprise that engages in activities which and value (manufacturing, extraction, services, marketing, etc) in more than one country
Global corporation
is based on the theory of Wallerstein (1974) that recognizes that social and economic change is not only endogenous to a county but is affected by its interaction with exogenous institutions..
World system
is a process of combining or increasing the interconnectivity of national economies to the regional or global economies
Economic integration
is driven by the “growing scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services”
Economic globalization
means that separate production operations are functionally related to each other and form a unified product or service.
Economic integration
entails global industrial restructuring and readjustments where developed countries play a dominant role
Economic globalization
These organizations are critical in developing ang pushing for neoliberal policies among different countries.
Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
These organizations promote regional agreements and standards that facilitate better trade and exchange of knowledge, human resources, and regional cooperation.
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
are advisory organizations that discuss current economic and political problems and transfer the ideas from the groups’ forum to national legislative regulations
Group of 8 (G 8) and G20
which are considered to be the main carriers of economic globalization
multinational companies (MNCs),
Either composed of individuals or groups of individuals disadvantaged by the effects of the globalization of the world economy, they protest and see alternatives while on the other hand, global social movement constituting basis for an alternative to a new world order
Global Civil Society
according to Wallerstein (2011), is divided into core states and peripheral areas including semi-peripherals.
World economy
According to————-, the peripherals are mostly where production or raw materials are sourced out, while the semi-peripherals processed or distributed the products to the core areas-sites of major demands for goods and services (Wallerstein, 2011). There are significant and meaningful movements of resources, products, people in different economies facilitated by modern transport and
“what the world-system theory
are mostly where production or raw materials are sourced out
processed or distributed the products to the core areas
is a product of this economic globalization where each countries’ economies are more interconnected and affected by each other
The global economy
is based on the theory of Wallerstein (1974), which posited that the global economy is divided into the core, semi-periphery, and periphery.
The modern world system
is the center of economic activities where most of the population lives and economic institutions and services are based
The core
is a process by which economies are becoming more interdependent and interconnected in terms of commodity flows including externalities and spillover of impacts
Market integration
are institutions that provide support through loans or grants and technical advices to promote a country’s economic and social development
International Financial Institutions or IFIs
are private institutions that produce or manufacture goods, products, and services for a more expanded market usually at the reach of regions or the world.
have a more complex setting where each foreign subsidiary is given some freedom to develop its own product lines and marketing
Transnational corporations (TNCS)
which have more of a home or country base taking care of the R&D and marketing, and focus more on exporting their products and services
compared to multinational corporations (MNCs)
two kinds of market integration
horizontal and vertical integration
happens when a firm gains control of other firms performing similar marketing functions at the same level in the marketing sequence
Horizontal Integration
happens when one company owns the operations and products from one stage to the other along the supply chain.
Vertical integration
still provide central decisions
that individual foreign market investment to have their own operations and systems
compared to TNCs