Unit 2 (1200-1450) American Civilizations, Medieval Europe, Religion in Asia Flashcards
What civilization did the Maya originally descend from?
The Olmec
-Classical Period 250-900 AD
-Yucatan Peninsula
-City-states linked through alliances and trade
-Cichen Itza (Pyramid of Kukulcan)
-Tikal (Temple Tikal IV)
Mayan social classes
- The king (holy figure, passed on to eldest son)
- The noble class (priests and leading warriors)
- Merchants/specialists (like master artisans)
- Peasant majority
Mayan religious practices
-Offerings of food, flowers, and incense
-Pierced their bodies to offer blood to the gods
-Human sacrifice (occasionally, not as much as other civilizations)
Mayan Advancements
-Religious and solar calendars (Time was a burden gods would take turns carrying so they had to keep track)
-Calculated a solar year accurately
-Had the concept of zero
-Glyphs (hieroglyphic symbols)
-Codex (bark paper book)
-Popal Vuh (creation story
Mayan Decline
-In the late 800s, they abandoned most of their cities
-Some Yucatan cities like Chichen Itza and Uxmal survived longer
-Increased warfare led people to flee +disrupted trade
-Population growth + over faming led to food shortages and disease
-Toltec invaders from the north changed the culture
-By the time the Spanish arrived (early 1500s), the Maya were split into small and weak city-states
The Valley of Mexico
-Central Mexico (where Mexico City is today)
-Mountain basin 7,000 feet above sea level
-Lakes, fertile soil, accessible resources
-Many powerful civilizations emerged here (Teotihuacan, Toltecs, Aztecs)
-“City of the gods”
-First major civilization in central Mexico
-Large city-state with a giant pyramid, apartment compounds, and artisan workshops
-Traded obsidian (used to make sharp weapons)
-Abandoned by 750 AD
-From the southwest
-Rose to power around 900 AD and kept it for around 300 years
-Built pyramids, temples, and tall pillars
-Very warlike, society based on conquest
-Worshipped a war god that demanded blood and human sacrifice
-Power declined by the early 1200s
-Early Toltec king
-Wanted to replace the war god with Quetzalcoatl (peaceful Feathered Serpent god)
-Merged with Quetzalcoatl to become a peaceful god-king
-War god followers rebelled and returned the Toltecs to their warlike ways
Aztec origins
-Mexica people from northern Mexican deserts
-Came to the Valley of Mexico around 1200 when only Toltecs were in control
-Worked as soldiers-for-hire
-Their sun god told them to found their own city in a place where an eagle holding a snake in its mouth perched on a cactus
-They founded Tenochtitlan on an island in Lake Texcoco
-1325 to 1521
-Triple Alliance
-Tenochtitlan, lake Texcoco
-Tributary rule
-Human sacrifice drove expansion
-Montezuma II (weakened empire, demanded too much tribute, people rebelled)
-Aztec merchants
-Spies for the emperor
-On an island in Lake Texcoco
-Capital of the Aztec empire
-Causeways connected to the mainland, canals, aqueducts
-The Great Temple (pyramid with twin temples at top) was in the walled complex
-Huge trade center
-Aztec farm plots
-On marshy fringes of lake
-Produced most of the food in the marketplace
-Aztec social unit
-Main responsibility was collecting tribute for the Aztec state
Aztec religion
-Many gods and religious practices adopted from other Mesoamerican peoples like the Toltecs
-Public ceremonies to communicate with and earn the favor of the gods
-Ceremonies included offerings and ritual dramas, songs, and dances with masked performers
-SO much human sacrifice
-Demanded by sun god, heart carved out on the Great Temple
-Led to expansion and tribute payments for victims
-Feathered serpent god
-This is the Aztec name, called Kukulcan by the Maya
-Aztec sun god
-Only made the sun rise if nourished with human blood
-Settled in Valley of Cuzco around 1200s
-1400 to 1533 was the civilization
-Rulers descended from Inti (sun god)
-Orejones (11 noble families)
-United through Quechua, roads, and Incan schools
-Centralized state ruled from Cuzco
-Expansion driven by emperors needing to raise their own money (money went to their mummy cult when dead)
-Eventually conquered by Spain
-Became Sapa Inca in 1438
-Expanded the Inca empire greatly
-Used diplomacy (offering honorable surrender) as well as military power
-Inca social unit
-Organized by decimal system (1,10,100,1000,etc)
-Managed mita system
-Built, farmed, stored supplies
-Community aspect influenced Inca governing
-Inca labor tribute
-All able bodied people had to work for the state a certain amount of days per year
-Farming, producing goods, and building things (canals, roads, palaces) were some of the jobs
-Rewarded with land, supplies, festivals, etc
Incan “socialism”
-Communal aspect with ayllu/mita systems
-Not fully because resources not shared equally (1/3 to emperor, 1/3 to religious stuff, 1/3 to the people)
Inca roads
-Showed the power of the empire
-14,000 mile long network
-Guest houses built along the way
-Chasquis (runners) traveled them as a postal service
-Helped troops move quickly
-Runners on Incan road system
-Formed a postal service
-Relay system, very fast (140 miles per day)
-A job that was part of the mita system
What was an economic difference of the Inca compared to the Aztecs and Maya?
The Inca state didn’t allow much private commerce/trade (they regulated everything)
Inca agriculture
-Farmers worked on all types of land (state, religious, and community)
-Terrace system to produce maize and quinoa
-Changed the temperature to allow crops to grow
-Freeze dried their potatoes (called chuno)
Incan storage units
-Food, weapons, textiles
-Incan accounting device
-Knotted strings represented numbers
-Color of knot also conveyed info (red=warriors)
Inca calendars
-Two calendars: one for day, one for night
-Tracked the gods ruling the day/time
-Young women called “virgins of the sun”
-Assisted the priests in sun-worship services
-Drafted for a lifetime of service (teaching, spinning, weaving, beer making)
-Sometimes sacrificed
-Administrative+ceremonial capital of the Incan empire
-Temple of the Sun (golden)
-Very splendid- temples and palaces
Machu Picchu
-Had a sun temple, public buildings, a water system, and a central plaza
-Some think it was an estate of Pachacuti, others think it was a retreat for rulers + the elite
-Decentralized political system (kings didn’t have much power, local Lords did)
-Common people worked for Lords and got protection in exchange (manorial system
European Cities in 1200:
-High Middle Ages
-Age of Faith
-Low populations
-Trade starting
-Way less advanced than other parts of the world