unit 2 Flashcards
appeal v
a request to the public for money, information, or help:
They’re launching (= starting) an appeal to raise money for famine victims.
[ + to infinitive ] The police have issued an appeal to the public to stay away from the area
exist v
to be, or to be real:
I don’t think ghosts exist.
Poverty still exists in this country.
dissatisfaction n
native n-adj
yerli kimse
relating to or describing someone’s country or place of birth or someone who was born in a particular country or place:
She returned to live and work in her native Japan.
She’s a native Californian.
union n
the act or the state of being joined together:
Meanwhile the debate on European political and monetary union continues.
formal She believes that the union (= marriage) of man and woman in holy matrimony is for ever.
applicant n
başvuru sahibi
contemporary adj
present adj
happening or existing now:
I don’t have her present address.
Please state your present occupation and salary.
relevant adj
connected with what is happening or being discussed:
Education should be relevant to the child’s needs.
For further information, please refer to the relevant leaflet.
The point is highly relevant to this discussion.
throughout adv
in every part, or during the whole period of time:
People throughout the country are out of work.
He yawned throughout the performance.
The school has been repainted throughout.
consist v
to be something that is made or formed of various specific things:
The crowd consisted mostly of college kids and office workers.
Her responsibilities consist of answering the phone and greeting visitors.
imply v
ima etmek
to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly:
[ + (that) ] Are you implying (that) I’m fat?
I’m not implying anything about your cooking, but could we eat out tonight?
quarrel v-n
to have an angry disagreement with someone:
What did you quarrel about/over?
She quarrelled with everyone in the village.
wire-undo v
bağlamak undo zıttı
incline v
meyil etmek
to (make someone) feel something or want to do something:
The prime minister is believed to be inclining towards an April election.