Unit 1B Sec 1- Sleep/Wake Cycle and Ciradian Rhythm Flashcards
The state of being aware of an able to perceive one starts feelings, sensations and surroundings. Involves various levels from alert, wakefulness to altered stress, such as sleep or meditation.
Circadian rhythm
Natural internal process that regulates to sleep weight cycle and repeat about every 24 hours. Influences patterns of alertness, hormone release, body temperature, and other physiological processes.
NREM stage one
This is the first stage of non-rapid eye movement, sleep characterized by drifting in and out of sleep that only lasts for a few minutes.
- the brain waves, slow down, muscles relax, and individuals may experience sudden muscle contractions known as hypnic jerks
Hypnic jerks
Sudden muscle contractions; may happen during NREM stage 1 sleep
NREM stage two
This is the second stage of non-rapid eye movement sleep characterized by light sleep, and it last for about 20 minutes
- brain waves slow down further, And spindles(short bursts of brain activity) and K-complexes( sudden sharp waveforms) appear.
Sleep spindles
Short bursts of brain activity; occur during NREM stage two sleep
Sleep spindles
Short bursts of brain activity; occur during NREM stage two
Sudden, sharp wave forms; occur during NREM stage two sleep
NREM stage three
This is the deepest stage of non- rapid eye movement sleep by the presence of predominately delta
- uses restoration of resources, which is the process during sleep where the body and brain, replenish energy, repair tissues, and remove waste, products, promoting physical and mental well-being
Restoration of resources
The process during sleep where the body and brain we replenish energy, repair tissues, and remove waste products, promoting physical and mental well-being; Occurs during NREM stage 3 sleep
REM(Rapid eye movement) sleep
A stage of sleep, characterized by rapid eye movements, vivid dreams, and muscle paralysis
- Associated with increased brain activity, including dreaming, and plays a role and memory consultation and emotional processing
REM rebound
This is the phenomenon where the body increases the time spent in REM sleep after a period of REM deprivation sleep
- occurs as a compensatory response to to the lack of REM sleep, often resulting in more intense and frequent REM sleep episodes
Activation synthesis (dreams)
This is a theory proposing that dreams are the result of random neural activity in the brainstem during REM sleep, and is then interpreted and synthesized by cerebral cortex into a narrative/ story.
Consolidation theory (dreams)
Suggesting that dreams, play a role in the memory consolidation and processing of memories
- During sleep the brain organizes and integrates info acquired through the day, contributing to memory storage and learning.
This is a sleep disorder, characterized by difficulty, falling asleep, staying awake, or experiencing restorative sleep, leading to daytime, impairments such as:
attitude, mood disturbances, and decreased cognitive function
Sleep disorder, characterized by excessive daytime, sleepiness, sudden episodes of muscle weakness( cataplexy), sleep paralysis, and hallucinations during sleep, onset or awakening
Sleep apnea
This is a sleep disorder, characterized by pauses in breathing or shallow breathing during sleep
- leading to:
Disrupted sleep patterns, daytime fatigue and other health problems
REM sleep behavior disorder
This is a sleep disorder where individuals physically act out their dreams during REM sleep
- Can cause injury to themselves or others due to loss of muscle paralysis
Sleep disorder, commonly known at sleepwalking, characterized by walking or performing other activities while still asleep
- Typically occurs during non-REM sleep stages
- can result in injuries or accidents
Jet lag
A temporary disruption of the bodies circadian rhythm because of rapid travel across multiple time zones
- Can result in fatigue, sleep disturbances , difficulty concentrating as the body adjusts to the new time zone
Shift work
Employment schedule that require working outside typical daytime hours, often disrupting the bodies natural circadian rhythm
- can lead to sleep disturbances, fatigue, increased risk of health problems due to the mismatch between work hours and the bodies internal clock.