Unit 14: Flashcards
- Chinese word where the name Japan came from
- means “origin of the sun” or “land of the rising sun”
island group
Geography of Japan
- 4,000 islands that extend 1,200 mile long
- 4 largest islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku. Kyushu
- lots of mts= only 12% of land is suitable for farming
- late summer/early fall= typhoons
- southern Japan= rain
- natural resources (coal, oil, iron) are in short supply
- 1st historic mention of Japan comes from Chinese writings of the first century BC
- religion
- means “way of the gods”
- based in the respect for the forces of nature and on the worship of ancestors
- believed in kami (divine spirits that dwelled in nature–> beautiful things in nature)
Yamato clan
- AD 400s= Yamato clan established itself as leading clan
- they claimed to be descended from the sun goddess Amaterasu
- they lacked real power
- chiefs= called themselves emperors of Japan but they did not control the entire country
- when clans fought, the winning clan claimed control of the emperor and ruled in the emperor’s name
- brought by Korean travelers
- mis 700s= Japanese imperial court accepted Buddhism in Japan
- ppl didn’t give up shinto rituals
- but Buddhist rituals became Shinto rituals and some Shinto god and goddesses were worshiped in Buddhist temples
Cultural Borrowing from China
- Japanese adopted the Chinese system of writing
- Japanese artists painted landscapes in the Chinese manner
- they followed Chinese styles in the simple arts of everyday living (cooking, gardening, drinking tea, hairdressing)
- Japan modeled its government in China’s (strong central gov)
- Shotoku tried to introduce China’s civil service system but Japan continued to be a country where a few great families held power
Prince Shotoku
- served as a regent for his aunt (empress Suiko)
- most influential convert to Buddhism
- he sent the first 3 missions to China (study Chinese civilization)
someone who rules when a monarch is absent, ill, or too young to rule
Heian Period
- highly refined court society
- rules dictated every aspect of court life (length of swords, color of official robes, forms of address, number of skirts a woman wore
- etiquette was very important
- The Tale of Genji (world’s first novel)
- strong central gov—> soon declined due to the power of great landowners and clan chiefs (independent/local rulers)
- loyal warriors to lords
- means “one who serves”
- unwritten demanding code of behavior
- what samurai lived by
- They were expected to show reckless courage, reverence for the gods, fairness, and generosity toward those weaker than himself
- “supreme general of the emperor’s army”
- had the powers of a military dictator
- they ruled through puppet emperors until 1869 (headquarters= Kamakura, emperor ruled from Kyoto)
- Kamakura shoguns were strong enough to turn back the 2 naval invasions sent by Kublai Khan
- However, this drained the shogun’s treasury (samurai were bitter when the government failed to pay them)
- This caused the Kamakura shogun to lose prestige and power
- The samurai attached themselves more closely to their lords, who fought one another like they had fought the Mongols
Motives behind European Exploration
- For “God, Glory and Gold”
1. desire for more wealth from the trade of spices and other luxury goods - during the Crusades, Europeans were introduced to these spices and other goods
- After the Crusades, Europeans demanded so many spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, pepper), the merchants could charge more money for them and therefore make bigger profits
- needed to find a seas route directly to Asia (didn’t want to pay the Italians, who bought the goods from the Muslims and sold them at a hight price (profit), b/c it would cut into their own profits)
2. wanted to spread Christianity - after the Crusades, there were more conflicting feelings between the Muslims and Christians
- Bernal Diaz del Castillo (spanish explorer)= hoped to Christianize the ppls in Asia and obtain goods from them
3. Glory
European sailing technology
- European ships could not sail against the wind
- They adopted the triangular sail from the Arabs, which allowed the ships to sail against the wind
- the Europeans used the astrolabe (used to calculate latitude and longitude, see how far north/south of the equator the ship was, or measure the height of the stars above the horizon), which was perfected by the Muslims
- they used the Chinese invention of the magnetic compass to more accurately track direction.
Prince Henry
- son of Portugal’s king
- Portugal’s most enthusiastic supporter of exploration
- wanted to find the source of the exotic spices and treasure (gold, silver, jewels) in the East
- wanted to spread Christianity
- 1419= founded a navigation school on the southwestern coast of Portugal, where mapmakers, instrument makers, shipbuilders, scientists, and sea captains gathered to perfect their trade
- 1460= died
Bartolomeu Dias
- Portuguese captain
- 1488= sailed down the coast of Africa until they reached the tip
- a storm caused them to be blown to the other side of the tip
- they explored and considered sailing to India but the crew was exhausted and were running low on food supplies
- they returned home
Vasco da Gama
- Portuguese explorer
- 1497= began exploring the east African coast
- 1498= reached the port of Calicut
- Da Gama and his crew found so many spices, rare silks, and precious gems in the store in Calicut.
- They filled their ships with spices (pepper, cinnamon) and brought it back to Portugal.
- This was all worth 60 times the cost of the voyage itself.
- In later years, many countries began competing for trade routes to the East.
Christopher Columbus
- Italian sea captain
- Spain financed a voyage to find a route to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean
- reached the Caribbean but thought he reached the Eat Indies
- theis voyage opened a way for European colonization of the Americas
- increased tensions between Spain and Potugal
The Treaty of Tordesillas
- an agreement between Spain and Protugal which they agreed to honor the imaginary line that went through the Atlantic Ocean (north to south)
- After Columbus “reached asia” the Portuguese and Spanish fought over the land.
- 1493= Pope Alexander VI drew and imaginary linegiving some lands to Spain and the others to Portugal
- line of Demarcation= lands west of the line, Spain’s
- east of line= Portugal, most of the Americas
- Portugal complained that it gave too much to Spain
- THEN the Treaty of Tordesillas was signed
Portugal’s Trading Empire
-thoughout the Indian Ocean
-took control over the spice trade from Muslim merchants
1514= built a fort on Hormuz, which established control of the Straits of Hormuz connecting the Persian Gulf and Arabian sea and helped stop Muslim traders fro reaching India
-1510= Portuguese captureed Goa
-Afonso de Albuquerque= stressed Portugals desire to crush Muslim-Italian domination over Asia trade but they did not
-merchant brough back goods from Asia ata bout 1/5 of what they cost when purchased throught the Arabs and Italians
-more Europeans could afford these items
-their success attracted attention from Spain, who wanted to estaclish their own trade empires in the East (Ferdinand Magellan), and Dutch
Dutch East India Company
-founded by the Dutch
-had the power to mint money, make treaties, and raise own armies
-it wa richer and more powerful than England’s company
Dutch Republic= Netherlands
-owned the largest fleet in the world (20,000 vessels), which was used to take control of the trade in the Asia region from the English
-they eventually drove out the English and established their dominance over the region
-HQ= Batavia, islanf of Java
-they expanded west
-Netherland capital= Amsterdam
-Dutch seized Malacca and Spice Islands from Protugal
-1700= Dutch ruled Indonessia and had trading posts in several Asian countries
-the controlled the Cape of Good Hope (southern tip of Aftica), which was used as a resupply stop
British and French traders
- English East India Company= focused on establishing outpost in India (successful in trading cloth with India)
- France made its own east india company but it was attacked by the Dutch; they established an oupost in India in the 1720s but it didn’t show profit
Ming Dynasty
- China became the dominant power in Asia
- 1368-1644
- Koreas paid tributes
- 200 yrs
- higher taxes, corrupt officials, a gov that was out of money
- higher tases, bad harvest
- peasant’s son
- commanded a rebel army that drove the Mongols out of Chinain 1368
- first Ming emperor
- ruled from Yuan capital of Nanjing in the south
- began reforms designed to restore agricultural lands devestated by war, erase all past of Mongols, and promote Chians’s power and prosperity
- thsi increase rice production
- imporved irrigation
- he sncourged ffish famring and growing commercial crops (cotton, sugar cane)
- he respected traditions and institutions to bring stablility to China
- encouraged Confucian moral standards
- mproved imperial admin—> retored the merit-based civil service examination
- became ruthless tyrant
- moved royal court to Beijing
- curious about outside world
- launched the first 7 voyages of exploration
- Voyages= BIG; 40-300 ships each trip (fighting ships, treasure ships= 400 ft long, storage vessels)
Zheng He
- Chinese Muslim Admiral
- ships= bigger than European ships
- ships had carpenters, soldiers, sailors, interpreters, accountants, doctors, and religious leaders (more than 27,000 people)
- he distributed gifts (silver,silk) to show Chinese superiority
- went to more than 16 countries
- 1433= China when into isolation b/c they thought they were wasting resources by giving away gifts
Ming Relations with Foreign Countries
- 1500s= trade policies refelcted China’s isolation
- only gov was allowed to conduct trade and only though 3 local ports (Canton, Macao, Ningbo)
- trade flourished up and down the coast
- profit-minded merchants smuggled cargos of silk, porcelain, and other valuable goods
- demand for Chinese goods had a ripple effect on the economy
- industries grew (silk-making, ceramics)
- manufacturing and commerce increased
- Christian misionaries brough Christianity and knowledge of European traners into China
- lived northeast of the Great Wall in Manchuria
- 1644= invaded China and the Ming Dynasty collapsed
- seized Beijing
- leader became China’s new emperor
- they upheld China’s traditional Confucian beliefs and social structures
- made the country’s frontiers safe and restored China’s prosperity
Qing Dynasy
- Manchus took a Chinese name for their dynasty
- ruled for 260 yrs
- China= Middle Kingdom
- expanded China’s borders to include Taiwan, Chinese central Asia, Mongolia, and Tibet
- at first there were rebellions
- then the Manchus slowly earned respect
- irrigation and fertilizer increased
- 1661= emperor of Qing Dynasty
- ruled for 60 yrs
- reduced gov expenses; lowered taxes
- gained support of intellectuals by offering them gov positions
- enjoyed the company of Jesuits at court, who told him about developments in science, medicine, and math in Europe
- Kangxi’s grandson
- ruled from 1736-1795
- under him, China reached it’s greatest size and prosperity
- industrious
- worked on the empire’s problems (armed nomads on its borders and the expanding presence of european missionaries and merchants in China
- kneeling in front of the emperor
- touch head to the grounf 9 times
- respect to emperor
Do you think Lord George Macartney should have kowtowed to Emperor Qian-long? Why?
- Great Britain wanted to increase trade in China but did not like China’s restrictions (trading only at special ports and pay tribute)
- 1763=Lord George Macartney delivered a letter from King George II to Qian-long, which asked for a better trade arrangement including Chinese acceptance of British manufactured goods
- Macartney refused to kowtow
- if he did, the Chinese might have been more open to their ideas
Korea Under Manchus
- 1636= conquered by Manchus= vassal state
- independent
- Koreans organized their gov according to Confucian principles
- adopted Chinese technology, culture, and policy of isolation
- 1590s Japanese attack and Manchu invasion provoked strong feelings of nationalism in the Korean ppls
Dream of the Red Chamber, By Cao Zhan
-examines upper-class Manchus society in 1700s
-payment by one counrty to another to acknowledge its submission
Matteo Ricci
- Italian Jesuit
- fist missionary to ahve an empact
- gained special favor at the Ming court through his intelligen and fluency in Chinese
Why did China not become highly industrialized?
- the idea of commerce offended China’s Confucian beliefs
- Chinese economic policies traditionally favored agriculture. Taxes on agriculture stayed low. Taxes on manufacturing and trade increased
familes and roles of women
- farmers grew rice ad new crops (corn, sweet potatoes)
- food production increased= nutrition improved, families expanded
- favored sons over daughters
- sons= performed vital religious rituals; raise family under parents’s roof; dominated household and wives
- women= not valued (some female infants were killed); worked in the fields; supervised children’s education and managed the family’s finances; most were forced to remain secluded in their homes; some found outside jobs like working as midwives or textile workers
Sengoku, or “Warring States” period
- 1467-1568
- powerful samurai seized control of old feudal states
- offered peasants and other protection in return for their loyalty
- warrior chieftains
- ones who took control of feudal states
- means “great name”
- emperor at Kyoto was a figurehead (just a leadership title, no actual power) ; the daimyo help real power and secured the country
Oda Nobunaga
- one brutal and ambitious daimyo
- defeated his rivals and seized the imperial capital (Kyoto) in 1568
- motto= “Rule the empire by force”
- killed enemies= daimyo and wealthy Buddhist monasteries
- 1575= him and 3,000 soldiers (armed with muskets) crushed and enemy force of samurai
- first time firearms were used effectively in battle in Japan
- he was not able to unify Japan
- committed “seppuku” (ritual suicide of a samurai) in 1582 whe one fo his own generals tuened on him
Toyotomi Hideyoshi
- Nobunaga’s best general
- continued him mission
- he set out to destroy the daimyo that remained hostile
- 1590= he controlled most of the country (combined a brute force with shrewd political alliances)
- wanted to conquer China
- 1592= invaded Korea
- began a long campaign against Koreans and Ming Chinese allies
- 1598= died, troops withdrew form Korea
Tokugawa Ieyasu
- one of Hideyoshi’s strongest daimyo allies
- completed the unification of Japan
- 1600= he defeated his rivals at the Battle of Sekigahara
- this victory earned him the loyalty of daimyo throughout Japan
- moved capital to Edo (Tokyo)= small fishing village, Japan’s power base
- 1603= became the sole ruler of Japan (shogun)
- required daimyo to spend every other yr in the capital to keep them from rebelling
- “alternate attendance policy”= major step toward restoring centralized gov to Japan
- had to leave families as hostages in Edo when the retuned to their land
- founded Tokugawa Shogunate
- died 1616
- advised son (Hidetada) to “Take care of the people” and to “strive to be virtuous”….”Never neglect to protect the country
Tokugawa Shogunate
- founded by Tokugawa Ieyasu
- this held power until 1867
- Ieyasu advised son (Hidetada) to “Take care of the people” and to “strive to be virtuous”….”Never neglect to protect the country
Society in Tokugawa Japan
- Structured Society……
1. emperor= top rank but only a figurehead
2. shogun= actual ruler
3. daimyo
4. samurai
5. peasants= made up 4/5 of population, artisans
6. merchants= bottom but gradually became more important as Japanese economy expanded - Confucian values influenced idea ideas about society
- Confucius= ideal society depended on agriculture, not commerce
- famers made ideal citizens, not merchants
- peasant farmers bore the main tax burden and faced more difficulties than any other class
- many abandoned farm life and headed for expanded towns and cities
- they mixed with samurai, artisans, and merchants
- society= became rural, rather than urban
- rise of commercial centers= increased employment oppotunities for women
- women found jobs in entertainment, textile manufaturing, and publishing
- majoriity of women led sheltered and restricted lives as peasnat wives (worked in fields, managed the household, cared for childre, obeyed husband withou country
Culture Under the Tokugawa Shogunate
- traditional culture continued to thrive
- samuria attended ceremonial noh dramas (baed on tragic themes)
- read tales of ancient warriors and their courage in battle
- new styles of literature, drama, and art
- haiku
- kabuki
- 5-7-5-syllable. 3-line verse poetry
- presents images rather than ideas
- Matsuo Basho= greatest haiku poet
kabuki theater
-where actors in elaborate costumes, using music, dance, and mime, performed skits about modern life
Japan Encounters Europeans
- 1543= Japanese first encounter Europeans
- Portuguese sailors/ merchants, who wanted to involved themselves in Japan’s trade with China and Southeast Asia came to Japan
- they brough clocks, eyeglasses, tabacco, firearms…….
- Japanese= eaget to expand markets
- daimyo welcomed strangers
- interested in Portuguese muskets and cannons (wantd advantage overhis rivals
- traditional weapon= sword; musket= easier to win against samurai with swords
- peasants were recruited by the daimyoto use muskets\
- cannons= huge impact;
- daimyo had to build fortified castles that could withstand cannonballls
- castes= attracted merchants, atisans…….
- Edo (Tokyo), Osaka, Himeji, Nagoya
Christian Missionaries in Japan
- 1549=Christian missionaries began coming to Japan
- they brough muskets
- Jesuits, Franciscans, Dominicans,…………
- Frncis Xavier= Jesuit; led first mission to Japan; baptized about 100 convertsbefore he left Japan
- by 1600= other European missionaries had converted 300,000 Japanese to Christianity
- Ieyasu banned Christianity
- rebellion= 30,000 peasants, led by samurai
- shosguns then believed the Christianity was the root of rebellion
- European missionaries were killed or driven out of Japan
- All Japanese were forced to demonstate faithfulness to some branch of Buddhism
“closed country policy”
- limited contancts woth Europeans
- one port (Nagasaki) was open to traders
- partially bc of the persecution of Chritians
- attempt to control foreign ideas
- only Dutch and Chinese merchants were allowed into the port