unit 12: nutritional considerations Flashcards
how many weeks does it take a fetus to develop into a fully formed human?
40 weeks
what happens to the single cell days after fertilization? where does it get its nutrients?
- days after fertilization, the single cell divides rapidly to form a ball of cells and begins to differentiate and move to form body structures
- obtains energy from the fluid around it
what happens within the first and second week of fertilization?
- a week after fertilization, developing embryo burrows into uterine lining
- after 2 weeks, implantation is complete and ball of cells is now an embryo
what occurs during the embryonic stage? how long does it last?
- cells differentiate to form specialized cell types that make up the human body
- lasts until the 8th week
- by the end, embryo is 3cm long, has a beating heart, and fundamental internal/external structures
where does the embryo receive its nutrients from?
- early embryo receives nourishment by breaking down uterine lining
- after 5 weeks, placenta takes over nourishment while secreting hormones that maintains pregnancy
what occurs during the fetal period? where does the fetus get nutrients?
- from 9th week on, structures formed from the embryonic stage grow and mature
- fetus length increases from 3cm to 50cm
- placenta nourishes the fetus till birth
what is the placenta?
- branch like projections that extend from the embryo into the uterine lining
- allows nutrients and oxygen to pass from maternal to fetal blood and waste products to be transferred from fetal to maternal blood
what is the recommendation for food intake during pregnancy?
increase daily food intake by only two or three food guide servings
how can you alleviate morning sickness?
can be alleviated by eating small, frequent snacks of dry, starchy foods
why does constipation occur during pregnancy?
constipation is caused because the colon muscles are relaxed and less efficient & weight of the uterus puts pressure on the colon
why is the a stronger urge to urinate during pregnancy?
as uterus grows, it puts pressure on the bladder increasing the urge to urinate
why should protein be increased during pregnancy?
protein increased for synthesis of new blood cells, formation of placenta, enlargement of uterus & breasts, and growth of baby
why should carbohydrates be increased during pregnancy?
carbohydrates increased to ensure that there is sufficient glucose to fuel fetal and maternal brains
why should essential fatty acids be increased during pregnancy?
essential fatty acids increased because they are incorporated into the placenta and fetal tissue
what is the life expectancy in Canada?
80.4 years old
what are the 3 determining factors of how long an individual lives and the rate in which they age?
determined by genes, lifestyle, and environment
why is it harder for the elderly to meet their recommended daily water intake?
- reduced sense of thirst
- mobility limitations
why is dehydration a greater risk in the elderly?
kidneys are less efficient and there are medication that increase water loss
why is the recommendation for vitamin B12 amongst elderly people?
consume foods fortified with vitamin B12 or taking a supplement because vitamin B12 in food is not absorbed efficiently due to atrophic gastritis
wha are the 3 factors that increase malnutrition in the elderly?
- physiological changes
- decline in muscle size/strength - illness
- use of medication
what causes macular degeneration and cataracts? how can you prevents/slow damage?
- oxidative damage
- consuming foods with antioxidant nutrients may slow/prevent damage
what is the DETERMINE checklist?
- used to identify elderly at risk of malnutrition
D isease E ating poorly T ooth loss/mouth pain E conomic hardship R educed social support M ultiple medicines I nvoluntary weight loss/gain N eeds assistance in self-care E lder over age 80