Unit 11 Chapter 10 Rescucitation Interventions Flashcards
Airway/ Cervical Spine
-Establish a patent airway by positioning, suctioning, and administering oxygen as needed.
-Protect the cervical spine by maintaining alignment; use a jaw-thrust maneuver if there is a risk for spinal injury.
-If the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score is 8 or lower or the patient is at risk for airway compromise, prepare for endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation.
Assess breath sounds and respiratory effort. Observe for chest wall trauma or other physical abnormality.
Prepare for chest decompression if needed. Prepare to assist ventilations if needed.
Monitor vital signs, especially blood pressure and pulse. Maintain vascular access with a large-bore catheter.
Use direct pressure for external bleeding; anticipate need for a tourniquet for severe, uncontrollable extremity hemorrhage, wound packing, and/or use of a hemostatic dressing.
D: Disability
Evaluate the patient’s level of consciousness (LOC) using the GCS.
Re-evaluate the patient’s LOC frequently.
E: Exposure
Remove all clothing for a complete physical assessment.
Prevent hypothermia (e.g., cover the patient with blankets, use heating devices, infuse warm solutions).