Unit 1 Vocab Flashcards
An individual who does work under a contract that typically works 5-7 yrs in exchange for passage to North America
Indentured Servants
Established a haven for Quakers in Pennsylvania
William Penn
Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony who wanted to create an ideal colony
John Winthrop
The second permanent English colony in North America
Plymouth Colony
Puritan dissenter who was kicked out of Massachusetts
Anne Hutchinson
Church members who wanted to “purify” or reform the Church of England
This religious group believes that everyone has an “inner light”
Puritan dissenter who was kicked out of Massachusetts and formed the colony of Rhode Island
Roger Williams
Royal colony who was funded by a joint-stock company; later included Plymouth
Massachusetts Bay Colony
__________ were a series of mercantilist laws that restricted colonial trade.
Navigation Acts
___________, which held that a country’s ultimate goal was self-sufficiency and that all countries were in a competition to acquire the most gold and silver, led to the British controlling the economics of the colonies
Great Britain practiced a policy known as __________ where the colonies could govern themselves
Salutary Neglect
One grown primarily for sale than for the farmer’s own use.
Cash Crop
A three way trading process from Europe to West Africa, West Africa to Americas, and Americas to Europe.
Triangular Trade
The voyage that bought Africans to the West Indies and later to North America.
Middle Passage
_________ , an Enlightenment thinker, “discovered electricity” through the use of science and reasoning.
Benjamin Franklin
The era of the __________ saw the questioning for institutions, such as the church.
One of the most known preachers of the __________ was _______________, who had a sermon called “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”
Great Awakening , Jonathan Edwards
To avoid further conflicts with Native Americans, the British government issued the _________________ , which banned all settlement west of the Appalachians.
Proclamation of 1763
One of the taxes issued to help pay for the French and Indian War was the ___________, which placed a tax on molasses.
Sugar Act
The conflict that broke out between France and Great Britain, known as the __________________, resulted in the British taking over all of New France.
French and Indian War
One heroic figure of the French and Indian War was _________________
George Washington
These were a series of indirect taxes that levied duties on imported materials, such as glass, lead, paint, and paper
Townshend Acts
Leader of Great Britain; enraged by colonial actions against the British
King George III
Established to communicate with other colonies regarding threats to American liberties
Committees of Correspondence
Resulted from the Quartering Act; presented as a British attack on defenseless citizens
Boston Massacre
Punishment for the Boston Tea Party; the Boston Harbor remained closed until the ruined tea was payed for
Intolerable Acts
Resulted from the Tea Act; Colonists were punished for pouring out British tea into the Boston Harbor through Intolerable Acts
Boston Tea Party
This direct tax required colonists to purchase special stamped paper for every legal document, license, newspaper, pamphlet, and almanac
Stamp Act
________________, who was inspired by the Enlightenment, wrote the ___________________ which stated that “All men are created equal.”
Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence
The ________________ sent the _______________ to King George III as a way to avoid going to war against the British; however, this group eventually created a Continental Army appointing George Washington as its commander.
Second Continental Congress, Olive Branch Petition
Two groups formed in the colonies during the Revolutionary period: The _______________ wanted to go to war against the British and gain independence, and the _____________ wanted to remain loyal to King George III and Great Britain.
Patriots, Loyalist
Thomas Paine’s __________________ was a 50-page pamphlet that encouraged the colonies to go to war against the British
Common Sense
A french military leader who offered great assistance to the American cause.
Marquis de Lafayette
Confirmed U.S. independence and set the boundaries of the new nation.
Treaty of Paris
A belief in the equality of all people
Allowed several investors to pool their wealth in support of a colony that would yield a profit.
Joint-Stock Companies
Founded in Virginia in 1607