Unit 1: Colonial Regions and American Revolution Flashcards
What was the reason for American Colonization in the New England Colonies?
Religious Freedom and to escape religious persecution
What was the reason for American Colonization in the Southern Colonies?
Economic purposes/to make money
What did the Puritans create?
City Upon the Hill
The idea that it was a godly model colony for all others to look up to
City Upon the Hill
What colony had little religious tolerance?
New England Colonies
Who founded Pennsylvania?
William Penn
Who believed that everyone had an inner light?
An intellectual movement that emphasized the use of reason and the scientific method
The Enlightenment
- A revival of religious feeling
- A return to Puritan Values and a rededication to God.
The Great Awakening
Religious equality that fostered the development of democratic political institutions
Egalitarian Dream
How was the Egalitarian Dream destroyed?
The dream was destroyed as economic prosperity developed and immigration increased, so did class distinctions.
What was The House of Burgesses a symbol of?
Representative Government
Allowed the colonies to rule themselves
Salutary Neglect
Democratically elected congresses meant to run the colony
Colonial Assemblies
Colonial assemblies controlled the tax money collected in the colony
Power of the Purse
What colony had poor soil and did not depend on slave labor?
New England Colonies
What did New England’s economy depend on?
Rich Forest = Ship building = the rise of merchant sailors and fishermen (close to ocean with good harbors)
Describe the Mid-Atlantic economy
Export trade in food stuffs (wheat – “Bread Basket”
Describe the Southern economy
Cash Crops (tobacco, rice, and indigo)
What was the specific trade route from Europe to West Africa, West Africa to Americas, and Americas to Europe?
Triangular Trade
In the Triangular Trade, what did Europe give West Africa?
Textiles, rum, and manufactured goods
In the Triangular Trade, what did West Africa give to America?
In the Triangular Trade, what did America give to Europe?
Sugar, tobacco, and cotton
The belief that the colonies existed in order to serve the economic interests of the mother country
No country could trade with the colonies unless the goods were shipped in either colonial or British ships
Navigation Acts
Recognized the rights of Englishmen to be consulted on the levying of taxes
Magna Carta
- Furthered the idea that people had the right to be consulted on taxes through their representatives
- People have the right to religious freedom
- English law clearly stated that everyone had to obey the law, even the king
English Bill of Rights
What was the Mayflower compact?
- Settlers agree with each other to obey laws
- Gov. derives its authority from the people
- Establishment of self-gov
What are examples of self-gov in the colonies?
Virginia House of Burgesses, Mayflower Compact, and New England Town meetings
What was John Locke’s Social Contract Theory?
- Man had natural rights to life, liberty, and property
- The authority of the government rests on the will of the people
In the French and Indian War who fought against each other?
The French and Indian fought together against the British and the colonists
Who is one heroic figure of the French and Indian War?
George Washington
What ended the French and Indian War?
Treaty of Paris in 1763
What did the British Parliament pass that forbid colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains?
Proclamation of 1763
What ended after the French and Indian War?
Salutary Neglect
Who created “Join or Die” and what did it mean
Benjamin Franklin, proposed that the colonies unite to form a federal government
What taxes did England impose on the colonies to help pay for the war debt?
- Sugar Tax
- Stamp Act
What led to the cry of “no taxation without representation?”
Parliament’s failure to recognize the exclusive right of the colonial assemblies to collect taxes
- Resulted directly from the Stamp Act
A group that was created to scare off tax collectors
The Sons of Liberty
What led to the Boston Massacre?
The Quartering Act
What act taxed on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea?
Townshend Act
Reinforced a tea tax in the American colonies
Tea Act
What act resulted in the Boston Tea Party?
The Tea Act
What Act was created in response to the Boston Tea Party?
Intolerable Act
What Act closed the port of Boston until the colonists paid for the tea?
Intolerable Act
Agreed to boycott British goods and services
First Continental Congress (1774)
- “Shot heard ‘round the world”
- Began the Revolutionary War
Lexington and Concord (1775)
What Continental Congress sent the Olive Branch Petition to the King of England requesting peace, but the King rejected it and declared them traitors?
2nd Continental Congress
Who published Common Sense?
Thomas Paine
What did Montesquieu argued for?
Separation of Powers in order to avoid tyranny
Who published Wealth of the Nations?
Adam Smith
What was Adam Smith beliefs?
That the role of government was to maintain law and order, protect the rights of private property, regulate the monetary system, and undertake the few necessary public projects.
Colonists who were for independence?
Colonists who were opposed to independence (wanted to stay loyal to the king)
This document declared that the thirteen American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, regarded themselves as independent states, and no longer a part of the British Empire.
Declaration of Independence
What were voting rights like during colonial period?
Only white men who own land were allowed to vote.
These groups have been historically disempowered and oppressed by influential and discriminatory group
Marginalized groups