unit 1 Slideshow C Part 1 Flashcards
what is collectivism?
an ideology that places the needs and goals of the collective, or group before those of individuals.
What is early collectivism?
studies that showed that the earliest human societies were collectivists and needed to work in groups to live.
what are some examples of indigenous cultures of collectivism?
-land holding
-decision making
-educating & raising children
What is individualism?
ideology that places the rights and freedoms of the individual over the whole group
what is liberalism?
an ideology based on dignity and freedom of the individual as the foundation for society
What is the social contract theory?
Understanding written or not where each individual of a society agrees to be goverened so that they benefit from living in that society.
-originated during the enlightenment
what are some examples of “benefits from society” when agreeing to the social contract theory?
-access to economic opputunities
What is the rule of law?
Idea that the law itself is the greatest power and all individuals are equal and subject to the same laws.
what did the collapse of the roman empire do?
provided structure to society and the loss of it created chaos.
-created aristocracy
what was the medieval society?
-people lived in villages
-population was mostly peasants
-people were basically owned by lords
-kings had power through God
what is divine rights of kings?
idea that kings right to rule are from God
What is feudalism?
System in which people were given land and protection by people of higher rank, and worked and fought for them in return
what is absolutism?
where the monarch holds absolute and supreme authority to govern
what is the renaisance?
Cultural rebirth in Europe. Focused on art, science, and humanism. Inspired by Greek & Roman ideas. Shift from Middle Ages to modern thinking.
when was the renaissance?
what was the protestant reformation?
breaking away from the Catholic Church.
-focuses on individual relationship with God
what effects did the protestant reformation have on the Catholic Church?
challenged the authority of the church.
-ideas were being spread bythe prining press
-led to growth of individualism
when was the protestant reformation?
what was the scientific revoution?
copernicus: heliocentric solar system marked the beginning of the period
-focuses on rationality, scientific method
what was the english civil war?
established that the king couldnt rule wihtout the consent of an ellected parliament.
What was the gloriuous revolution?
bill of rights (Habeas Corpus)
-supremacy of paliament over the monarch
What was the French Revolution?
Period of time in France when the people overthrew the monarchy and took control of the government
What are the political roots of liberalism?
All members of society have the same legal rights and freedoms, regardless of gender, race or economic status.
What is the Declaration of Independence?
document, written in the American colonies, was the first to legally recognize the rights of individuals
What is the declaration of the rights of man and citizen
Document during the French Revolution that called for equal rights of all classes of French citizens. Bourgeoisie and peasant class called for this
What was the motto of the French Revolution?
Liberty, equality, fraternity
What was the Magna Carta?
First document to put in writing that the king and his government are not above the law
Did the Magna Carta have immediate impacts?
No because king John reversed the law immediately which then led to the war
What is a social contract?
When people agree to give up certain rights and accept a central authority in order to protect their other rights
Who was the first of the philosophers to write about the social contract?
Thomas Hobbes
Who is Adam smith?
Considered the father of capitalism
-believed government shouldn’t interfere at all in the economy and that an invisible hand will guide it for everyone’s best interest.
What are the social roots of liberalism?
Everyone should be treated as equals and there should not be a class system. Everyone should have the freedom to pursue a high quality of life.
What is the main components of individualism ACRONYM?
What does the individualistic acronym PRICES stand for?
- Private property
- Rule of law
- Individual rights and freedoms
- Competition
- Economic freedom
- Self interest
What is private property?
Material possessions, including lands that are owned by an individual or group
What is individual rights and freedoms?
The rights and freedoms associated with personal liberty, such as freedom of religion and of association and freedom of speech
What is competition?
The competition for economic, social, or political advantage aims to benefit consumers with quality goods at low prices.
What is economic freedom?
The ability of individuals to act freely as consumers and producers within an economic system
What is self interest?
One’s personal interest or advantage;seeking to satisfy their needs