Unit 1 Flashcards
What is the left
Advocates of radical change, republicans
What is the right
Supporters of the existing order, monarchists
What is a radical
Wants a large change; may support the use of violence
-desire to completely destroy existing system and replace it with something brand new
-far lefts
What is a liberal?
Wants change, but not completely change the system. Interested in progress, convinced change is good for society
What is a moderate?
Open to change if necessary, but at a slower pace
-generally happy with status quo, they want evidence that change will benefit society
What is a progressive?
Believes in reform, progress and social justice
What is a conservative?
Wants to keep the status quo
-résistent to radical change
what is a reactionary?
would like to change back to the way things used to be; may support the use of violence.
what is a democracy?
-type of government where power is in the people
-democracy desribes the moderate position
what is a dictatorship?
type of government where a single leader or group holds supreme authority
-no tolerance for political opposition or free media
what do those on the left feel about the economic spectrum?
that the government should have more control, believing this brings more stability and equality to society
what do those on the right feel about the economic spectrum?
Believe government should not get involved
- gov should let the market run itself
what is socialism?
left wing economic ideology
what is communism?
system where everyone shares resources equally, aiming for a classless society.
what is facism?
Fascism is a way of ruling where a strong leader has complete control, and the country focuses on extreme pride and loyalty to the nation.
what is authoritarian?
System of government where one person or a small group has all the power and makes decisions without much input or freedom from the people.
what is anarchism?
the absence of government and law
-may be violent
-can be either end of spectrum
what is a libertarian?
believe in freedom of choice and how they “didnt accept” to be governed therefor dont need to do what the gov says
-ex paying taxes
-often live off grid
what is an ideology?
system of thought based on beliefs and values about how the world works and how we should live tg
what is a worldview?
how the world is
what is a simplified defintion of ideology?
how the world should be