Unit 1 - Notecards Flashcards
In Meopotamia), civilization rose with city-states called Sumer. Was created during Sumer’s height of culture. Need to have info recorded in trade, government..etc The first type of writing developed by the Sumerians, wrote on clay tablets First systems of writing. Influenced other civilizations to create/adopt their own system of writing.
Sargon I
Some city states in Sumer ruled by generals First ruler of the Akkadian Empire, known for his conquests of the Sumerian city-states around 2300 BC Created first empire in Mesopotamia & world’s first permanent army
Steppes of South Russia, north of black sea, tribes in the Fertile Crescent Tribes that invaded Babylon who spoke related languages. Most likely driven out of land by drought, conflict, or lack of resources Bring knowledge of chariots and iron working
Some land not suited for agriculture, north of the black sea, in central Asia Homeland of Indo-Europeans with flat plains and arid (dry) grasslands Conditions of the Steppes made the Indo-Europeans leave and conquer great civilizations in the Middle East, India and Europe
Jewish people began writing down events related to Abraham and successors who made covenant with God 5 books on history. Sacred text of Judaism. Part of Hebrew Bible. Foundation for Christian Bible and Koran.
Some followers of polytheism began to worship ONE all powerful God Worship of one all-powerful God Monotheism becomes one of fastest growing trends in religion
Darius I
Rose to power after rebellion & death of Cambyses (son of Cyrus) The height of the Persian Empire was reached under his rule Created standing army, elite soldiers. Surrounded kingship with ceremony & ritual. Chose governors called Satraps to maintain control; minted coins & increased trade, built Royal Road
Regions could be governed even if the king isn’t there Governors chosen by the king to represent the king in a region Rule and order was established
Not all the Jewish were willing to take Roman arms The Jewish spiritual leader who would restore the ancient kingdom and bring peace Still kept the religion alive
Peter the Apostle founded the Roman Church and acted as first bishop Popes were bishops of Rome and were seen as Peter’s spiritual heirs Believed all future popes would inherit keys to kingdom heaven. All bishops should acknowledge authority of Pope as head of Church
People in Mecca persecute Muhammad and his followers, death of powerful uncle Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Medina Islam spreads in Medina and Muhammad conquers Mecca, becomes year 1 in calendar
Five Pillars of Islam
Taught people how to act when worshipping God 5 basic acts of worship, guidelines for moral behavior People’s lifestyle changes still exist today
Muhammad dies without having a successor. Abu Bakr was close companion of Muhammad (prophet). Successor for leader position in Islam filled by Abu Bakr Caliphs ensured law and order. Inherited Muhammad’s quest to expand the Islamic world
Muslims didn’t like Muowiya Means “followers of the Sunna” or “way of the Prophet” Muslim reluctant followers of Umayyade Conflict could emerge between Muslims and Umayyed
At war with Sunni about Islamic border Means party of Ali, believed God blessed Ali’s descendants because they were Muhammad’s true heir, refused to go with Umayyads Caused great war between two
Harun al-Rashid
Helped Muslam culture spread Brought Muslim culture to great heights from 768 to 809 Helped produce achievements in Islamic arts and sciences
Astronomy was needed for religious obligation and navigations under the Caliphate An instrument used to find the positions and movements of stars and planets Calculated latitude & longitude, direction to Mecca, later adopted by Spanish and Portuguese to navigate globe
Faithful were called to pray Tall towers used to pay Landmarks of prayer sites
Christian boys were taken from conquered areas, and turned into elite soldiers Elite soldiers Had a giant army that could be used for conquest
Suleyman I
Controlled Ottoman Empire land, reformed tax system Suleyman the Magnificent, the law giver, ruler of Ottoman Empire from 1570 - 1566 Helped improve Ottoman Empire
Some regions of Earth better suited for agriculture Historical region in Western Asia within the Tigris -Euphrates river First agricultural civilization develops here (Sumer)
Large cities emerged in Mesopotamia 3000 BC and in the center there was a temple containing a ziggurat At the heart of the temple, pyramid shapped structure rose to the sky, where priests offered polytheistic worship Very important part of the temple, religion shaped people’s lives. Survive far into the future, copied by many civilizations.