Chapter 9.1 & 9.2 & 9.3 Flashcards
The Muslim religion started where?
The Arabian Peninsula
1,500 years ago small bands of bedouins (Desert nomads) moved their herds in the desert
What was the Arabian peninsula like?
Farming limited in Arabia
Trade routes
Ideas as well as merchandise exchanged
Towns rose near coasts
What was the most important town?
Mecca, near Red Sea, most important of coastal towns
What is the symbol in Mecca of the Muslim religion?
The Kaaba, cube-shaped structure, at heart of Mecca
Possible meteorite built into one wall, “relic from heaven”
Site drew religious pilgrims
What god did Muslims believe?
One god considered supreme: Allah
Who was the Muslims’ most important messenger?
Muhammad the Messenger
Why was Muhammad so important to Muslims?
Angel appeared to him, commanded him to speak messages from Allah
Muhammad concluded God had chosen him to be prophet
What messages did Muhammad receive? From whom?
Among many messages from angel, Muhammad reported Allah one and only true and all-powerful God
Other messages, instructions on how to live to please Allah, reach paradise
Why did Muhammad and his followers leave Mecca?
Muhammad began to preach in public, attracted many followers
Some powerful Meccans did not accept teachings
Many disliked Muhammad’s criticism of traditional beliefs in many gods
After uncle’s death Muhammad knew he and followers not safe in Mecca
Where did Muhammad move to from Mecca? When?
In 622, Muhammad moved to Medina
What was Medina known as?
What was the journey from Mecca to Medina known as?
Medina, “the Prophet’s City”
Journey from Mecca to Medina came to be known as hegira
What was the faith build by Muhammad?
What were his followers called?
Muhammad spent decade building community of believers
Called faith Islam , meaning “achieving peace through submission to God”
Followers known as Muslims
What happened to Mecca?
People of Mecca who wanted Muhammad stopped did not give up
Fought several battles
630, Muhammad controlled Mecca
What are the writings of Islam called?
Writings Muslims believe as direct revelations from God collected in Qur’an (or Koran), sacred test of Islam
Describe the Quran (Koran)
Allah’s teachings
Religious experience in rhythm, beauty of words
Full meaning known only in original Arabic language
Translations not true representation
The basic ideas of Islam were known as ___________
Five Pillars of Islam
Describe the 5 pillars of Islam
Profession of faith
Performance of five daily prayers
Giving of alms to poor, needy
Fasting during month of Ramadan
Make pilgrimage to Mecca
What is the pilgrimage to Mecca?
What was the journey called?
What did the pilgrims do at Mecca?
Muslims physically, financially able required to go to Mecca
Journey called the hajj
Gather to pray in mosque
Perform various rituals, walk seven times around Kaaba
Climb Mount Arafat, site of Muhammad’s last sermon
What are the guidelines for behavior?
Qur’an provides guidelines for moral behavior
Muslims may not eat pork, drink alcohol
Qur’an prohibits murder, lying, stealing
Requires jihad , to defend Muslims, also means “holy war” or inner struggle
The traditions of Islam are called __________
What guidance is given?
Record of Muhammad’s behavior, teachings known as Sunna “tradition,” provides guidance in personal relationships, business
What is the legal system called?
What is it about?
Muslim legal system known as Sharia , reflects rules by which Muslims should live, outlines method of reasoning, argument for legal cases, made up of opinions, writings over several centuries
Is Islam monotheistic?
Islam monotheistic like Jewish, Christian faiths
Describe some Islamic beliefs
Allah same as God in Jewish, Christian
Abraham, Moses, Jesus God’s messengers
Muhammad, last of God’s prophets
Qur’an represents God’s final message
Muslims told to respect Jews, Christians as “people of the book;” share tradition of prophets who taught, received God’s revelations
What happened after Muhammad died in 632?
The death of Muhammad in 632 presented a challenge for the Muslim community.
What was successor to Muhammad?
What was this successor called?
Abu Bakr , close companion, chosen leader, called caliph “successor”
What did Ahu Bahr, the successor do?
Built strong Arab fighting forces to keep tribes under control
Reunified Arabia
Did Arabia expand?
Expansion of Territory
Successor Umar, expanded Muslim rule
637 early victory against Persian forces in Iraq
642 victory over Persian Empire complete
Did Muslim followers create an empire?
Was it peaceful?
More Expansion - After Iraq, Persia, Arab army faced wealthy Byzantine Empire to west. Arab conquer Damascus, Syria, Jerusalem, Nile Valley, and Egypt
Empire - Only 10 years after Muhammad’s death, followers had created empire. Conquests continued under later caliphs.
Internal Conflict and Division - Deep conflict within Muslim leadership, began with choice of Abu Bakr, caliph. Some had supported Muhammad’s cousin, Ali. Led to internal division and civil wars
What did the Shia believe?
Shia believed God had specially blessed Ali’s descendants
Ali’s descendants, Muhammad’s true heirs
Shia called each of Ali’s successors imam (Imam means “leader”)
For the shia, only imams can interpret the Qur’an
What do the Sunni believe?
Sunni believe leaders must lead according to Muhammad’s philosophy.
Does not have to be a descendant.
How did Islam affect Muslim Society
Islam affected almost all aspects of daily life, providing guidance on how Muslims should deal with many issues
How did Islam affect THE FAMILY?
Islam set forth roles withinfamily
Man head of family
Men could have several wives
Husbands supposed to treat all wives equally
Rights of women, children protected
How did Islam affect WOMEN
Rights of women varies
According to Qur’an, women equal to men before Allah
Women could inherit property, seek divorce in some cases
Played vital roles
Went into battle
Influenced politics
How did Muslims make advances in mathematics
From India, adopted symbols 0 through 9
System became known as Arabic numerals
Algebra and trigonometry also came from Muslim thinkers
Give examples of how Islam affected ASTRONOMY
Discoveries - Astronomy, some stars still bear names given by Muslim discoverers. Astronomy came to Muslim world through texts from Persia, India
Almagest - Most important influence on astronomy, Ptolemy’s work, first translated into
Arabic 800s. Described movements of stars & planets, predicted paths
Astronomers - Muslim astronomers built observatories; created calendar still in use.
Muslims needed to predict phases of moon to plan religious festivals. Perfected astrolabe, used in navigation to plot positions of stars, planets
How did Islam affect MEDICINE
Medicine highly developed
Doctors in Baghdad had to pass rigorous tests in order to practice
Baghdad had world’s first school of pharmacy
eye surgery
Different instruments invented, perfected
Ibn Sina most well-known medical scholar of time
How did Islam affect HISTORY
1300s, Ibn Khaldun wrote history of world
Historians still interested in comments
Warned against basic errors like bias, praising rulers too highly in order to gain favor
Describe other fields of study by Muslims
Geographers made many strides
Pilgrims needed to find way to Mecca, travel guides written
One geographer measured earth’s circumference with much accuracy
Describe Muslim influence on ARTS and LITERATURE
Islamic Art - Muslim artists worked in range of materials, wood, metal, ceramics, textiles
Religious art does not contain human, animal figures
Patterns, Designs - Avoidance of figures led to use of geometric patterns, floral designs. Intricate design known as an arabesque
Idolatry - Believed portraying people, animals could tempt worship. Worshipping anyone, anything besides Allah the worst possible sin
What was a distinctive feature of Islamic art?
Another distinctive feature of Islamic art, calligraphy - beautifully styled writing
Artists who produced copies of Qur’an sought perfection in reproduction of word of Allah
Artful representation of words became central part of Islamic art
Describe distinction of Muslim Architecture
Architecture in Muslim world also developed distinctive features
Several forms, plans for building mosques developed
All have features in common - Minarets, tall towers from which faithful called to prayers. Domes