Chapter 6.4 Flashcards
Who conquered Israel? When?
63 BC, Romans conquered Judaea (Israel)
Who was King?
Who ruled region?
Chose new Jewish King
but Roman Prefect (Governor) rule region
What was the compromise between the Jews and the Romans?
Jews had to pay tribute to Romans but unwilling to abandon Judaism for polytheistic religion of Romans
Roman leaders allowed Jews to practice religion as long as they paid tribute and maintained civic order
Who was the leader that emerged?
What was his teaching?
Jesus of Nazareth
A spiritual leader named Jesus of Nazareth emerged, teaching people to prepare for God’s Judgment Day
What is source of all knowledge of Jesus?
Nearly all knowledge of Jesus comes from Gospels—first four books of New Testament
What are the books that make up today’s Christian Bible?
New Testament and books of Hebrew Bible make up today’s Christian Bible
Where was Jesus born?
What did he study?
Jesus born in Bethlehem, near Jerusalem
Learned carpentry, studied writings of Jewish prophets
What were the followers of Jesus called? How many?
Jesus preached message of God, gathered group of 12 disciples
What did Jesus do that created excitement?
Created excitement by performing miracles of healing; defending poor, oppressed
Give 2 major things that Jesus taught people?
Instructed people to repent of sins, seek God’s forgiveness
Must love God above all, love others as much as self
Who did not like Jesus? Why?
Jesus’s popularity, crowds alarmed authorities who feared political uprisings
What happened to Jesus?
Jesus arrested & sentenced to death by Roman Governor Pontius Pilate
According to _________, after crucifixion, what happened to Jesus?
According to New Testament, after crucifixion
Jesus rose from dead
Spent 40 days teaching disciples
Ascended into heaven
What did followers believe Jesus to be?
What does this mean?
Followers believed Resurrection, Ascension revealed Jesus as the Messiah
Messiah - the “chosen one” by God
After Jesus’s death, what religion spread?
What was the key teaching?
The Spread of Christianity
After Jesus’s death, his disciples began teaching that all people could achieve salvation and everlasting life
Who were the people that spread the message of Jesus?
Jesus’s 12 disciples worked to spread the message
Apostles traveled widely
Who helped spread Christianity the most?
Paul of Tarsus
Had actively opposed those teaching that Jesus was the Messiah
Paul had a CONVERSION and helped spread Christianity and Jesus’ message
Who did NOT like the spread of Christianity? What happenen?
As Christianity spread through Roman world, some local officials feared Christians conspiring against them; arrested, killed many Christians
What were the Christians who died for their faith called?
Those killed seen by Christians as martyrs , people who die for their faith
How did the Romans treat Christianity?
Large-scale persecution by Romans grew as rulers saw Christianity as threat
Which Emperor converted to Christianity?
Emperor Constantine converts to Christianity
What did Constantine do for Christianity? This was called his _______
What happened to other religion?
AD 313, Constantine made Christianity legal within empire, Edict of Milan
Constantine & Priests select the Gospels, voted on the divinity of Jesus
By late 300s, polytheism gradually disappeared from empire