Chapter 2.3 & 2.4 Flashcards
Who were the ancestors of the Jews?
To the Hebrews, the laws of God are contained in the _______
This contained God’s __________
The Torah - laws of God
God’s covenant
Who were the early Hebrews and where did they live?
What was their status?
Israelites in Egypt
Slaves in Egypt
How did the Israelites leave Egypt?
What guided the Israelites?
MOSES led the Israelites in an EXODUS out of Egypt
Moses received THE 10 COMMANDMENTS
Where did the Israelites go?
What was this place called then?
What is the place called now?
Promised Land
Israelites in desert
Wondered in desert
for 40 years
Canaan = Israel
Describe the Kingdom of Israel:
What were communities like?
What was government like?
Who enforced laws?
What were the Israelites focused on?
Scattered communities
No central government
Judges enforce laws
Prophets keep Israelites focused on faith
Name the 3 Kings. Describe how was each king
Saul, first Israelite king - Never won full support
David, second king - Strong king (David & Goliath)
Solomon, David’s son - Israel reached height of wealth
What happened after the last king of Israel?
What kingdom rose?
What happened to the kingdoms?
What happened to the Jews?
Conflict after Solomon’s death
Two kingdoms, Israel and Judah
722 BC, Israel fell to Assyrians
586 BC, Judah fell to Chaldeans
Chaldeans enslaved Jews
Diaspora = scattering of Jews
What was the foundation of Hebrew and Jewish societies?
RELIGION - The Teachings of Judaism
Describe Judaism:
What was the belief?
What values?
Belief in One God - Monotheism
Justice and Righteousness - Kindness, fairness, code of ethics
Describe Judaism:
What law should be obeyed?
What was the sacred text?
Obedience to the Law - Ten Commandments
Jewish Sacred Text - Torah
What was the greatest empire in the ancient world?
The Persian Empire
Who conquered the Persians?
Did the Persians change after conquest?
Medes conquered Persians
Persians allowed to keep their own leaders as long as they did not rebel
The high point of Persian culture was ruled by __________
Darius I
How did Darius I keep his rule?
What did Darius create to govern?
Strengthened army, empire
Created satraps to help govern
SATRAPS - local ruler or governor
Who defeated the Medes and when?
Cyrus the Great
Defeated Medes in 559 BC
What did Cyrus do?
Was he respected?
Expanded Persian Empire
Freed Jews in Babylon
Respected by those he conquered
What happened to Persia after Darius?
Persia in Decline
Darius’ Son, Xerxes, failed to conquer Greece
During the reigns of ________ and ________, a new religion called ___________ took hold
During the reigns of Cyrus and Darius, a new religion called Zoroastrianism took hold, based on the teachings of Zoroaster.
What were the teachings of Zoroastrianism
Ahura Mazda, source of good
Ahriman, evil spirit
Dualism = good and evil
Free will
The Avesta (Holy book)
End of time
Who believed in Zoroastrianism?
What happened to Zoroastrianism as a religion?
Spread Much of Persian Empire
Darius worshipped Ahura Mazda
Other religions discouraged
The Greeks converted the Persians
Zoroastrianism never completely disappeared
What was the Persian achievements in terms of CULTURE?
How was Persian empire peaceful?
Blended Culture
Cyrus and Darius encouraged cultural unity
Shared culture led to peace
People worked together to improve empire
What was Persian achievement in terms of Communication?
Network of high quality roads
Royal Road = world’s first long highway
Horseback messengers in shifts
What was Persian achievement in terms of art & architecture?
Animals a common subject
Persepolis, monument to Persia’s glory
Greatest example of Persian architecture