Unit 1 Motor Development Flashcards
Head control
Can’t keep head in midline
Turn to Sid - 45’
Birth to 3 months
Like flexed posture
30’ day need tummy time
Didn’t have opportunity to be in prone
Can't keep head midline - hoppy Don't have co contraction Come in from side Look for asymmetry Start to develop he control Grasp rattle- can't release Moves arms and legs to build core strength
birth to 3 months
This is primitive reflexes rolling
If placed on the side will flop backward
No dissociation like a log roll- shoulders and hips stay together
Can roll from side to back
four months old
* this is a huge month developmentally
Start to develop midline orientation to play, Asymmetrical movement start to become more symmetrical
In supine can hold her head in midline and bring their hands to midline to play
Arms move forward and can lift head to 90° in midline and prone
Bring hand to mouth for self-feeding
Four months head control
The arms move forward in the head is in midline in supine and can lift had to 90° in midline and in prone
More social more smiling more interaction
Head writing reaction
It is a concern if at this stage the child cannot bring their hands into midline in supply
They start bridging at this point; But if they don’t lift it up or extremities it all and do a scooting on their head it can indicate something else is going on(if they’re putting pressure on their head it’ll affect the shape of the head and it is not good)
They had should be in line with their body which is a cocontraction
Head righting reactions should start p.61
Disassociated rolling - accidental or reflexive
Five months old
May start to see purposeful log roll
Start their swimming posture everything is lifted up the glue on their pros good for trunk control(this correlates with their ability to sit)5-8m
Can prop up on their elbows/small weight shifts in prone
Separating one side of the body from the other.
Your bottom lifts play with your feet and peddling their feet builds core; pulling up to sitting working on neck control
5 mo head and trunk
Counter balance on way down
5 mo prop sitting
Head in extension; lean forward on hands. Legs in ring
DS WITH LOW TONE - hang on bones & ligaments
They expend more energy because their muscles conserve
No protective reactions
6 mo
Fine motor - grasping
Brings object to mouth
Can release object
Reaching and grasping
6 mo
Prone pivot, weight shift in prone and lots of swimming
Elongation on side weight bearing and reaching side contracting
Rolling b4 crawling: purposeful, disassociation (legs trunk head)
Helps with transitional movement: prone to sit, sit to stand
Six months old rolling
Starts his logrolling they will before crawling
6 mo head and trunk control
Sit up with Boppy
May use one hand to support in one hand to play
Almost pulling themselves up
Six months old standing
Supported standing
Like to bounce& rock
7 months
They are explorers
They don’t like to stay in supine concerned if the child does not want to move; pushed up into quadruped
Working on sitting posture