Unit 1: Introduction to Psychology Flashcards
John Watson/Rosalie Rayner
Used classical conditioning to show how emotions become conditioned responses
As a pair they had an experiment with Little Albert, kind of like they are a family but they are not
Albert Bandura
Social cognitive theory (the influence of individual experiences and actions of others influences behavior)
“Bandura” sounds like band… if you are in a band the actions of the other members influence your behavior
Believed that everyone had to know themselves well in order to live → psychotherapy
Proposed the idea that the mind was the the primary reason for existence/function of the body
Picture a brain lit up and rest of the body dark
Rene Descartes
dualism: suggests there are two realms in existence
is physical realm which is environment and the things around us (mechanical)
Second realm is mental and “transcendent”, cannot he measured
think “double D”
Francis Bacon
Father of empiricism: states our only source of knowledge comes from our senses
Our only source of our knowledge comes from our senses….. a sense we have is smell….. We can smell bacon
John Locke
concept of tabula rasa: belief that the mind is a “blank state” at birth and we are formed and developed from our own experiences and environment
Blank state is locked mind is locked aka blank state
Wilhelm Wundt
Structuralism (eliminating interpretation to understand structure/characteristics of mind)
“Elm” in Wilhelm and “elim” in eliminating interpretation
Edward Titchener
Brought the “new psychology” and introduced Wundt’s scientific ideas to the United States
last name kind of sounds like teacher and he TAUGHT the US new scientific ideas
William James/Mary Calkins
Functionalism (behavior is based off adaptation and natural selection)
The name William is sort of an adaptation of Wilhelm… functionalism means that behavior is based off adaptation and natural selection
B.F. Skinner
Behaviorism (observing behavior to be able to control it)
Operant Conditioning chamber
B.F Skinner → B(ehavior). F(orming). Skinner
Sigmund Freud
psychoanalytic theory: focuses on the role of the unconscious and early childhood
Imagine the iceberg picture… ice under the water is unconscious
Carl Jung
Created individuation (psychological process of integrating conscious and unconscious). The collective unconscious
Jung pronounce “uhng” → unified (collective) unconscious
Karen Horney
feminist psychology and neurosis. Neurosis is caused by anxiety in interpersonal relationships. She beloved childhood anxiety triggers our desire for love and security
Last name: Horns - horns and horns can make you anxious - neurosis
Abraham Maslow
humanism: emphases the potential of good in everyone
Hierarchy of needs: 1) physiological 2) security 3) social 4) esteem 5) self actualization
Think of the picture of the triangle
Carl Rogers
Had an idea of person-centered conditioning in order to focus more on the present than the past.
Unconditional Positive Regard: “Roger that!!!”
Martin Seligman
Theory of Learned helplessness and positive psychology
“Come MAN you gotta be positive”
Psychodynamic Perspective
focuses on how underlying behaviors and emotions relate to childhood experiences
Behavioral Perspective
observable behaviors that are learned from an environment
Cognitive Perspective
examines one’s internal mental process
Humanistic Perspective
investigates concepts such as values, freedom and responsibility
Socio-cultural Perspective
focuses on larger-scale forces within cultures/ societies that affect emotions and behaviors
Biological Perspective
application of the principles of biology to the study of the mental process and behavior
Biopsychology Perspective
measures biological and physiological variables in order to relate them to behavior