unit 1- history of psychology Flashcards
wilhelm wundt
structuralism, father of modern psychology, first psychology experiment
g stanley hall
first president of the american psychological association
margaret floy washburn
first woman to complete her phd in psychology
william james
functionalism, father of american psychology, wrote principles of psychology
charles darwin
evolutionary perspective, natural selection/ evolution principles in On The Origin Of Species
mary whiton calkins
first woman president of the apa, denied phd because she was a woman
dorothea dix
historical figure, advocate for the mentally ill, created first mental hospitals across US and Europe
sigmund freud
psychoanalytic perspective, father of psychoanalysis, psychosexual stages, dream analysis
ivan pavlov
behavioral perspective, classical conditioning
bf skinner
behaviorism/ behavioral perspective, aversive conditioning
jean piaget
cognitive perspective, 4 stages of child cognitive development
carl rogers
humanistic perspective, client centered therapy
evolutionary psychology
mental processes exist because they serve an evolutionary purpose, they aid in survival and reproduction
psychodynamic psychology
emphasizes behavior is determined by your past experiences that are left in the unconscious mind and childhood experiences
cognitive psychology
focuses on internal processes of the mind influencing behavior
biological psychology
the influence of genetics and brain chemistry (physical and biological processes)
sociocultural psychology
focuses on society and culture in terms of our behavior and shaping cognition
humanistic psychology
human capacity for choice and growth, motivation for people to fulfill their potential
biopsychosocial psychology
overarching perspective, integrates biological, psychological and social forces
early psychological perspective that emphasized units of consciousness and identification of elements of thought through introspection
was focused on the purpose of the mind and how we use our mind to adapt to our environment
clinical psychologists
evaluate and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders
counseling psychologists
help people adapt to change or make changes in their life-style
developmental psychologists
study psychological development throughout the lifespan
educational psychologists
do research and add new knowledge to the field
industrial-organizational psychologists
aim to improve productivity and the quality of work like by apply psychological principles and methods to the workplace
personality psychologists
focus on traits, attitudes, and goals of the individual
focus on methods for acquiring and analyzing psychological data
social psychologists
focus on how a persons mental life and behavior are shaped by interactions with other people
positive psychologists
focus on what makes life most worth living, focusing on both individual and societal well-being