Unit 1- Food🍏 And Nutrition🍎 Flashcards
What are the TWO micro-nutrients?
- Vitamins.
- Minerals.
What are the THREE macro-nutrients?
- Protein.
- Fat.
- Carbohydrate.
What two things do we also need as well as nutrients for our bodies to function properly?
- Water.
- NSP.
How much of the HUMAN body is made up of water?
How much water should we take in our diets each DAY and why?
We should include about 2 litres of Water in our diet each day. This is because we are constantly LOSING water and must replace it!
What are FOUR symptoms of DEHYDRATION?
- Headache.
- Poor Concentration.
- Tiredness.
- Thirst.
Name SIX sources of water in our diet!
- Fruit and Veg.
- Soup.
- Milk.
- Fruit Juice.
- Jelly.
- Tea And Coffee.
Name FOUR functions of WATER!
- Eliminates Toxins (poisons).
- Regulates Body Temperature.
- Protects And Hydrates The Organs.
- Helps Transform Nutrients Into Energy.
What can NON-STARCH POLYSACCHARIDE also be known as?
- Dietary Fibre.
How much NSP should we aim to eat every DAY?
18g (grams)
What are FIVE good sources of NSP?
- Wholemeal Bread.
- Brown Rice.
- Brown Pasta.
- Skins Of Fruit And Veg.
- Wholegrain Breakfast Cereals.
What is PROTEIN needed for?
- Rapid Growth.
- Repair And Maintenance Of All Body Cells.
Name TWO ANIMAL sources and TWO PLANT sources of PROTEIN!
You could have chosen from…!
Animal Sources Plant Sources
- Fish. -Baked Beans.
- Eggs. -Chickpeas.
- Beef. -Bread.
- Cheese. -Nuts.
- Chicken. -Tofu.
What happens if you have TOO MUCH PROTEIN in your diet?
Damage To Kidneys!
What is FAT needed for?
- Provide A CONCENTRATED Source Of Energy.
- Insulates The Body To Maintain Temperature of 37c.
- Protects Vital Organs e.g Kidneys.
Name Two SATURATED FAT sources and Two UNSATURATED FAT sources!
You Could Have Chosen From…!
Saturated Fats Unsaturated Fats
- Cheese. -Olive Oil.
- Fat From Red Meats. -Sunflower Oil
- Butter. -Salmon.
- Cream.
What happens if you have TOO MUCH SATURATED FAT in your diet?
It may lead to…!
-Coronary Heart Disease.
Too Much Fat Of Any Kind May Lead To…!
The food a nutrient is found in:
The job a nutrient does in the body:
The food we eat on a regular basis:
A substance found in food that has a specific function in the body:
Not getting enough of a nutrient:
Getting too much of a nutrient:
Anything we eat or drink:
The study of food and its effects on the body:
A …?… is the first point of contact for patients with health concerns. He/she listens to the patients description of their symptoms then carries out tests, diagnoses for illness and disease, prescribes suitable treatments and refers patients for specialist help. Who is this?
A …?… gives advice to individuals and groups about their diets. He/she advises caterers in hospitals and nursing homes about menus and carries our research into links between food and its effects on the body
A …?… usually works alongside doctors in a hospital or health centre and monitors and advises individual patients. He/she will have detailed training to be able to support patients with specific diet related conditions such as diabetes be high blood pressure
How much is a portion of milk that we should take every day?
How much is a portion of yoghurt that we should eat every day?
150g pot
How much is a portion of cheese that we should eat every day?