Unit 1 - chapter 1 (thinking critically) Flashcards
Why do we need research?
Everyday thinking can sometimes lead to wrong conclusions
- hindsight bias: also known as the “I-knew-it-all-along” phenomenon
- overconfidence
- perceiving order in random events
independent variable
dependent variable
confounding variable
indp - the variable that is manipulated
dep - variable that changes based upon the independent variable
confounding - variable that is the control
case study
examines one individual or a group in depth
naturalistic observation
observing and recording behavior in naturally occuring situations
many cases and is less in depth
-uses self-report measures to learn about behaviors or opinions
descriptive research
this type of research means no manipulation
correlation coefficient
scatter plot
correlate - the relationship between two factors and how well they predict each other
correlation coefficient - a statistical measure that gives a numerical value to help us figure out how closely related two things are
scatter plot - used to display a visual representation of the relationship between the variables
correlational research
- used to detect naturally occurring relationships
- predictability
- much like descriptive research, correlational research has no manipulation
- r is for correlation coefficient (-1 to 1)
Correlation does NOT mean causation
experimental research
different from descriptive and correlational because the researcher manipulates variables to observe the outcome
- you should always have two or more groups
1. control group
2. experimental group(s)
random sampling in research
- research generalizes hypotheses from representative samples of the population
- random sampling is using a subset of people that fairly represents a population in which each person has an equal chance of inclusion
group assignments in experimental research:
- random assignment
- double-blind procedure
- random - a procedure used in experimental research to assign participants to either the control or experimental group(s) at random
- double-blind procedure - neither the participant nor the experimenter knows which participant is getting which treatment
placebo effect
expectation alone can reduce pain, depression, and other symptoms
measures of central tendency
mean (most affected by extreme values), median, and mode
measures of variation
variation - how similar or diverse scores are
range - one or two extreme scores can cause the range to seem large
standard deviation (SD) - much more reliable
evaluating research
internal validity
external validity
internal - results must accurately describe the true relationship under study
external - the conclusions generalize to a population, other places, and different situatins