Unit 1 Flashcards
What was the outcome of the Germanic invasions that destroyed the Western Roman Empire?
Trade declined, Cities/bridges/roads fell, law order disappeared, Education declined immensely, money was not used
What does Medium Aveum mean?
Middle Age
What is another name for the middle ages?
Dark Ages
What is the outcome of the middle ages?
A highly competitive civilization which combines elements of Christian Beliefs, Germanic Culture, and Roman Culture
What is it called when there is no central government?
Who was Clovis?
A Merovingian king; Converted to Catholicism; Upon his death, the kingdom was dived among his heirs (led to 200 years of son fighting son for inheritance)-> this led to no REAL power held by bloodline kings
What are government officials called?
Mayors of the palace
Who was Charles Martel?
Nicknamed “Charles the Hammer”; becomes Mayor; Fought in a war in Tours France; The outcome of his war was that Christianity would remain the dominant religion
Who was Pepin the Short?
Took over for his father and become Mayor of the palace; Wanted to named “the king of France” (but he had no blood claim to throne)
Importance of Pepin?
Pope traveld to him to anoint him king (showcasing that Pepin is more superior than the pope); Defeated Lombards taking over their territory (named Donation of Pepin but soon became known as the Papal States)
Who were the merovingians?
Leader: Clovis
What is the Church vs State conflict?
The church and state are constantly fighting for the dominant power over the people
Who was Charelmagne?
A-typical; Helps to firmly establish a Monarchy; Rulled for 46 years
What are the greatest achievements of Charlemagne?
Doubled the size of the Frankish Kingdom; Got rid of all Germanic tribes; Made alliances; Led and fought in great army; Built churches (to allow his legacy to live on); Crowned “Emperor of the Romans”
What was the reasoning for the fall of the Carolingian Empire?
Charlemagne could not be replaced (led to vacuum of power)
What does the Treaty of Verdun entail?
Carles the bald would control most of present day France (western portion); Louis the German took over eastern part (Germany); Lothair became the Holy Roman Emperor and pulled the territory from the North Sea southwards to Italy
What are some outside attacks?
Mulslims-took over much of North Africa and the Western Mediterranean Coast; Slavs invaded central Europe
What does the term “Go-a-viking” mean?
To fight as a pirate or warrior
Characteristics of Vikings
Had sturdy and versatile boats; Launched surprise attacks and made speedy retreats; Ruthless fighters; Explored
Consequences outside invaders?
Destroyed the trade/economy; Isolated European Communities even more than before; Prompted economic collapse; Created conditions and environment for Feudalism
What is Feudalism?
High decentralized government including alliances between nobles and lords that provides mutual protection/benefits; worked
What are the levels of Feudalism?
Kings, Vassals, knights
The Catholic Church Set of Degrees: Peace of God
Prohibited fighting at the church/Cemetery Cathedral
The Catholic Church Set of Degrees: Truce of God
Prohibited battles on holidays
What do Castles consist of?
Built of stone; Turret (Circular building for military); Elevated up on a hill; Moat surrounds it; water source is a well; chapel; Keep (square tower for storage)
The responsibilities of a Vassal:
Military service; providing food to lord; Pay ransom t release lord
The responsibilities of a Lord:
Castle had to be defended; Set aside land to graze animals;provided labor (serfs/peasants)
What does the nobles consist of?
Lords/Knights/Kings/Noble Women
What were the main duties of a noble woman?
To marry (as young as 12 years old); Homebound; In some cases shared supervision of the estate; needle work; medicine making
What did nobles do in their free time?
Tournaments (mock battles); Hunting; Archery; Falconry
Stages of becoming a Knight:
Begin as a Page (assistant at age 7); Become a Squire (Assistant knight/Practice using weapons; Becomes official Knight when they prove themselves in battle (Knighted in a very elaborate ceremony
What is the code of chivalry/what does it consist of?
The proper code for knights to follow; CONSIST OF: brave in battle/ fight fairly/ keep promises/ defend the church/ treat women of noble birth in a courteous manner
What is Manorialism?
System of agriculture production; Combination of the wealth of lords and nobles and the labor of peasants
Manorialism versus Feudalism
Manorialism: focussed on economics of wealthy landowners/Feudalism: Classes
What are the components of the Manor?
Varied in size; Lords Manor house; Pastures for livestock; Fields for crops; Forest areas; Villages for peasants
What is the relationship of the lord and the peasant?
Lord protected the peasant and was the landowner; Peasant provided the lord labor in return for protection/paid rent/farmed the land
Obligation/Duties of the Peasants?
Farm the lords land/ Make various payments of goods/ Set aside a number of days per year to provide labors/ Rarely let the Manor/ ULTIMATELY HAVE NO FREEDOM
Why weren’t serfs considered slaves?
They could not be sold or bought
What was the benefit of the heavier plow?
There was a surplus in food beca the plow could get crops faster
What was the benefit of the 3-field system?
Provided more crops and help to preserve the soil
What were some of the hardships of Peasants?
In poverty/ Were not protected in time of warfare/ Lived in dirty huts/ Did not live past 40 years old
What are some enjoyments of Peasants?
Religious dramas/ singing/ dancing/ wrestling/ archery
What is Localism?
Live and die on the manor
What is the common bond between Lord and Peasant?
Land; Peasants farmed it for Lords and in return they were protected
Benefits of Manorialism?
Created a stable and secure way of life during a time that was generally violent and uncertain
Characteristics of Monks:
Can not marry; can not own goods; obey all laws; dress in simple long robes made of uncomfortable material; ate 1-2 meals per day; everything is based around The Bible
Characteristics of Nuns:
Noble women who did not marry; head of Covent (monastery); wore a gown and a vail; taught noblewomen needlework and how to make medicine;
What is the Scriptoria?
Writing of manuscripts; provided official Bible of Catholic Church
What does Monastic mean?
Someone who is alone
Who was Pope Gregory l?
Gregory the Great; Sent missionaries to England to try to convert people to Christianity; Wrote the book of Pastoral Care which gave detail advice on how bishop should care for people
What was the church council?
Council-group of pope, bishops, cardinals, ETC; helps decide what to do
What is a cardinal?
Has a red robe; Set up to stop the pope from abusing power; selected the pope
Who was Pope Gregory Vll?
Thought he should have complete control over secular leaders
What is Herssey?
Rejection of church teaching
What is excommunicaiton?
Cut off people form the church (cut them off from the 7 sacraments); Means people did not have salvation
Who were the Albagencians?
Taught that all physical and earthy life is EVIL; the only good is the spirit; Most people in this committed suicide because they were taught this; Pope sends troops to crush them
Who was Saint Bonaface?
Came from England
What was the church court?
A court that was made for hearing cases to potentially allow people back into the church; overtime became punishment intended
What is a Fryer?
A traveling preacher
Who was St. Bernard of Clairux?
Cister Clan order; Became powerful because of a possible miracle
What was the Miracle of St. Bernard?
Miracles got out as stories and led people to follow / believe in hope and God