Middle Ages - Outline 6 Flashcards
In the high to later middle ages, how/why was there rise of church power?
Source of comfort and reassurance (the people knew that God was protecting them); Importance of rituals/ceremonies (baptism and eucharist); Thousands undertake religious pilgramiage (religious journey to a religious place)
Church vs State prime example: Pope Gregory VII vs Henry IV of Germany
Results - Gregory excommunicated Henry and releases all Henrys subjects. As a result King Henry confesses his sins and begs for forgiveness
What is the Zenith Period?
Highest point/power
What is an interdiction?
Excommunicating an entire religion or group of people
What is an intervention?
Interference by the pope to kings personal affairs
Church vs State prime example: Pope Boniface VIII vs. Phillip (“Phillip the fair”) of France
Boniface issues his famous UNAM SANCTUM (a paper bull which declares supreme power by pope); King Philip the Fair of France responded with personal attacks on Pope Boniface VIII - of illegitimacy, sexual misconduct, and usurping the papal office; Pope Boniface VIII excommunicates King Philip and moves from Rome to his hometown, Anagni; Under the protection of his supporters, Pope Boniface VIII returned to Rome;
Following Pope Boniface VIII’s death, what happened?
The Great Schism-2 more popes are elected
What are the major attacks/criticism that the church will face?
Popes will be under authority of French Kings; Church taxes increase; Church is becoming more like a business;; Popes are being corrupted by world leaders
What is simony?
The selling/buying of church positions and offices
What is concubinage?
A man and woman living together without marriage
What is nepotism?
Giving valuable church positions to friends and family
What are indulgences (purgatory)?
Purgatory-The pit stop before heaven; Indulgences were little slips of paper that is paid for and it essentially buys you into heaven (The church is making money off this)
What was William Langland’s book, Piers Plowman about?
Contrasted the suffering of poor people in relation to the church
Who was John Wycliff?
English scholar at Oxford; translates the bible from latin to english (church is becoming more visual); Teachings-Bible is the sole authority for religious truths/you don’t have to go to church to get into heaven/a true church can go without rituals; His followers were called LOLLARDS which proved to be slightly violent
Who is Jan (John) Hus?
Preacher and professor at the University of Prague; Led the Slavs of Bohemia in a reform movement; Followers were known as HUSSITES (made up of mostly peasants); The church launches 5 unsuccessful crusade against the hisses; Eventually makes a THE COMPROMISE OF 1436 (The church gave the hussites certain religious liberties in return for their alliance to the church)
What was the functioning of the Council of Pisa?
Action taken to depose the popes (there are two) - but both refuse to resign; IN result they elect a 3rd pope
What was the Council of Constance?
Called by Sigismund - the Holy Roman Emperor; John Hus is burned at the stake for Heresy; Forced resignation of popes- Election of Martin V (finally back to one pope);
What is the outcome following all of this?
People begin to stop trusting the popes and begin to trust secular ruler; Christianity becomes more mechanical - you have to show good work to obtain salvation; Religion becomes for private (Rich people invite priests into their homes to worship)
What is the Concordat of Worms?
Church officials/representatives/nobles allow Emperor to normalize bishops and give land, gave the final authority to Pope to reject the candidates