Middle Ages - Outline 4 Flashcards
What role does the Catholic church play in the Middle Ages?
Church becomes center of the peoples lives; Assumes many political and social responsibilities; The bishop of Rome becomes the pope (who has the strongest political and spiritual power
Why did the Catholic Church mainly rule over everyone’s lives?
The church preached that everyone were sinner and they needed God’s salvation - Which could only be obtained from the church
What are the 7 sacraments?
Baptism; Eucharist; conformation; marriage; penance; last rites; holy orders
What were the tow most important sacraments?
Eucharist and Baptism
What is transubstantiation?
Mass, celebrate eucharist; Christ is present in the bread and wine
Why does Christianity become a visual religon?
Few people understood Latin; Priests were poorly educated (few could read or write; Christianity was taught through paintings, statues, and stained glass
What does it mean to be in a Secular Clergy and who is apart of this?
They were responsible for the organisation and control of the spiritual lives of the laity in the everyday world. They included the priests(5), bishops(4), archbishops(3) and cardinals(2). All, of course, under the strict control of the pope(1)
What does it mean to be in a Regular Clergy and who is apart of this?
they lived in accordance to very strict rules, were, are still are, divided into two sub-groups - Monks and Nuns
Explain the formation of monasticism?
Founded in the West by St. Benedict; his monastery at Monte Cassino became a MODEL for other communities
What were the three main concepts under the Benedictine Rule?
Poverty; Chastity; Obedience or Purity
Who was the head of a monastic community?
What were some characteristics of the Monks?
Dressed simply (wore long loose robes that were made of coarse and uncomfortable material); Self sufficient; eat minimally, rule of silent (could not converse with other monks)
What were some characteristics of the Nuns?
Women took part in monastic life by living in a convert under the supervision of an abbess (the head of the nuns); wore simple clothing (gown and veil); Taught needle working medical use to daughters of the nobles
What are illuminated manuscripts?
text is supplemented with such decoration as initials, borders (marginalia) and miniature illustrations
What charitable work did the monks contribute?
Taught young children; helped to heal the sick and injured; food banks; taught tasks to the peasants; provided schools for young people; MISSIONARY EFFORTS; Spread Christianity across Europe - sent Monks to England to start Catholicism
What pope sent missionaries out to Europe?
Pope Gregory
What was the book of Pastural Care about, and who wrote it?
Pope Gregory wrote it and it is detailed advice on how a bishop should take care of his flock
How is the monastic communities going to further damage and corruption the Catholic church?
The church is going to convert more people to christianity with the missionaries and that allows the church to receive more money and land; Local lords started began to buy and sell church offices an appointing friends and family
What is heresy?
Denial of the church teachings
What was the church council, and why was one necessary?
The corruption of the church led to positions being paid into; In order to avoid this, the church council was set up to select the pope; It was a college of cardinals; he criticized lay investiture
What is lay investature?
The most important conflict between secular and religious powers in medieval Europe. It began as a dispute in the 11th century between the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII.
What was the inquisition?
A court that seek out and punish people that were suspected of heresy
Who were the friars?
Lived simply; had no possessions; did not isolate themselves from the outside world - combined regular and secular clergy