Unit 1 Flashcards
Description of the Black Death
Bubonic plague Bulbous in lymph nodes Coughing, sneezing Skin decomposed Death
When was the Black Death?
Preconditions for the Black Death
No hygiene
No understanding of disease
Cause and spread of Black Death
Fleas on rats came from Asia
Spread along major trade routes
Social/economical consequences of Black Death
Serfs went to cities and got jobs
Wages increased
Difference between rich and poor people wasn’t as big
Social groups affected by the plague
Wealthy landowners had to sell land or raise livestock
Serfs got to demand a little more, because most serfs died
Popular “remedies” against Black Plague
Aromatic amulets
Flight + seclusion
Religious fanatics (flagellants) beat themselves
Abstinence / sleeping around
Death toll in Europe due to Black Plague
2/5 of population
At least 25 million
Statute of laborers
Wages at pre-plague levels
Peasants can’t leave masters’ land
Traditional “containers” of monarchy in Middle Ages
Description of Hundred Years’ War
France vs. England
What caused the Hundred Years’ War?
English king Edward III was grandson of French king Philip the fair. Edward claimed the French throne. He wanted to be king of both countries.
Result of Hundred Years’ War
Peasants were heavily taxed
England developed own clothing market
Burgundy became more important
Burgundy in Hundred Years’ War
Egged England on, then realized, oh crap, France won’t protect us from England anymore if England wins.
Length of Hundred Years’ War
May 1337 to October 1453
Joan of Arc
Claimed God talked to her, inspired French army to take back Orleans from England. She was awesome, helped French win many battles. Burgundy captured her in 1430, then gave her to England. English tortured her, made her go through ten weeks of interrogation, then executed her, called her a relapsed heretic in 1431. Later she was made a saint.
King John the Good
Got captured in Hundred Years’ War
Charles VII
Gave Joan of Arc the go-ahead, totally was with her, then when she got captured, he didn’t care
Characteristics of France at the beginning of the Hundred Years’ War
Had 3x the population of England
Internal disunity
Depreciated currency
Borrowed heavily from Italian bankers
French peasant revolt
Peasants totally lost
Estates General
French Representative council of townspeople, clergy, and nobles. Actually deepened territorial divisions Members exploited it It really backfired
Reasons for French failure in Hundred Years’ War
English infantry is way more organized
French royalty was mediocrative
English had longbows, which could shoot 6 arrows a min, and get ya at 100 yards
Treaty of Troyes
Said English king’s son was the ruler of both England and France.
French heir to the throne was like, oh no you dindn’t, and then fought back
Burdens felt by social classes in Hundred Years’ War
Peasants had to pay taxes for all kinds of damaged property
Peasants had to give services and just pay for everything
Papal plentitude of power
Popes have power over all bishops of the church
Popes were more political, not spuritual
Pope Boniface VIII’s struggle w/ monarchical authority
French Philip IV the Fair wouldn’t let money go to the pope
Boniface might’ve killed previous pope to get himself into office
Philip got Boniface’s friend, Saisset, Boniface eventually rescued Saisset
Ausculta fili
Listen, my son
From Boniface to Philip
“God has set popes over kings and kingdoms
Unam sanctam
Desperate move by Boniface to Philip
“Temporal authority is ‘subject’ to the spiritual power of the church”
Marsilius of Padua
“Heretic” who was a Spiritual Franciscan
Stressed independent origins and autonomy of secular origins
Wrote pamphlet Defender of Peace
Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges
National rights over religion
French church could elect own clergy w/out papal interference
Religious movements and the assault on the late medieval church
Lollards in England (after John Wycliffe)
Hussites in Bohemia (John Huss)
Facts about John Wycliffe
Oxford theologian and philosopher of high standing
Intellectual spokesman for rights of royalty vs. secular popes
Babylonian Captivity
Papacy in Avignon, France
From 1309-1377
Description of the Great Schism
Italian pope and French pope at the same time
Italian= Urban VI. French= Clement VII
National divisions surrounding the Great Schism
England, Rome, Hungary, Bohemia, Poland for Urban VI vs. France, Naples, Scotland, Castile, Aragon for Clement VII
Council of Pisa
Elected new pope, Alexander V. But Urban and Clement wouldn’t step down, so now they had three popes. Then, after that, all three got kicked out. After all that, Martin V became pope
Conciliar theory
General councils were superior to the pope and represented the whole body if the faithful
Council of Basil- compromised with Bohemia
Made pope mad
After 1460 there were no more councils
Rulers of Russia between 1243-1480
Batu Khan
Grand Duke Dimitri
Ivan III, the Great
Prince Vladimir’s reign in Russia
Chose Greek orthodox religion for Russia, strengthening bond with Byzantine empire
980-1015 in Kiev
Social divisions in 11th century Russia
White Russians
Great Russians
Little Russians (Ukrainians)
Freemen vs slaves as well
Slave populations in Russia
Debtors working it off
Wealthy Russian landowners
The Golden Horde
Mongol empire in southern Russia
Mongol religion
Veils and stuff
Mongol treatment of Russian political and religious institutions
Left largely intact
End of Mongol rule in Russia
Ivan III, the Great ended it
Moscow became capital, not Kiev