Unit 1 Flashcards
What are the North American tribe regions?
Arctic, Subarctic, PNW/Northwest Coast, Columbia Plateau, California, Great Basin, Southwest, Great Plains, Eastern Woodlands.
What was the Political Structure of the Arctic?
Family Units (sometimes a clan chief)
What was the Economic Structure of the Arctic?
Hunting (caribou, walruses, seals, whales)
What was the Social Structure of the Arctic?
Seasonally migratory
- igloos, sod houses
- canoes, kayaks, sleds
- kinship
-animism and shamanism; amulets
How do the further south/coastal Arctic tribes differ from the rest?
They were more sedentary and organized.
What were the Notable Arctic tribes?
Inuit, Yupik, Aleuts
What was the Political Structure of the Subarctic?
Family units
What was the Economic Structure of the Subarctic?
Nomadic Hunter/Gatherers (moose, caribou, bison, beaver)
What was the Social Structure of the Subarctic?
Ethos of personal responsibility but communal mentality.
- bands of 20-30; usually family
- seasonal gatherings
- toboggans and snowshoes, rabbit-skinned baskets
- animism and shamanism
- divination; shoulder blades
What were the Notable Subarctic tribes?
Cree, Ojibwa
What was the Population of the North West Coast tribes?
130k / dozens of languages
What was the climate in the Northwest Coast?
The mild climate gave them time for art.
- forests = wood for canoes and houses.
What was the Political Structure of the North West Coast?
Local Chieftans
What was the Social Structure of the Northwest Coast?
Hierarchy based on wealth.
- Potlatch - gathering, gifts
- transformation masks
- totem poles
- animism/shamanism.
What were the notable tribes of the Northwest Coast?
Chinook, Makah
What tribe region had potlatches?
PNW/Northwest coast
What was the Political Structure of the Columbia Plateau?
- Some had consensus
- Others had Chief with voting
- Flathead = Chief
What was the Economic Structure of the Columbia Plateau?
-fish salmon
-dalles linked trade with CA and Plains region (and beyond)
What was the Social Structure of Columbia Plateau?
Villages in winter/”semi-permanent” camps elsewise.
- relative social equality (except of slaves)
- animism/shamanism
What caused the Columbia Plateau to become more nomadic?
Horses made them adopt Plains culture.
What were the Notable Tribes of the Columbia Plateau?
Nez Perce, Walla Walla, Flathead.
What was the population of the California region?
300,000 / 100 languages
What kind of climate did the California region have?
A diverse climate
What was the Political Structure of the California Region?
What was the Economic Structure of the California Region?
Cultivated tobacco but large h/g population
- trade networks
What was the Social Structure of the California region?
Women gathered acorns; men fished/hunted.
- animism/shamanism
What were the notable tribes of California Region?
Chumash, Miwok
What was the Economic Structure of the Great Basin?
- Tool Caches
- Traded (obsidian, clothing, hides)
- Pine nuts = diet
What was the Climate of the Great Basin?
Diverse climate with mountains and deserts
What was the Social Structure of the Great Basin?
Seasonal lives
- adaptable
- wintered in villages; summered as nuclear families
-grandparents = caregivers
-Religion: animal spirits; “water babies”
Which tribe had Water Babies?
Great Basin
What were the Notable Tribes in the Great Basin?
Shoshone, Bannock, Ute
What was the Political Structure of the Southwest?
Bands composed of extended families
-male head served on the council
-many bands =tribe
-functioned informally by consensus
What was the Economic Structure of the Southwest?
Dependent on proximity to water
- nearby = agriculture (maize, beans, squash)
- further away = hunter/gatherer
What was the Social Structure of the Southwest?
- Gender roles
- Adobe homes
-Animism and Shamanism
What were the Notable Southwest Tribes?
Anasazi (pottery, architecture), Hohokam (irrigation), Pueblos (pottery, dolls), Navajo, and Apache
What was the Political Structure of the Great Plains?
Tribal Chiefs (elected through war)
What was the Economic Structure of the Great Plains?
H/G (buffalo)
What was the Social Structure of the Great Plains?
- gender roles
-status through war
-relgion varied (some mono other poly)
-animism/shamanism - wakans, sun dance
What tribe region had the Sun Dance?
Great Plains
What were the Notable Great Plains tribes?
Sioux, Crow, Arapaho.
What is Animism?
the belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe.
What is Shamanism?
Shamans believe they can communicate with both living and dead to alleviate unrest, unsettled issues, and to deliver gifts to the spirits
What were the Eastern Woodlands Southeast Politics and Economics?
-Misssissippian Cultures
- mound builders, long distance trade
-Later Cultures
- chiefs (peace and war)
- Hunting, Agriculture (corn sunflower)
What was the East Woodlands Southeast Social Structure?
-Civil religious hierarchy
- Matrilineal descent (mother side)
- villages and towns w/palisades
What were the Notable East Woodlands Southeast tribes?
Cherokee, Chickasaw, Seminole, Creeks
What was the Eastern Woodlands Northeast Politics?
-some tribes = village bands w/chief
- Iruquois = 5 nations; democracy
What was the Economic Structure of the Eastern Woodlands Northeast?
Trade with wampum currency made of beads and shells
What was the Eastern Woodlands Northeast Social Structure?
-Matrilineal (Iroquois), others Patrilineal
- Villages (longhouses) - each clan had spirit animal
-animism and shamnism
What were the Notable Tribes of the Eastern Woodlands: Northeast?
Wampanoag, Tuscarora
Where were the Aztecs located?
Where were the Maya located?
Central America (Mexico and Guatemala)
Where were the Inca Located?
Western South America
Describe the climate of the Aztecs.
Describe the climate of the Mayans.
Rainforest (they would slash and burn)
Describe the climate of the Inca.
Mountains (terrace farming)
What was the capital city of Aztec?
Tenochtitlan (bigger than London), city on lake
Were the Maya, Aztec, or Inca most famous for their calendar?
Did the Maya, Aztec, or Inca have 2500 miles of roads and bridges?
Which civilization grew potatoes and tomatoes?
Which civilization was biggest on human sacrifice?
Polytheistic (M/I/A)
Settled in south America. (M/I/A)
Economy heavily based on agriculture. (M/I/A)
Practiced ritualistic human sacrifice (M/I/A)
Located in the rainforests of Mexico and Central America (M/I/A)
Collected tribute from conquered peoples (M/I/A)
Bult pyramids for religious purposes (M/I/A)
Power was centralized in the hands of one emperor (M/I/A)
City-States, each had a king (M/I/A)
Created a road system (M/I/A)
Major city = Machu Picchu (city in clouds) (M/I/A)
Created accurate calendars. (M/I/A)
Obsessed with blood (M/I/A)
Created a written language (M/I/A)
Defeated by the spanish? (M/I/A)
Staple crop was maize (corn) (M/I/A)
Put (M/I/A) on the timeline in order of first to last
Had a civil war (M/I/A)