Unit 1 Flashcards
Reference Maps
Provide General Info and location
What types of reference maps are there?
Locator, Political, physical, plat, road
Locator Map
A map to help you find something. LOCATE
Political Maps
Shows human created boundaries, cities, and capitals (think of stack the states)
Physical Maps
Natural Features
Plat Maps
Show and label property lines and details of ownership
Road Maps
Highways and streets
Define Thematic Maps
Display spatial aspects of a phenomenon, usually specific data. (EX: How may people in Texas voted for a republican representative?)
What types of Thematic Maps are there?
Chloropleth, Dot distribution, graduated symbol, isoline
Chloropleth maps
uses various colors or patterns to show data (ex: darker the color, greater the population)
Dot distribution
Uses dots to show frequency of something
Graduated Symbol
Symbol of different sizes show different amounts (as the symbol gets bigger, the amount increases)
Uses lines to show variations of data. Think of weather and elevation maps
Define Cartograms
Think of those funny looking maps, Non contagious, contiguous, and dorling
Non contiguous
The features are not connected (usually countries or states). They get bigger or smaller depending on their quantified value.
The features are connected and size distorts to show a specific variable
Uses geometric shapes to show the amount of something
What do map projections do to shape, area, distance, and direction?
They distort spatial relationships?
Map projections are SADD because they distort
Size, Area, Distance, And Direction
Mercator map
Purpose is navigation because it keeps consisten angles, especially up close.
Peters Equal Area
- Sizes and Area are accurate, but vertically stretched up and down (stretchy near equator)
Robinson Map
all areas are kind of distorted, good balance
Prime Meridian
0 degrees longitude
0 degrees latitude
Tropic of Cancer
23 degrees 26 minutes north
Tropic of Capricorn
23 degrees 26 minutes south
Lines of longitude are similar to
Y axis
Lines of latitude can be compared to the
X axis
Absolute location
Can be address, latitude and longitude, EXACT, PRECISE
Relative Location
Where something is in comparison to places you know (Oh that restaurant is south of my house)