Unit 07: Reading 6 Telepon Flashcards
Baru kira-kira pada tahun tujuh puluhan, telepon menjadi lebih penting dalam hidup sehari-hari orang Indonesia.
It was only around the seventies that telephones became more important in the daily lives of Indonesians.
hidup =
live =
sehari-hari =
daily =
Sesudah satelit “Palapa” diorbitkan, komunikasi antar-pulau dan antar negara menjadi jauh lebih lancar.
After the “Palapa” satellite was launched, communication between islands and countries became much smoother.
menjadi =
become =
lancar =
smooth =
Dulu sukar sekali menelepon ke luar daerah, apalagi ke luar negeri.
It used to be very difficult to make calls outside the region, let alone abroad.
apalagi =
moreover =
Hubungan telepon pada waktu itu tidak baik sama sekali, dan orang harus berbicara keras-keras, karena ada banyak gangguan suara.
Telephone connections at that time were not good at all, and people had to speak loudly, because there was a lot of noise interference.
keras-keras =
loud-loud =
gangguan =
interference =
suara =
sound =
Banyak rumah di kota-kota sekarang mempunyai pesawat telepon.
Many houses in cities now have telephones.
pesawat =
aircraft =
Akhir-akhir ini, ongkos memasang telepon juga lebih murah, jadi lebih banyak orang mampu membayarnya.
Recently, the cost of installing a telephone has also become cheaper, so more people can afford it.
Bahkan sekarang ini sudah banyak perusahaan operator telepon selular yang beroperasi di Indonesia.
Even now there are many cellular telephone operator companies operating in Indonesia.
perusahaan =
company =
beroperasi =
operating =
Dengan bertambah banyaknya perusahaan-perusahaan swasta asing dan nasional, sistim telekomunikasi modern menjadi sangat penting, saat ini selain telepon jaringan internet juga menjadi alat komunikasi yang dipakai sehari-hari.
With the increasing number of foreign and national private companies, modern telecommunications systems have become very important, currently in addition to telephones, internet networks have also become a means of communication used daily. company =
perusahaan =
private =
swasta =
foreign =
asing =
become =
menjadi =
besides =
selain =
network =
jaringan =
tool =
alat =
used =
dipakai =
everyday =
sehari-hari =
In short, nowadays there is no distance that is too far. At any time people can contact each other, wherever they are.
Pendek kata, sekarang ini tidak ada jarak yang terlalu jauh. Setiap waktu orang dapat berhubungan satu sama lain, di manapun juga dia berada.
distance =
jarak =
connected =
berhubungan =
each other =
satu sama lain =
located =
berada =
Like in America, in Indonesia there is also a Telephone Book. This telephone book consists of:
Seperti di Amerika, di Indonesia juga ada Buku Telepon. Buku telepon ini terdiri dari:
A. White Pages - contains telephone numbers of residential customers, state institutions, and companies
A. Halaman Putih - memuat nomor telepon pelanggan residensial, lembaga negara, dan perusahaan
load (load) =
memuat (muat) =
customer =
pelanggan =
institution =
lembaga =
company =
perusahaan =
B. Yellow Pages - for business information
B. Halaman Kuning - untuk informasi bisnis
Take a look at the list of important numbers in Jakarta like the example below, in case you need it.
Lihatlah daftar nomor-nomor penting di Jakarta seperti contoh di bawah ini, kalau-kalau Anda perlu.
important =
penting =
example =
contoh =
if-if =
kalau-kalau =
need =
perlu =
important =
penting =
orbited =
diorbitkan =
dikar =
sukar =
relationship =
hubungan =
have =
mempunyai =
install (install) =
memasang (pasang) =
even =
bahkan =
increase =
bertambah =
in short =
pendek kata =
consists of =
terdiri dari =
pages =
halaman =
pages =
halaman =
list =