Unit 07: Dialog Buruh Mogok Kerja Dialog Flashcards
John: Siapa para pengunjuk rasa itu?
John: Who are the protesters?
Yudhi: Mereka buruh dari Jakarta dan sekitarnya.
Yudhi: They are laborers from Jakarta and its surroundings.
John: Apa yang mereka tuntut kali ini?
John: What are they demanding this time?
Yudhi: Mereka ingin supaya UMR dinaikan. Mereka merasa pendapatan mereka tidak cukup untuk menghadapi kenaikan harga BBM.
Yudhi: They want the UMR to be increased. They feel that their income is not enough to deal with the increase in fuel prices.
John: Kelihatannya ada beberapa pembicara di atas truk mereka.
John: It looks like there are some speakers on their trucks.
Yudhi: Ya. Biasanya pembicaranya adalah para pengurus serikat buruh.
Yudhi: Yes. Usually the speakers are union leaders.
John: Banyak sekali jumlah pengunjuk rasa kali ini.
John: There are a lot of protesters this time.
Yudhi: Betul karena sebagian besar pemogok kerja bergabung dalam unjuk rasa hari ini.
Yudhi: That’s right because most of the strikers joined the demonstration today.
John: Apa Anda pikir pemerintah akan memenuhi permintaan mereka?
John: Do you think the government will fulfill their demands?
Yudhi: Mungkin tidak. Karena para pengusaha sendiri juga mengalami peningkatan biaya produksi dengan adanya kenaikan BBM.
Yudhi: Maybe not. Because the entrepreneurs themselves are also experiencing increased production costs with the increase in fuel prices.
John: Kalau biaya produksi menjadi tinggi, banyak investor asing pindah ke negara lain.
John: If production costs become high, many foreign investors will move to other countries.
Yudhi: Seperti makan buah simalakama saja. Kalau perusahaan tutup, buruh-buruh itu pasti menjadi pengangguran.
Yudhi: It’s like eating the sour apple. If the company closes, the workers will definitely become unemployed.