Unit 07: Dialog Pengangguran Meningkat Dialog Flashcards
Anne: Bisa antar saya ke Plaza Indonesia?
Anne: Can you take me to Plaza Indonesia?
Supir Taksi: Ya, Bu. Wah, sudah pandai Bahasa Indonesia ya.
Taxi Driver: Yes, ma’am. Wow, you’re already good at Indonesian, huh?
Anne: Ah, biasa saja Pak. Sudah beberapa bulan di Jakarta.
Anne: Ah, not bad, sir. You’ve been in Jakarta for a few months.
Supir taksi: Sudah betah di sini?
Taxi Driver: Are you comfortable here?
Anne: Lumayan. Masih banyak hal yang baru. Bapak sendiri sudah lama kerja di Jakarta?
Anne: Not bad. There are still many new things. Have you worked in Jakarta for a long time?
Supir taksi: Kalau saya sudah 15 tahun jadi sopir taksi. Jaman ini, masih untung kalau ada kerjaan. Banyak pengangguran sekarang.
Taxi Driver: I’ve been a taxi driver for 15 years. Nowadays, it’s still lucky if there’s work. There are a lot of unemployed people now.
Anne: Saya dengar dari teman saya ada banyak mogok kerja dan unjuk rasa. Buruh-buruh minta kenaikan upah kerja.
Anne: I heard from my friend that there are a lot of strikes and demonstrations. Workers are asking for a wage increase.
Supir taksi: Betul sekali. Hidup makin susah, harga-harga terus naik tapi gaji tetap sama. Tidak ada banyak pilihan untuk orang-orang yang tidak berpendidikan.
Taxi Driver: That’s right. Life is getting harder, prices keep going up but salaries stay the same. There aren’t many options for uneducated people.
Anne: Kalau boleh tahu, bapak sendiri dulu kuliah di mana?
Anne: If I may ask, where did you go to college?
Supir taksi: Saya tidak kuliah, sebab orangtua saya tinggal di kampung dan tidak ada biaya untuk kuliah saya. Dari kecil saya sudah kerja dan hanya sekolah sampai lulus SMA.
Taxi Driver: I didn’t go to college, because my parents live in the village and there was no money for me to go to college. I’ve worked since I was little and only went to school until I graduated from high school.
Anne: Bapak ada keluarga?
Anne: Do you have a family?
Supir taksi: Ya, isteri dan 2 anak.
Taxi Driver: Yes, a wife and 2 children. Anne: Are your children in school?
Anne: Apa anak-anak Bapak sudah sekolah?
Taxi driver: I work hard for my children. They are in college now. I want their lives to be better.
Supir taksi: Saya kerja keras untuk anak-anak saya. Sekarang mereka sudah kuliah. Saya mau hidup mereka lebih baik.
Anne: Wow, that is the ideal of a good parent. I hope your children appreciate their father’s hard work.
Anne: Wah, itu cita-cita orangtua yang baik. Saya harap anak-anak Bapak menghargai kerja keras bapaknya.
Anne: Wow, that’s a good parent’s dream. I hope your children appreciate their father’s hard work.
Supir taksi: Alhamdullilah. Kedua anak saya selalu jadi juara kelas.
Taxi driver: Alhamdulillah. My two children are always top of the class.
Maaf, sudah sampai, Bu.
Sorry, we have arrived, ma’am.