Understanding the Self (Preliminary) Flashcards
to ace the prelims exam
According to him the body and mind are intertwined and cannot be separated from each other as all experiences are embodies.
He is best known for his association with the Socratic method of question and answer and many people assume that he invented ‘know thyself’.
He believes that there is an isomorphic relation between the city in the soul in that they both have three parts which correspond to each other or are called tripartite.
The evocative phrase ghost in the machine was coined by this philosopher in his book entitled “The Concept of Mind”, which was published in 1949. This idea was used as a criticism from the concept of mind-body dualism theory and viewed it as a misleading way of understanding human consciousness and behavior.
proposed that the mind is divided into three components: id, ego, and superego, and that the interactions and conflicts among the components create personality.
He is often referred to as the ‘father of modern philosophy’ due to his groundbreaking approach to philosophical enquiry and developed one philosophical famous dictum: Cogito, Ergo Sum or “I think, therefor I am”
He believes that all the threads of his transcendental philosophy come together in this “highest point” which he calls the transcendental unity of apperception.
According to him, self is comparable to an empty space.
JOHN Locke
According to him, our ideas regarding self are based on impressions that are temporary.
David Hume
It is the scientific study of humans, human behavior, and societies in the past and present.
Culture is derived from the Latin word “Cultura” or “Cultus” which means?
His notion of reality is dual; soul leaves the body, and the body may be thrown into oblivion.
He is on the same stand with Aristotle’s Hylomorphic Theory believing that man comprises matter (body) and form (soul) which are equally important and that the two must exist and dependent with each other.
Rene Descartes
To solve the issue of the duality of the self, he fused the body and soul as residing in a person’s pineal gland. Although western thought stands to make the psyche collective, its nature is still dual.
Rene Descartes
They want to attain perfection of the self through meditation and enlightenment; hence, the “dualism” matters are not an issue.
Eastern thoughts
the self in oriental thought is collective, while on the other hand, the self for the western people is.
The philosophy believes that religion is a way of life and to live a moral life, to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and to develop wisdom and understanding is its main teaching.
His philosophy of life stands with the idea that life is a living reality, a blessing, a natural priceless right and opportunity to be with others to work together for common good to attain happiness.
In this philosophy, the principle of ren characterized the self-possessing compassion for others.
are the major proponent of eliminative materialism, the belief which claims that everyday mental concepts such as beliefs, feelings, and desires are part of a “folk psychology” of theoretical constructs without coherent definition, destined to simply be obviated by a thoroughly scientific understanding of human nature.
Patricia Churchland and Paul Churchland
believed that the self is not initially there at birth, and thus, calling his theory as theory of the social self.
George Herbert Mead
are the 3 different activities.
Language, play, and games
viewed that the self needs social interaction that plays an important role to an individual’s understanding of self; thus, behavior and a person’s self-esteem may be dictated by how they will predict how others perceive them.
Charles Horton Cooley
a child undergoes imitating the language used by people that are around them.
At the age of 0-2 years old
was an American sociologist who coined the concept “Looking-Glass Self”?
Charles Horton Cooley
occurs when people instill labels made by others unto themselves which may lead to poor self-concept?
Internalized Prejudice
“I” means Self is referred to as subjects, and individual’s impulse.
According to George Herbert Mead’s
Kapampangan’s are known for their great skills in cooking and food industry. You are a Kapampangan; therefore, you are perceived as a good cook. According to Cooley
Labeling bias
Jeramie broke up with her longtime boyfriend. She feels hurt because she has learned (from society) that when cheated, one must feel hurt.
“I” concept