is the study of obtaining knowledge
through rational thinking and inquiries that requires answering questions regarding the nature and existence of man and the world we live in.
It is derived from the Greek words “_________” and “__________”
Philos, Sophia
The meaning of Philosophy according tot the derived Greek words
Love for Wisdom
A point of view
For him, men’s goal in life is to obtain happiness.
a person’s acceptance of ignorance is the
beginning of acquisition of knowledge.
the only way for us to understand ourselves is through internal
questioning or introspection
According to him, a person who is a
follower of truth and wisdom will not be
tempted by vices and will always be just.
The 3 Souls according to Plato
- Appetitive Soul
- Spirited Soul
- Rational Soul
follows the idea that God encompasses us all and that everything will be better if we are with God.
Saint Agustine
to understand who we are as a person is
associated to our understanding of who we
are and how we question ourselves.
Saint Agustine
He believes that the more one doubts and
question what his life means, that person is
actually living.
Saint Agustine
modern dualism or the
existence of body and
mind and its implication
to one’s existence.
Rene Descartes
Cogito Ergo Sum
I think therefore I am
He believes that being in a constant doubt
regarding one’s existence is proof that a person actually exists.
Rene Descartes
Tabula Rasa (Meaning)
Blank Slate
He stated that a person is born with
knowing nothing and that is susceptible to
stimulation and accumulation of
learning from the experiences, failures,
references, and observations of the
John Locke
according to him, there is no
permanent “self”
David Hume
when a person is asked the question
“who you are?”, that person tends to
answer different impressions such as
good, happy, optimistic, contented, sad, etc.
David Hume
He argued that the sense called “Transcendental Apperception” is an
essence of our consciousness that
provides basis for understanding and
establishing the notion of “self”
Immanuel Kant
the idea of Kant about Self, we can say that we are not only an object that perceives and reacts to whatever it is that we are experiencing,
Transcendental Apperception
- Aspects of Personality
- Levels of consciousness
Sigmund Freud