IFP Flashcards
The basis of our knowledge of M. Ignacia is the information we gather from a few written documents from?
-He short account of Pedro Murillo Velarde, SJ,
- The short reference of Fray Juan Francisco de San Antonio
- the 1726 Constitutions with M. Ignacia’s escritto, the baptismal records of Ignacia, her father and siblings.
The 4 Periods of Mother Ignacia’s Life
I. 1663-1684 (The Young Ignacia)
II. 1684-1726 (Ignacia, the Beata)
III. 1726-1732/1737 (Mother Ignacia, the Rectora)
IV. 1732/1737-1748 (Mother Ignacia, the hidden and humble servant of the Lord)
The Young Ignacia: from her birth and baptism to her
decision at age 21;
Ignacia, the Beata: beginning with her departure from
home and extending to the writing of the Rules of the Beaterio;
1684- 1726
Mother Ignacia, the Rectora: the period of her governance of the house as Superior until her abdication;
Mother Ignacia, the hidden and humble servant of
the Lord. She lived as an ordinary member of the Beaterio until her death.
Father of M. Ignacia
Jusepe Luco
Mother of M. Ignacia
Maria Jeronima
The name “Ignacia” comes from the Latin ___________
Ignis, which means fire
Ignacia would be the “____________________________’’ on a native soil as she bore witness to God’s gracious action in the mist of a colonized people.
fire of the Holy Spirit
Siblings of Ignacia
Rafaela, Santiago and Juana de la Concepcion
Half Breeds
Mestizos/ Mestizas
Yndios/ Yndias
The ____________ were forced to work for the Spaniards, for their interests and concerns
M. Ignacia grew in her knowledge of faith through the ____________________, the catechism book printed in Tagalog in 1593
Doctrina Cristiana
“So that grace, as it extends to more people, may increase thanksgiving to the glory of God”
2 Corinthians 4:15
Mother Ignacia left her home with only a _____________________. She decided to live by the sweat of her brow in total dependence on God as she offered herself in His service.
needle and pair of scissors
Core Value: Service
Related Value: Humility
Service: Stewardship
“All those who have, more will be given and they will have in abundance”
Matthew 25:29
The first major turning point in Ignacia’s life was the decision to live a life of ________________________
complete dedication and service to God.
Mother Ignacia accepted the challenges of community life. The small community of four became a community of nine and then, thirty-three. It came to a point that Mother Ignacia had to stop admitting until a larger house could be built.
2nd Major Turning Point/ Defining Moment
Since Mother Ignacia and her beatas had to support themselves financially, they could not make a strict separation between themselves and the “outsiders”, those who did not belong to their beaterio. Even if Mother Ignacia had thought of it, they could not live a monastic life by force of circumstances.
3rd Major Turning Point/ Defining Moment