PMLS Flashcards
An Act Requiring the Registration of Medical Technologist,
Defining Their Practice, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 5527
(*As amended by RA 6132, PD 498 and PD 1534.)
This Act may be also cited as the Philippine Medical Technology Act of
Section 1. Title
•Practice of Medical Technology
•Medical Technologist
•Medical Laboratory Technicians
•Accredited Medical Technology Training Laboratory
•Recognized School of Medical Technology
Section 2. Definition of Terms.
- Examination of tissues, secretions and excretions of the human body and body
fluids by various electronic, chemical, microscopic, bacteriologic, hematologic,
serologic, immunologic, nuclear, and other laboratory procedures and techniques
either manual or automated; - Blood banking procedures and techniques;
- Parasitologic, Mycologic and Microbiologic procedures and techniques;
- Histopathologic and Cytotechnology; provided that nothing in this paragraph shall
inhibit a duly registered medical laboratory technician from performing
histopathologic techniques and procedures. - Clinical research involving patients or human beings requiring the use of and/or
application of medical technology knowledge and procedures; - Preparations and standardization of reagents, standards, stains and others,
provided such reagents, standards, stains and others are exclusively for the use of
their laboratory; - Clinical laboratory quality control;
- Collection and preservation of specimens;
Services rendered by Medical Technologists
A person shall be deemed to be in the practice of
medical technology within the meaning of this Act, who shall for a fee, salary or other
compensation or reward paid or given directly or indirectly through another, renders any
of the following professional services for the purpose of aiding the physician in the
diagnosis, study and treatment of diseases and in the promotion of health in general.
Practice of Medical Technology
A duly registered physician who is specially trained in methods of laboratory
medicine, or the gross and microscopic study and interpretation of tissues, secretion and
excretions of the human body and its functions in order to diagnose disease, follow its
course, determine the effectivity of treatment, ascertain cause of death and advance
medicine by means of research.
A person who engages in the work of medical technology under
the supervision of a pathologist or licensed physician authorized by the Department of
Health in places where there is no pathologist and who having passed the prescribed
course (Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor of Science in Hygiene) of
training and examination is registered under the provision of this Act.
Medical Technologist
A person certified and registered with the Board as
qualified to assist a medical technologist and/or qualified pathologist in the practice of
medical technology as defined in this Act.
Medical Laboratory Technicians
A clinical laboratory, office, agency,
clinic, hospital or sanitarium duly approved by the Department of Health or its authorized
Accredited Medical Technology Training Laboratory
Any school, college, or university which
offers a course in Medical Technology approved by the Department of Education in
accordance with the requirements under this Act, upon recommendation of the council of
medical technology education.
Recognized School of Medical Technology
The council of medical technology education established under this Act.
The Board of Examiners for Medical Technology established under this Act.
There is hereby
established a Council of Medical Technology Education, hereafter referred to as Council, which
shall be composed of the Director of Higher Education as Chairman; the Chairman of the
Professional Regulation Commission as Vice-Chairman; and the Director of the Bureau of
Research and Laboratories of the Department of Health,4 the Chairman and two (2) members of
the Board of Medical Technology, a representative of the Deans of Schools of Medical
Technology and Public Health, and the Presidents of the Philippine Society of Pathologists and
the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, as members.
Section 3. Council of Medical Technology Education, Its Composition
For every
meeting actually attended, the Chairman shall be entitled to a fifty pesos (P50.00) per diem while
the members shall be entitled to twenty-five pesos (P25.00) each regardless of whether or not
they receive regular salaries from the government. In addition, the Chairman and members of the
Council shall be entitled to traveling expenses in connection with their official duties.
Section 4. Compensation and Traveling Expenses of Council Members.
The functions of
the Council shall be:
a. To recommend the minimum required curriculum for the course of medical technology.
b. To determine and prescribe the number of students to be allowed to take up the medical
technology course in each school, taking into account the student-instructor ratio and the
availability of facilities for instruction.
c. To approve medical technology schools meeting the requirements and recommend
closure of those found to be substandard.
d. To require all medical technology schools to submit an annual report, including the total
number of students and instructors, list of facilities available for instruction, a list of their
recent graduates and new admissions, on or before the month of June.
e. To inspect, when necessary, the different medical technology schools in the country in
order to determine whether a high standard of education is maintained in said institutions.
f. To certify for admission in to an undergraduate internship students who have
satisfactorily completed three years of the medical technology course or its equivalent
and to collect from said student the amount of five pesos each which money accrue to
the operating fund of the Council.
g. Formulate and recommend approval of refresher course for applicants who shall have
failed the Board Examination for the third time.
h. To promulgate and prescribe and enforce necessary rules and regulations for the proper
implementation of the foregoing functions
Section 5. Functions of the Council of Medical Technology Education.
The medical technology course shall be at least
four years, including a 12-month satisfactory internship in accredited laboratories, and shall
include the following subjects:
Spanish Gross
Social Science
General Zoology
Clinical Parasitology
General Pathology
College Physics
General Chemistry
Qualitative Chemistry
Clinical Laboratory
Quantitative Chemistry
Methods including hematology, serology, blood banking,
clinical microscopy, applied microbiology, and
parasitology, histopathologic techniques, and
Section 6. Minimum Required Course.
There is hereby created a Medical Technology
Board under the Professional Regulation Commission, which shall thereafter be referred to as the
Board composed of a Chairman who is a pathologist, and two (2) members who are registered
medical technologists who shall be appointed by the President of the Republic of the Philippines
upon recommendation of the Professional Regulation Commission. The Chairman and members
of the Board shall hold office for three (3) years after appointments or until their successors shall
have been appointed and duly qualified: Provided, That the incumbent members will continue to
serve until the expiration of their terms. In case of death, disability, or removal of a member of the
Board, his successor shall serve only the balance of his term.
Section 7. Medical Technology Board
No person shall be appointed as member of the
Board of Examiners for Medical Technology unless he or she is (1) is a Filipino citizen; (2) is of
good moral character; (3) is a qualified Pathologist, or a duly registered medical technologist of
the Philippines with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor of
Science in Hygiene/Public Health; (4) has been in practice of laboratory medicine or medical
technology for at least ten years prior to his appointment, and (5) is not a member of the faculty of
any medical technology school for at least two (2) years prior to appointment or having any
pecuniary interest direct or indirect in such institution: Provided, however, That for the first three
years following the approval of this Act, the requirements mentioned in number four (4) shall be
reduced to five years.
Section 8. Qualifications of Examiners.
Section 9
Section 9. Executive Officer of the Board.
Each member of the Board shall receive as sum of
ten pesos for each applicant examined and five pesos for each applicant granted a certificate of
registration without examination.
Section 10. Compensation of Members of the
Board of Examiners for Medical Technology
The Board is vested with authority and
required, conformably with the provisions of this Act, to:
a. Administer the provisions of this Act;
b. Administer oaths in connection with the administration of this Act;
c. Issue, suspend and revoke certificates of registration for the practice of medical
technology and medical laboratory technician;
d. Look into conditions affecting the practice of medical technology in the Philippines and,
whenever necessary, adopt such a measure may be deemed proper for the maintenance
of good ethic and standards in the practice of medical technology;
e. Investigate such violations of this Act or of the rules and regulations issued thereunder as
may come to the knowledge of the Board and, for this purpose issue subpoena and
subpoena duces tecum to secure appearance of witnesses and production of documents
in connection with charges presented to the Board; and
f. Draft such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this
Act: Provided, that the same shall be issued only after the approval of the President of
the Philippines;
g. To determine the adequacy of the technical staff of all clinical laboratories and blood
banks before they could be licensed with the Department of Health in accordance with
R.A. No. 4655 and 1517;
h. To prescribe the qualifications and training of medical technologists as to special fields of
the profession and supervise their specialty examination conducted by the professional
organization of medical technologists accredited by the Professional Regulation
i. To classify and prescribe the qualification and training of the technical staff of clinical
laboratories as to: Medical Technology; Medical Technologist; Senior Medical
Technologist; Medical Technologist and Medical Laboratory Technician.
Section 11. Functions and Duties of the Board.
Any member of the Board may be removed by
the President of the Philippines for neglect of duty, incompetency, malpractice or unprofessional,
unethical, immoral or dishonorable conduct after having been given opportunity to defend himself
in a proper and administrative investigation: Provided, that during the process of investigation, the
President shall have the power to suspend such member under investigation and appoint a
temporary member in his place.
Section 12. Removal of Board Members.
Upon the recommendation of the Medical Technology Board, the Department of
Education and Culture15 shall approve schools of Medical Technology in accordance with the
provisions of this Act, as amended, in conjunction with the Board of Medical Technology. The
Department of Health16 through the Bureau of Research and Laboratories shall approve
laboratories for accreditation as training laboratories for medical technology students or post-
graduate trainees in conjunction with the Board of Medical Technology. The laboratories shall
show satisfactory evidence that they possess qualified personnel and are properly equipped to
carry out laboratory procedures commonly required in the following fields: Clinical Chemistry,
Microbiology, Serology, Parasitology, Hematology, Blood Banking, Clinical Microscopy, and
Histopathologic techniques, and that the scope of activities of said laboratories offer sufficient
training in said laboratory procedures.
Section 13. Accreditation of Schools of Medical Technology and of Training Laboratories
No person shall
practice or offer to practice medical technology as defined in this Act without having previously
obtained a valid certificate of registration from the Board provided that registration shall not be
required of the following:
a. Duly registered physicians.
b. Medical technologist from other countries called in for consultation or as visiting or
exchange professors to colleges or universities: Provided, they are only practicing the
said function.
c. Medical technologists in the service of the United States Armed Forces stationed in the
Philippines rendering services as such for members of the said forces only.
Section 14. Inhibition Against the Practice of Medical Technology.