Understanding differences Flashcards
Why is it important to understand typical development?
- allows us to understand variations in speech, language, and communication development
- gives us a framework that allows us to prioritise by seeing who needs more support
What are the main approaches to understanding development?
- medical
- social
- impairment
- developmental
- educational
- functional
- psychological
- biopsychological
- ecological
- neurodiverse
Why might terminology use be important?
- may reflect social biases
- may affect treatment of the child and the support they are offered
What did Bottini et al (2023) find about language in autism research?
Medical language continues to dominate autism research over neuro-affirming language
What does the neurodiversity paradigm do for autism (Bottini et al)?
Incorporates alternative neuro-affirming language to describe autistic experiences without presuming incompetence or pathology
What terms reflect neuro-affirming language?
strengths, differences, challenges, difficulties
What terms reflect medical language?
problem, impairment, non-verbal, minimally speaking, deficit, atypical, typical
What is a neurodevelopmental disorder/condition classified as?
child disability
Where do neurodevelopmental disorders/conditions come from?
- when complex genetic and environmental factors come together to change brain development
- tend to run in families
- exact causes have in many cases not been identified
Who coined the term neurodiversity?
Judy Springer 1999
What is a limitation of research into typical development?
not based on multicultural or multilingual research