Social disadvantage Flashcards
What early language interventions may be implemented in low socio-economic contexts?
- talking time
- talk boost
-nuffield early language intervention
What mother child interaction features are suggested to be related to social disadvantage?
- quantity of CDS from caregiver
- mother’s sensitivity
- measurable quality of mother child interactions
What measures may be used to assess socioeconomic status?
- post code data
- means tested income measures
-mothers who completed last year of school - family literacy measures
- estimation of number of books in the home
- poverty line
What are the UK poverty statistics?
- 1 in 5
- 29% of children (4.2 mill)
-estimated 14.4 million - 24% for families with a disabled member
- highest where head of household is pakastani or Bangladeshi
- lowest for white ethnic groups
-1/5 poor households, and 1/4 on universal credits are in food poverty
What is financial capital?
- income
-disposable income - wealth
What is cultural capital?
- ‘entwined with wider privilege’
- debated
What is bonding social capital?
- derived from relationships between similar persons
What is bridging social capital?
derived from dissimilar persons in the same level of hierarchy
What is linking social capital?
relationships between persons across levels of hierarchy and power
What is habitus?
- the way that people perceive and respond to the social world they inhabit
- how we pass on our advantages and disadvantages
Which pupils are defined as disadvantaged?
- if eligible for free school meals at any point
- if recorded as being looked after for at least one day
- if they are recorded as being adopted from care
What does the research suggest about the relationship between SES and education?
- 1/4 of pupils at end of key stage 4 are ‘disadvantaged’
- 45% of student acheive grade c or higher in english and maths - 27% of those are disadvantaged
- of boys elligible for free school meals - those from mixed white/black-carribean, and gypsy/roma families had lowest grades
-of girls, those from white british backgrouds also ranked lowesd inenglish and maths alsongside main ethnic groups
What is the relationship between SES and language development?
- consisdered to be associated with language delay
- language delay has imp impact on school readiness
What is positionality?
- social and political context that creates your identity in terms of race, class, gender, sexuality, and ability status
- how your identity influences and potentially biases your understanding and outlook of the world
What did Fernald, Marchman, and Weisleder (2013) find?
at 24mo, there was a 6mo gap between SES groups in processing skills critical to language development