understanding adaptations Flashcards
physical stress theory
OVERLOAD - injury
increased tolerance - adaptation
decreased tolerance - atrophy
what drives adaptation
- type of force
- magnitude of force
- drequency of force
envelope of function
The envelope can represent the upper limits of performance, such as the maximum strength or endurance a person can achieve during workouts.
- above zone of surpaphysiological overload + zone of strutual failure
- below negative adaptations + disuse
what can change envelope of function
exercise has the potential to increase the envelope of function.
Injury and illness reduces the envelope of function.
capacity v tolerance
Capacity – limits structurally (tissue/system)
Tolerance – how much are you willing to deal with
Wolff’s law
bone adaptations to imposed mechnical loading
- when stress/strain is applied to our bones they remodel
- stress is force applied to a tissue, while strain is the amount of deformation (distort, twist, buckle, bend) that occurs in the tissue.
- stress and strain applied to bones = thicker, stronger bones. If stress and strain is not applied bones become thinner and weaker.