Exploring ROM Flashcards
- the ability of a muscle or muscles to legnthen passively
ability of the joint to move through its full range of motion (active)
Flexibility determinants:** joint factors**
- joint structure
- bony prominences
- joint capsule
- ligament
Flexibility determinants: **MTU structure **
- contractile function
- passive elongation
- architecture
- collagen content
- layers of skin that contribute to resisting of movement
- morphology
- passive elongation
- stiffness
- material properties
Flexibility determinants: **neural factors **
- pain sensitivity (muscle guarding + spasm)
- pain threshold
- reflexes
- voluntary muscle activity
Flexibility determinants: **external factors **
- temperature (cerebral palsy, cold spasticity)
- clothing/equipment
- psychosocial setting
Flexibility determinants: other
- age (lose elastin in the soft tissues)
- sex (hormones)
- hormones (relaxin causes laxity which increase ROM)
- disease
- skin
- neural tissue ( signal from brain to muscle)
- physical obstructions (soft tissue approximation)
what is a benefit of flexibility
- helps prevent injury to the muscles and joints
whats a benefit of mobility
- help build stregnth, mobility in muscles and joints
- prevents tightness
- prevents subsequent injury
static stretch
after workout/ following warmup
dynamic warmup
before workout/ faster movements
Types of stretching
- static hold in position
- dynamic movement
types of mobility
- active muscles actively work to shorten and lengthen to produce movement
- passive Movement is passive and produced by an external force.
- active-assisted a combination of the above
viscous - resists flow and can change shape (permenant)
elasticity deforms when stress is applied to it but can returen to its normal shape (reversible)
temperature has an affect on tissue/muscle. warmer more ROM
creep when giving flexibility exercise a key aim is to allow time for adaptation to occur