Umbilical Cord Flashcards
Most common abnormality of umbilical cord
Single umbilical artery (SUA) or two vessel cord
What is considered a short cord?
Less than 35 cm
What is the main cause of a short umbilical cord?
Failure of embryonic in-folding
Lack of fetal movement may also cause short umbilical cords. What are some reasons there might be lack of fetal movement?
Central nervous or musculoskeletal abnormalities
Multiple gestation
What is considered a long umbilical cord?
Greater than 80 cm
What are some complications associated with long umbilical cords?
Cord knot
Nuchal cord
Vasa previa
Cord knots occur when:
Fetus moves through a loop of cord creating a knot
Seen with monoamniotic multiple gestations
How often are cord knots diagnosed prenatally?
What is a nuchal cord?
Entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck
How often are nuchal cords found?
In 25% of pregnancies
When is a nuchal cord worrisome?
If two or more tight loops around the neck
How can nuchal cords be diagnosed?
Use color Doppler to differentiate between nuchal cord and nuchal translucency
Look for evidence of neck indention or cord flattening
What is vasa previa?
Fetal blood vessels presenting at internal os first
Why is vasa previa significant?
Rupture of blood vessels during labor can be fatal
Risk factors for vasa previa:
Velamentous cord insertion Succenturiate lobe Low lying placenta Long cord Polyhydramnios Abnormal fetal position
What are the types of cord masses and where do they originate?
Omphalomesenteric and allantoic cysts: remnant of either duct, near fetal end of cord
Pseudocysts: anywhere along the cord
Hemangioma: near placental cord insertion site
Hematoma: near placental cord insertion site (wherever cordocentesis occurred)
Herniation: at fetal insertion site
What can be associated with omphalomesenteric or allantoic cysts?
Abdominal wall defects and genitourinary abnormalities
What are pseudocysts of the umbilical cord caused by?
Focal degeneration of Wharton jelly
What is the most common tumor of the umbilical cord?
Hematomas in an umbilical cord are usually the result of:
An invasive procedure (cordocentesis)
Hematomas are associated with ________ loss rate.
What are the indications to perform an umbilical artery Doppler?
abnormal biophysical profile
Abnormal AFI
Multiple gestations
Where will the umbilical artery demonstrate a higher resistance?
At fetal cord insertion site especially when fetus is breathing
What is the resistive index?
Systole minus diastole divided by systole