Fetal Thorax Flashcards
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is caused by
Failure of pleuroperitoneal membrane
What side do congenital diaphragmatic hernias usually occur?
Congenital diaphragmatic hernias may compress lungs and cause
Pulmonary ipsilateral hypoplasia and secondary respiratory distress
Two forms of congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Bochdalek - in posterolateral aspect (most common)
Morgagni - anterior aspect, very rare
Sono traits of congenital diaphragmatic hernias
Displaced heart (to right) Cystic mass (stomach) in thorax Absence of intraabdominal stomach Hypoechoic/cystic structures representing bowel in chest
Fetal hydro thorax is
A pleural effusion
Common associations with fetal hydro thorax
Hydrops fetalis Congestive heart failure Chromosomal abnormalities Chylothorax (accumulation of lymph fluid) Pulmonary hypoplasia
Severe effusions may compress heart, displace lungs, and occupy the entire chest cavity.
False, compress lungs and displace heart
Cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung is a:
Benign lung tumor
CAMs are usually unilateral, affecting the whole lung.
False, a single lob
Classification of CAM
Type 1 - single/multiple large cysts measuring 2 cm or greater
Type 2 - multiple small cysts less than 1 cm in diameter
Type 3 - multiple tiny non visible cysts resulting in bulky and hyperechoic appearance, appears solid, displaces mediastinal structure
CAMs often enlarge after the beginning of the third trimester, and rarely decrease in size.
False, rarely enlarge, often decrease
Survival rate of CAM is good unless what is present?
Bronchopulmonary sequestration is a lesion comprised of lung tissue that
Is separated from normal tracheobronchial tree
Sono traits of bronchopulmonary sequestration
Echogenic mass at base of lung
May be triangular
Looks similar to CAM and Teratomas