Ultrasound of Liver, Spleen, Urinary Flashcards
When doing ultrasound, you should image all structures in
2 planes- 90 degrees to each other
1) long axis (sagittal)
2) Short axis (transverse)
High frequency transducers have better or worse resolution
Better worse resolution
High frequency transducers have more or less penetration
less penetration
What transducers are better for superficial structures
High frequency
-better resolution and less penetration (depth)
better resolution and less penetration
High frequency transducers
better penetration, less resolution
Low Frequency transducers
What transducers are better for deeper structures
Low Frequency
-low resolution, good penetration
less echogenic, more black
more echogenic, more white
same echogenicity
no echoes (black)
Does spleen or liver have more echogenicity
does renal cortex or medulla have more echogenicity
does the liver or kidney have more echogenicity
liver but it is similar to the kidney cortex
What is the echogenicity of the liver
generally moderate echogenicity/ hypoechoic organ
what structures within the liver, are well defined on ultrasound
portal vein walls
T/F: hepatic arteries and veins are well seen on radiographs
False- often dont see arteries
need to use doppler
the portal vein walls are seen though
The liver is hypoechoic to
the spleen
T/F: the liver is isoechoic to the renal cortex
The gallbladder is located between the
right medial and quadrate lobes
What does the gallbladder look like on ultrasound
1) ovoid to spherical
2) thin hyperechoic wall with anechoic contents
3) some gravity dependent debris is okay
T/F: bilobed gallbladder variants is abnormal in cats
False- could be a normal variant
What might cause hypoechoic liver?
-Acute Hepatitis
What does a hypoechoic liver look like
Stormy night appearance
-portal veins stand out and give this
What might cause a hyperechoic liver
Steroid Hepatopathy
What is seen with a hyperechoic liver
similar echogenicity to spleen and/or subjectively hyperechoic
portal vessels are harder to see and blend in with adjacent echoes
What might cause a liver with mixed echogenicity
Chronic hepatitis
Vaciolar hepatopathy with nodular regn
T/F: nodular hyperplasia of the liver is very common and clinically benign
What is seen on ultrasound with nodular hyperplasia
Multiple hypoechoic nodules, many isoechoic
cannot tell from neoplasia- must do FNA or biopsy
What do you see on ultrasound with hepatic neoplasia
solitary nodule/mass, multiple nodles, diffuse infilitrate
many different patterns/echogenicities
nothing specific for tumor type, must FNA or biopsy
What is the most hyperechoic abdominal organ
-Medium to high echogenicity
-Finely stipled parenchyma
What are the ultrasound descriptions of the spleen
-Medium to high echogenicity
-Finely stipled parenchyma
-Capsule seen as distinct hyperechoic line
-Splenic veins visualized
-Flat elongated organ, tapers at tail
What might cause splenomegaly without ultrasound parenchymal change
lymphoid hyperplasia
extramedullary hematopoiesis
round cell/hematopoetic neoplasia
german shepards
What breeds commonly have splenomegaly without parenchymal changes on ultrasound
german shephards
What might cause parechymal changes +/- splenomegaly on ultrasound
Lymphoid hyperplasia
extra-medullary hematopoesis
round cell/hematopoetic neoplasia
hemangiosarcoma/ hemangioma
metastatic neoplasia
granulomatoud disease
Wat might cause the spleen to have a swiss cheese appearance on ultrasound - poorly defined to well defined hypoechoic nodules
splenic lymphoma or puppies with hyperechoic nodules
T/F: the renal medulla is hyperechoic to the cortex
the medulla is hypoechoic to the cortex
What is the normal kidney size on ultrasound?
Smooth margins around capsule
Cats: 3.0-4.4cm
Dogs: variable and correlates to the size of the dog
When ultrasounding the kidneys, what view can you see the renal pelvis have a V-shape
What do renal cysts look like on ultrasound
smooth margins
usually anechoic contents
distal acoustic enhancement
What kinds of breeds typically get polycystic kidney disease
Long-haired cats (persian and Persian Cross)
Cairn Terriers
What ultrasound findings are seen with chronic kidney disease
1) Decreased corticomedullary distinction
often have hyperechoic cortex and poss also hyperechoic medulla
2) Cortical defects/irregular margins
3) Deceased Size
4) Focal mineralization
5) Pelvic dilation
What does the urinary bladder normally look like on ultrasound
smooth wall
see inner and outer margins with hypoechoic tissue inbetween
thickness varies with distinction
<3-4mm in dogs, <2mm in cats
What might be debris in the normal urinary bladder on ultrasound
RBC, WBCs, lipid, protein crustals
What are the ultrasound findings of cystitis
thickened wall, usually worse cranio-ventrally
Bladder neoplasia is more common in dogs or cats
Bladder neoplasia is more common in males or females
What breeds are at risk for bladder neoplasia
Wirehaired Fox Terrier