UF Reviews Flashcards
Chicken with caseonecrotic wattle +/-
sinusitis, splen/liver necrosis: dz name, etiology
Fowl cholera: Pasteurella multocida, domestic or wild
Turkey liver with target lesions, dz name, etiology
Called Blackhead, infectious enterohepatitis; histomonas meleagridis (protozoan) or earthworms, or cecal worm heterakis gallinarium in poultry (gallinaceous birds)
Blackhead/infectious enterohepatitis pathophys
cecal worm multiplies in cecum, enter portal circ to liver
Blackhead pathognomonic lesions
necrotizing typhlitis with caseonecrotic core; darkening of skin of head due to cyanosis
Dz, etio: proliferative dermatitis of face, feet, crop in domestic or wild birds
Avian or fowl pox from avian poxvirus
Describe dry form and wet form of avian pox
Dry: non-feathered skin (face and feet); Wet: oral cavity, trachea, esophagus
What two diseases (and agents) can cause necrotizing typhlitis with caseonecrotic core
blackhead (pasteurella multocida/earthworm/cecal worm) or coccidiosis (eimeria tenella)
CS of infectious coryza, agent
Conjunctivitis, infraorbital sinusitis, rhinitis, lower respiratory infection: avibacterium paragallinarium
DDx chicken sinusitis (3)
infectious coryza (grey semi-liquid), fowl cholera (will be more caseous), swollen head syndrome (yellow-clear/watery)
Chicken with trachea lesions (fibrinonecrotic or hemorrhagic tracheitis): dz, etio
Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), gallid herpesvirus 1
Two lesions of Marek’ dz
Enlargement of sciatic nerves (lymphoma) near kidneys, follicular lymphoma (skin with white nodules)- wont see these in other Ddx that is similar to this dz
Agent: Marek’s dz
Gallid herp 2
Ddx marek’s dz
Lymphoid leukosis- tumors in kidney, spleen, liver, bursa (not in marek’s)
Cerebellar malacia and hemorrhage chicken brain: dz, etio
Crazy chick dz, encephalomalacia: vitamin E, Se deficiency d/t high levels of fat in feed (or rancid feed)
Chicken- edema and hemorrhage leading to bursal atrophy: name dz, agent
Gumboro dz, infectious bursal dx virus (birnavirus)
Pigeon with caseous necrosis or necrotizing stomatitis/esophagitis: dz, etio
Canker, trichomonas gallinae
What is canker called in raptors
Ddx canker
wet pox, candidiasis, vit A deficiency (last two are less severe); always assme canker in pigeons/doves
Budgie with hyperkeratotic dermatitis of beak/face, leg: name dz, etio
Scaly leg and face mite- Knemidokoptes pilae
Forms of leg and face mite in canaries, poultry/raptors
Canaries (passarines)- K. jamaicensis; poultry/raptors- K. mutans
Rat with abdominal mass, most likely Ddx
mammary gibroadenoma- Mammary tumors almost ALWAYS BENIGN IN RATS
Mice mammary tumor- b or m
Almost always maligmant (esp. d/t mouse mammary tumor virus)
Cats- mammary tumor- b or m
Dogs- - mammary tumor- b or m
Blue and gold macaw with proventricular dilation: dz, etio
Proventricular dilation dz (PDD) or macaw wasting dz- avian bornavirus
Bat with white nose: agent
White nose syndrome: pseudogymnoascus destructans
Rabbit with fibrotic lungs: dz, etio
Diffuse, fibrinous pleuropneumonia: pasteurella multocida (IF YOU SEE PUS IN A RABBIT- think pasteurella)
Diffuse, fibrinous pleuropneumonia CS
Rabbits with URI, lower resp infxn, abscesses (skin, SQ, facial, abdominal, bone), otitis media, meningitis, acute septicemia
What is capture myopathy
Impala with locally extensive skeletal muscle necrosis (think of this in exotics)
Beak and feather dysplasia in a cockatoo: Dx, etio
Psittacine beak and feather dz- psittacine circovirus
White, necrotic, dry edges of lungs, heart and serosal surfaces in coelomic cavity: Dx, pathophys
Gout- deposition of urate tophi; renal dehydration –> increased uric acids –> precipitation of urate tophi; can be in kidneys, articular
Two Ddx for tortoise with tongue lesions
Fibronecrotic glossitis: herpes virus or ranavirus (»bacteria)
Flaky hair in rabbit- name and etio
Walking dandruff- cheylitiella parasitovorax
Enlarged eyes in turtle: etio, pathophys
Slider blepharedema from Vit A deficiency -> squamous metaplasia of lacrimal ducts –> obstruction –> eyelid edema
Crooked looking iguana (popeye appearance)- name, etio
Fibrous osteodystrophy- metabolic bone dz; improper Ca:P ratio
Pathophys of metabolic bone dz
Secondary nutritonal hyperPTH: Wrong Ca:P ratio d/t diet or low Vit D3 from poor UV light –> low iCa –> PTH release –> Ca from osteoclasts –> unmineralized fibrous connective tissue laid down
Aortic atherosclerosis- species, etio
African Grey, Amazons (sometimes primates); multifactoria- diet, age, stress, inactivity)
Diet factors associated with aortic atherosclerosis
high fat, saturated FAs- ESPECIALLY seeds
Turtle with ear lump- etio
Aural abscess: Vitamin A deficiency, organochlorines (vit A disruptors), poor husbandry
Brown discharge in rabbit ear: name, etio
Exudative Otitis externa, psoroptes cuniculi (think bunnicula)- goats can get as well
Skinny, bald ferret- cause, pathophys
Adrenal cortical tumor (hyperplasia or adenoma or ACA)- secrete estrogenic compounds (not corticosteroids)
CS of ferret adrenal cortical tumor
Alopecia, prostatic inflamation or cysts, BM suppression, vulvar enlargement, mamary development
Snake with scale erosions or ulcerations- Dz, etio
Snake fungal disease: Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola (can kill captive or wild snakes)
Two Ddx for rabbit with head tilt
OM via pasteurella multocida (can be staph, strep, pseudomonas) or granulomatous encephalitis from encephalitozoon cuniculi
E. cunniculi- agent type, CS, species
Microsporidian; most no CS but granulomatous inflammation in kidney, brain, lung, adrenal, liver, eye; rabbits- dwarfs more susceptible to brain/eye
Ocular form of e. cunniculi
Phacoclastic uveitis
Agent, presentation- lumpy jaw in cow
Actinomyces bovis- proliferative and pyogranulomatous osteomyelitis of the jaw
Heart with white plaques, seen on cut surface as well- dz, etio
White mm. dz- Vit E/Selenium (when white, think mineral) deficiency
Ruminant with nodular appearance to SI mucosa- dz, etio
Johne’s dz- mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis
Cause of hepatic lipidosis in cows; cause in sheep
Early lactation neg energy balance; (late preg in sheep)
Cerebellar hypoplasia in cow
BVD in utero
Describe Polioencephalomalacia in cow and cause
(no gray matter, replaced by white); Thiamine deficiency/poor metabolism; sulfur compounds, salt tox/water deprivation
Brain with hemorrhagic lesions in cow- dz, etio
Thrombotic meningoencephalitis (TME); histophilus somni
CS of histophilus somni
Cows: TME (necrohemorrhagic encephalitis/vasculitis) > fibrinous lung/heart (papillary mm.)- resp signs and potential heart failure
Cow with nothing in brain- absence of cerebral hemispheres, just CSF present: dz, etio
Hydranencephaly; akabane virus, BVDV, Rift Valley fever, bluetongue
Sheep with nothing in brain- absence of cerebral hemispheres, just CSF present: dz, etio
Wesselbron dz, border dz, bluetongue
What dz in sheep is the same as BVD in cows
Border dz
Cow- skin with bumps, lesions: dz, etio
Lumpy skin dz- lumpy skin dz virus (capripoxvirus)- a foreign animal dz
Pyogranulomatous tongue lesions- cow: dz, etio
Wooden tongue- actinobacillus ligniersi (remember, lignin makes plants woody!!)
Necrohemorrhagic myositis of skeletal muscle in cow- dz, etio
Black leg, clostridium chauvoei
Fibrinonecrotic tracheitis in cow
(looks like chicken ILT) IBR (infectious bovine rhinotracheitis) d/t BHV-1
CS of BHV 1
Fibrinonecrotic tracheitis, abortion, red nowconjunctivitis, pustular vaginitis/balanoposthitis, encephalomyelitis, mastitis
Cow lungworm
Dichtiocaulus viviparus
Sheep/goat lungworm
Dichtiocaulus filaria
Donkey/horse lungworm
Dichtiocaulus arnfeldi
Cow Volvulus v torsion, locations
Volv- around mesenteric axis (SI); tors: twisting along longitudinal axis (LI)
Cow Chronic fibrinopurulent pericarditis- name
Hardward dz or traumatic reticulopericarditis
Cow conjunctivitis
Moraxella bovis
Cow corneal edema
Malignant catarrhal fever- OHV-2 (sheep associated) or alcelaphine herpesvirus 2 (wildebeest assoc)
CS of Malignant catarrhal fever
Corneal edema (secondary to vasculitis), lip/oral ulcers (+/- esoph, forestomachs), corneal ulcers, interstitial nephritis
Mottled red/white liver in cow
Nutmeg liver (chronic passive congestion)
Proliferative oral lesions in cow on muzzle, lips, oral mucosa, +/- esoph/forestomachs
Bovine papular stomatitis; parapoxvirus (bov. pap. stomatitis virus)
Fibrinonecrotic laryngitis in cow
Calf diptheria- fusobacterium necrophorum secondary to trauma (esp balling guns)
Cow- Intestine with elongated ulcers
Necrosis peyers patches of BVDV, salmonella, rinderpest (eradicated)
Most likely cause of lymphoma in cows
Bovine leukemia virus (retrovirus)
LSA locations- cow
Heart, LN, uterus, abomasum, spinal canal, liver, spleen, others
Lungs with caseous large nodules- horse
Granulomatous pneumonia from mycobacterium bovis (REPORTABLE)
Horse- multifocal necrotic lesions on kidney- dz, etio
Dehydrated horse on NSAIDs
Pathophys of Multifocal renal papillary necrosis
Inhibition of Cox leads to decreased PGE2 causing loss of vasodilation leading to renal papillary iscemia and necrosis
Cranial mesenteric artery in horse with endarteritis
Strongylus vulgaris nematode, large strongyle
Life cycle of strongylus vulgaris
Adult in intestine, L4 penetrates to Cr. mesenteric a., 3-4 months later molt to L5, return to cecum wall and colon via intestinal arteries
Bump on withers of horse- dz, etio
Fistulous withers- supraspinous bursitis: brucella abortus, onchocerca cervicalis, actinomyces bovis, strep equi zoo
What is poll evil
supra-atlantal bursitis (bump on poll)
Atrophy of infraspinatus and supraspinatus mm. in horse: dz, etio
Sweeny - suprascapular nerve injury
Horse with vulvar pustules: dz, etio
Coital exanthema (ulcerative vulvitis): EHV-3 (can also be penis/prepuce); can be inapparent carriers
Horse- pyogranulomatous lung lesions - etio, other sites
Rhodococcus equi; half of foals with lung lesions will also have colon/cecum/LN lesions
Tiny multifocal ulcers on horse colon- dz, etio
Larval cyathostomiasis: multifocal encysted nematodes: small stronglyes (many species); horse with sudden weight loss and diarrhea assoc with mass emergence of larvae
Horse brain with white lesions in brain- dz, etio
Leukoencephalomalacia from moldy corn- fumosinin toxicity
Symmetric holes in horse brain- dz, etio
Nigropalladial encephalomalacia- yellow star thistle or russian knapweed