Cows Flashcards
When are placentomes palpable
75-90 days gestation
When is the fetus palpable
60 days (may be out of reach after 4-7m)
When and where is the uterine artery fremitus evident`
Ipsilateral- 4m; bilateral at 7m
T/F Uterine artery fremitus indicates viable pregnancy
When does metritis typically occur
Within 2 weeks of calving
Name the 4 risk factors of metritis
Retained fetal memb, dystocia, stillbirth, twinning
What does brucella abortus cause in the pregnant cow
late gestation abortions, placentitis
T/F Taylorella equigenitalis causes venereal disease in cows
F- only horses
Most common BVD congenital effect
Cerebellar hypoplasia (less: microphthalmia, hydraencephaly)
At what point of McMaster result should calves be de-wormed
300-400 egg count (this is when weight loss happens)
Most common time for displaced abomasum
four weeks post-partum
TPN formula- 15 d calf
1L each of: 10% am acids, 50% gluc, 10% lipid
Prohibited Abx - food animal
chloramphenicol, FQs, vancomycin, most sulfas (except sulfadimethoxine)
What does 7 way vax cover
7 way bacterin vax: Clostridium: chauvoei, septicum, novyi A and B, sordellii and perfringens C & D
What are the big 5 calf D agents
crypto, salmonella, eneterpathic/enterotoxic e. coli, rotavirus, corona virus
US BVD genotypes
1a 1b 2a
Moroccan leather appearance of abomasum- agent
(cobblestone) Ostertagia- larva in glands form nodules, seasonally emerge and cause signs
Tx frothy bloat
Oral poloxalene or cooking oil
Rectangular or triangular eggs in fecal egg count of health cows; agent, lifecycle
Moniezia tapeworm eggs; oribatid mites in soil eaten by host; (usually non pathogenic but can cause intestinal stasis)
Tx rumen acidosis
Magnesium Oxide (becomes MgOH in rumen)
Oat toxicosis effects
renal and GI signs- Tannins damage mucosa; hemorrhagic D and renal tubular necrosis
How does coccidia produce nervous coccidiosis in cattle
Elaboration of heat-labile neurotoxin
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis- agent, CS
Bovine herpes virus 1- UPPER respiratory signs and white plaques on conjuntiva and nasal epithelium
Tx bovine papillomavirus
Autogenous vaccine from herd
Cause of LSA
BLV (bovine leukemia virus)- lentivirus
Herd test for BLV
ELISA- gp51 Ag
Honking cough, pulmonary edema, emphysema- agent
BRSV- paramyxovirus
BVD congenital disorders
Cerebellar hypoplasia, microphthalmia, hydranencephaly
Timing of PI of BVD
less than 125 days gestation
Three zoonotic parapox viruses
pseudocowpox, contagious ecthyma, bovine papular stomatitis (BPS)
Ddx proliferative teat lesions
pseudocowpox, VS, bluetongue
Small raised lesions in gums/dental pad in calf
BPS (no GI signs, no other oral lesions)
Cause of mucosal dz
BVD conversion from NCP to CP in PI
Lumpy jaw agent, tx
Actinomyces bovis (G+), Na-Iodide (cull)
Woody tongue agent, tx
Actinobacillus ligniersii (G-), Na-Iodide
Painful cough, elicited on laryngeal palpation in calf under 1.5 y
Calf diptheria- fusobacterium necrophorum
Zoonotic salmonella causing watery green diarrhea, tx
Salmonella Typhimurium, ceftiofur
Respiratory signs, lameness, +/- otitis media neuro signs- agent, dx
Mycoplasma bovis- culture with hayflick’s agar
How is mycoplasma bovis transmitted
Obligate bovine genital tract agent causing abortion
Campylobacter fetus venerealis
Urine pH goal in DCAD to avoid milk fever
Staggering, paddling cowS on lush pasture- cause
Grass tetany from hypomagnesemia
4-8w calf with septicemia, tx
Salmonella dublin, CULL carriers, vax calves
Pale, icteric, Hgb’uric lactating cows- cause, timing
Hypophosphatemia (post-parturient hemoglobinuria) in first month of lactation (P <2= hemolysis)
What type of ulcer is a bleeding ulcer, tx
Type II abomasal: 4-8 L fresh whole blood
Right side monotone ping from 9-13th rib
Abomasal voluvulus
Variable pitch ping on left between 10th-13th
Risk factor- LDA
Recently fresh - first four weeks
Most common site of intuss, tx
Ileum; R flank sx
Right ping high up from last rib to pelvis, tx
Cecal dilatation +/- torsion, R flank sx
Cause of frothy bloat, tx
Lush legumes, poloxalene orally
Hollow boink on left flank between 9-13 to hip
vagal indigestion (papple!)
Oral ulcers from feed- cause
Bristle grass- sertaria lutescens
Peak lactation time
4-8w post partum
Length of lactation
Dry off period
Goal somatic cell count in milk
Contagious mastitis agents
Strep. agalactiae, staph aureus, mycoplasma bovis
Only mastitis org to respond to intramammary infusion tx
Strep agalactiae (G+, obligate mammary pathogen- subclinical but can have high SCC)
Environmental mastitis agents
coliform (e. coli), prototheca, step, klebsiella pneumoniae, pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterobacter aeruginosa, arcanobacterium pyogenes, proteus
Shipping fever agent, necropsy findings
Mannheimia hemolytica, fibrinopurulent pleuropneumonia
3-8w calf with Loud cough, cranioventral consolidation with crackles/wheezes/harsh sounds with NO sepsis, depression, decreased appetite
Enzootic pneumonia- pasteurella multocida
Effect of ruptured peronius tertius
Able to extend hock and flex stifle at same time
Swollen hot painful udder with serum like secretions with fibrin clumps
Coliform mastitis
Cause of flying scapula
serratus ventralis rupture
Agent in mastitis with fibrosis of glandular tissue, tx
Mycoplasma bovis, cull
Dx/Tx 3w-1yr calf unable to walk, get up, no trauma
Spastic paresis- hock cant flex d/t gastroc tension; tibial neurectomy or gastroc tenectomy
Non-progressive general rigidity after sensory stimulation- dz, cause
Myotonia congenital- Cl channel affected
Cause of secondary copper deficiency, tx, dx
High molybdenum in sagebrush, alkaline environment, copper 5x molybdenum- liver biopsy
Cause of acromotrichia
dilute coat d/t tyrosinase dysfunction in copper deficiency
Feedlot animal with convulsions, bilateral blindness
Vitamin A deficiency
Dx cause of white muscle dz
selenium deficiency- measure glutathione peroxidase- will be low
Zoo form of BSE
Cruzfelt Jakob
Vector of pinkeye
Musca autumnalis- face fly
Immunoglobin that predominates in bovine colostrum, refractometer reading indicated FOPT
IgG (< 4.5g/dL)
Tx clockwise uterine torsion
push forwards on vagina and roll cow clockwise
White plaques on vagina- dz, agent
Infectious pustular vulvovaginitis- herpesvirus
Most common endometritis agent
arcanobacter pyogenes (less: p. multocida, p. aeruginosa, e. coli) THINK PYO
Findings of anthrax-
Orificial bleeding, no rigor mortis, dark, unclotting blood
BVD- gestational timing of abortion, congenital defects, PI
Abortion- 50-100d
Congenital- 100-150d
PI- 40-125d
Dx calf diarrhea <6d
When does calf suckle
When does calf stand
1-3 h
When does calf nurse
Colostrum requirements
4L w/in 2h
BVD vax timing
pre breed, maternal waning
Milk pathogens
m. avium psTB, salm, mycoplasma, listeria, campylobacter, m. bovis, e. coli, staph, strep (MMMCLESS)
Agent, pathogenesis of mucosal dz
BVD PI conversion from NCP to CP type
Features of MCF that are NOT found in BVD
LN’opathy, corneal edema
Features of BPS that are NOT found in BVD
No diarrhea
Vector- VS
black fly (culicoides sonorensis), midges
VS lesion locations, other CS
mouth/teat/coronary band; mastitis, decreased milk, lameness, abortion
VS agent
Rhabdovirus (think: tongue is muscle- rhabdo) NJ and Indiana forms
Johne’s agent
Mycobacterium avium pTB