Udemy - IELTS Speaking Success - Get a Band 7+ 2022- 20 Favourite Idioms Flashcards
To be tickled pink
= to be very happy
I am tickled pink that I passed my exam.
ذوق مرگ شدن از خوشحالی.
قند توی دل کسی آب شدن
It’s not my cup of tea
= I don’t like it
I am not into football, it’s just not my cup of tea. I prefer rugby
باب میل بودن . مطلوب بودن
To love someone to bits
= to love someone a lot
I am a big fan of Tom Cruise, I love him to bits.
to bits:
معادل عامیانه
very much : خیلی زیاد
To be fed up to the back teeth
= To be really fed up (=bored and angry)
I’m fed up to the back teeth of all this boring work my boss gives me.
fed up: سیروبیزار، رنجیده، بیزار
معادل” دیگه ذله شدن “ از چیزی که در یک دوره زمانی آزردتون کرده یا دیگه ا
To be down in the dumps
= To be very sad
I’m a bit down in the dumps about Tom passing away (=dying).
یجورایی همون اصطلاحِ “کشتی هاش غرق شده”
To feel under the weather
= To feel a little sick / ill
I won’t go into work today, I am feeling a bit under the weather
احوال مریض بودن
To sleep on it
= To think carefully before making a decision
This promotion is a great opportunity, but a lot more work. I need to sleep on it before I accept it.
دربارۀ موصوعی فکر و تامل کردن
بیشتر به این معناست که دربارۀ موصوعی درنگ کنید و بعد درباره اش تصمیم بگیرید.
I couldn’t sleep a wink
= I couldn’t sleep well
= to be awake all night
There were mosquitoes in my room last night, I couldn’t sleep a
پلک نزدم
To be snowed under (with work)
= To be very busy with a lot of tasks to do
I always feel snowed under on Monday mornings when I see my inbox is full.
تا کله سرش کار ریخته
کلی کار رو سرم ریخته که باید انجام بدم
To get on like a house on fire
= To have a very good relationship with someone
Tom is my best friend, we** get on** like a house on fire.
با هم خوب جوشیدن ( مناسبترین معادل )
To know something inside out
= to know it very well
I’ve lived here for 20 years, I know this city inside out
Inside out:
1- پشت و رو
2- کاملا، تمام و کمال
To think on your feet
= to think quickly without time to plan
In these meetings with the CEO, there’s no time to plan, so be
careful if he asks you a question, you’ll just have to think on your
فکر و عکس العمل سریع
I wouldn’t trust him as far as I can throw him
= I don’t trust him at all
I wouldn’t buy anything from this agent, I wouldn’t trust him as far
as I can throw him.
I wouldn’t give it much thought
= I wouldn’t worry about it
Don’t worry about your boss being angry, he’s always flying off the
handle (=getting angry), I wouldn’t give it much though.
Flying off the handle: ناگهان خشمگین شدن، ناگهان هیجان زده شدن، از کوره در رفتن
I wouldn’t put it past him / her to do…
= I would’t be surprised if he / she did…
Sarah is always late to meetings, I **wouldn’t put it past her to **be late for her own wedding!
بعید دانستن از کسی