It is the obvious purpose of the school, such as career training or career selection in college and
in high school, respectively. School Mission and Vision states these functions. While all schools
aim to teach students socialization, cultural norms, and how society functions Depending on the
individual school’s goals and community needs, schools may specialize in specific areas and
subjects like Arts and Sciences
Manifest Function of Education
a process of learning; through this lifelong process, people learn how to become functioning
members of society. Individuals attain a personal identity by learning knowledge, language, and
social skills that will help them function well with others. Students at all ages are constantly
rewarded or punished due to their performance of these skills.
Examples of socialization:
❖ Following of rules and regulations
❖ Following of schedule
❖ Submitting to authorities
❖ Interacting with others in a polite and kind way
Agents of Socialization:
❖ Families
❖ Peers
❖ Neighborhoods
❖ The Mass Media
❖ Schools
❖ Religious institutions
Is the process in which cultural norms and values are transmitted to future generations. Cultural
transmission is often a part of socialization but focuses on learning the norms and values
specific to a culture.
Cultural transmission
Three Types of Cultural Transmission:
❖ Vertical Transmission
❖ Horizontal Transmission
❖ Oblique Transmission
Forms of Cultural Transmission:
❖ Direct Transmission
❖ Indirect Transmission
❖ Observation
❖ Imitation
Schools are seen as a way to prepare students to achieve their career goals. After high
school,students are expected to either attend college to move closer to attaining a career, or go
straight into a career after graduation. Helping students with their career selection, prepares
them for their future success in their ultimate field.
Activities that Encourage career selection: are Primary Ambition as a Kid, Career
Planning, Career Quizzes, and Electives.
Career education helps students acquire and enhance skills needed to discover career
paths. Hands-on training helps in developing practical skills required for the job profile.
Career-focused education gives the experience of a professional path with an advanced focus
on a particular career field.
● Career Selection
It alludes to the capacity for rational thought and includes the capacity to make logical
inferences from data, reasoning, and facts. Goal-setting and problem-solving are the main
concerns of rational thought. It is primarily produced by consistent practice.
Rational Thinking exercises samples are Thinking Challenges, Open-ended Questions,
Different Learning Styles, Decision Making, and Brainstorming. The importance of Rational
thinking are the Aids in Holistic Development, Builds Character, Enhances Analytical Powers,
Frames Individual Opinions and Widens Insight and Intellect
● Rational Thinking
❖ Aids in Holistic Development
❖ Builds Character
❖ Enhances Analytical Powers
❖ Frames Individual Opinions
❖ Widens Insight and Intellect
Importance of Rational Thinking:
It is the less obvious and unintended function of the school, this function could lead to deeper
consequences. These pairings could lead to social conformity, unintended socialization, or the
development of deep relationships. These functions can either correspond with or contradict
manifest functions. Latent functions could have unforeseen consequences which could
ultimately hold them back. Unforeseen functions are furthered in a school’s hidden curriculum,
or, the unofficial lessons students are taught in schools.
● Latent Function of Education
refers to giving a child the opportunity to socialize with peers and other
adults through either learning activities, events, or organized sports
Social Integration
s the specific act of making a connection with someone in a way
that each person knows the other on a personal level.
stablishing relationships
occurs when a person begins to match the attitudes, beliefs, and
behaviors of their established peer group.
Conformity to peer norms
Social placement is the use of education to improve one’s social standing. In other words, it is
placing people in higher or lower social classes based on the education level they have
completed. The example of Social Placement is Education. It defines the types of jobs that are
available to someone with that education level. People with higher education levels will make
more in the job field they choose than people with lower education levels.
University and graduate schools are viewed as vehicles for moving students closer to the
careers that will give them the financial freedom and security they seek. As a result, university
students are often more motivated to study areas that they believe will be advantageous on the
social ladder.
Social Placement Systems
Hidden Curriculum refers to the unwritten, unofficial, and often unintended lessons,
values, and perspectives that students learn in school. This consists of the unspoken or implicit
academic, social, and cultural messages that are communicated to students while they are in
These include how students should interact with peers, teachers, and other adults; how
they should perceive different races, groups, or classes of people; or what ideas and behaviors
are considered acceptable or unacceptable. Examples of it are Cultural expectations, Cultural
values and Cultural perspectives.
● Hidden Curriculum