derived from the two Latin words “educare” which means to train, to rear, or bring up, and
“educere” which means to lead out. (Craft, 1984)
● The acquisition of knowledge, habits, skills, and abilities through instruction and training or through selfactivity.
● Preparing oneself or others intellectually for a mature life.
● Cultivates a country’s economy, and society; therefore, it is the milestone of a nation’s progress
● The most crucial aspect of society
● In the Sociological Perspective, education has a two-fold function - manifest and latent.
● Emile Durkheim described schools as agents of socialization that prepare children for their future economic
● Schools are venues for expanding people’s networks. They are where you can possibly find a spouse, a
business partner, or friends whom you can keep for life.
● Avenue to develop one’s ability to work in groups, whether as a leader or as a member.
The current K-12 program in the Philippines, which was implemented in 2012,
covers kindergarten, six years of primary education, four years of junior high school,
and two years of senior high school.
Department of Education
The country’s postsecondary education standards are up to the scrutiny of CHED. It
was established in 1994 in response to the increasing demand for a higher education
system that would meet global standards.
Commission on Higher Education (CHED
- The transformational leader in the technical education and skills development of the
Filipino workforce.
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
- Refers to the hierarchically structured, chronologically graded education system from primary
school to the university, including programs and institutions for full time technical and vocational
education. - Happens inside a classroom and is facilitated by a professional teacher. It is a classroom-based,
structured, and sequentially graded system. It includes primary, secondary, undergraduate, and
graduate schools.
Formal Education
The first part of the educational system, and it includes the first six years of compulsory
education from grade 1 to 6.
Involves compulsory, formal education primarily concerned with providing basic education, and
usually corresponds to a traditional six grades or seventh grades, in addition, to preschool
● Elementary Education
Concerned primarily with continuing basic education at the elementary level and expanding it
● Secondary Education
Administered and supervised by the Commission of Higher Education. The actual years at this level depend on the curriculum of each course.
● Tertiary Education
- Refers to any organized educational activity outside the established formal system to provide
selected types of learning to a segment of the population. - Is any learning experience or training outside the organized formal system. This type of teaching
may include attending seminars, workshops, and community- based sports programs. Unlike formal
education which is based on concrete structure or curriculum, non-formal education follows less
structured guidelines
Non Formal Education
- Refers to the education of persons who are physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, or culturally
different from so-called “normal” individuals.
● Inclusive Education Programs - Inclusive education aims to integrate students with special needs into regular classrooms,
providing them with the opportunity to learn alongside their typically developing peers.
● Speech and Language Therapy Programs - Speech and language therapy programs focus on helping students with communication
disorders, including difficulties in speech, language, and communication skills.
● Specialized Academic Instruction Programs - These programs provide tailored academic instruction for students with various learning
Special Education
- Education does not only serve an individual but also the society where one belongs. Formal or nonformal, it is an avenue where people acquire the knowledge needed to deal with the demands of
daily living. - Here, people learn religion, philosophy, law, grammar, history, literature, arithmetic, music, arts,
and sciences. Through education, learners learn values desired to survive and face challenges that
happen on a regular basis. - Skills are also taught in school. Students are exposed to activities like singing, dancing, encoding,
selling, and other life skills. When all these are applied, people are led to community-building
Functions of Education in Society
Effects of Education in Society
➢ Self-actualization
➢ Productive Citizenry
Lifelong learning or education may lead a learner to attain
self-actualization. Self- actualization, in Abraham
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, is considered as the highest
level of human need. It is becoming everything that one is
capable of. Self-actualization is manifested when individuals experience real and passionate joy and
wonder. Following these experiences of joy and wonder, people become exposed to inspiration, power, or
➢ Self-actualization
Education helps society produce informed, responsible, and capable citizens. Productive citizens are those
who work and maximize their potential and skills. They are those who contribute to the realization of
individual and collective success.
The right to education is a universal prerogative to education. Everyone has the right to education.
Regardless of your race, age, gender, ethnicity, disability, or status, you are entitled to enjoy this
fundamental human right.
➢ Productive Citizenry
- Since school is an agent of socialization, thus education helps in transforming people in becoming
literate and to recognize its function in the society. - Through education, we can also learn social norms, values and culture that are fortified by our
teachers, textbooks, and classmates as well.
- Norms and values are passed down and transmitted to the succeeding generation with the aid of
school. Schools help the citizens about shared national identity and citizen roles. They are taught
with the laws, civic lessons, and even patriotism to the country.
Transmission of Culture
- Education portrays an important role to unify individuals by teaching the common values and social
Social Integration
- Education provides a social placement for everyone. It prepares us for the later station of our lives.
This is a forecast of the occupational roles they will perform later in the society
Social Placement
- Schools become the way where people develop their intellectual capacities to uncover the
confusions and realities of the world. People innovate out of their creativity and critical mindedness.
Social and Cultural Innovation
(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental
stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made
generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit
(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of
respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance, and friendship
among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the
maintenance of peace.
(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to the children
Article 26
Section 1: The state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take
appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.
Section 2, Paragraph 2: The state shall establish and maintain a system of free public education in the elementary
and high school levels.Without limiting the natural right of parents to rear their children, elementary education is
compulsory for all children of school age.
Under the Aquino Government, the Bureau of Non Formal Education was created under the Executive Order No.117,
in Article 14 sec 2(4) of 1987 Philippine Constitution.
Non Formal Education (NFE) leads to the establishment of the Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority also known as TESDA. This agency is created to promote non- degree technical programs.
Alternative Learning System (ALS) is parallel to an existing formal instruction but is only offered for those students
who were not given a chance to complete their basic education due to various reasons
1987 Revised Philippine Constitution
ARTICLE 14: Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports