What is the definition of “home state” within the UCCJEA
The state in which a child lived with a parent or a person acting as a parent for at least 6 consecutive months immediately before the commencement of the proceeding.
If the child is younger than 6 months of age, the home state is the state where the child lived from birth with a parent or a person acting as a parent
What are the rules about communication between courts under 61.511
Court may communicate with another state concerning UCCJEA proceeding
If it does, it MUST give parties opportunity to participate in the communication and present facts and legal argument before decision on jur is made BUT
Court need not include parties on communication RE scheduling
There shall be a record of communication between courts accept scheduling
Absent an emergency under 61.516, when does FL have jurisdiction to make an initial child custody determination
1. FL is the home state on date of commencement of action OR was home state anytime within 6 months before action and child is absent BUT parent continues to live here
- A court of another state does NOT have jur or a court of the home state of the child has declined jur on grounds that FL is more appropriate forum AND
- the child’s parents or at least one parent has significant
connection with FL other than a mere presence AND
-substantial evidence is available in FL concerning child’s
care, protection, training and personal relationships
- the child’s parents or at least one parent has significant
- All courts that had jur under 1 & 2 have declined jur bc FL is more appropriate to determine custody
- No court of any other stat would have jur under the criteria in #1, #2 or #3
What is the exclusive jurisdictional basis for making a child custody determination in FL
Is physical presence of or personal jur over a party or a child necessary for child custody determination
NO - physical presence of or personal jurisdiction over a party or a child is no necessary or sufficient to make a child custody determination
If a FL court has made a child custody determination in accordance with 61.514 or 61.516 (absent emergency), the Court has exclusive continuing jurisdiction over the determination until
(a) A court of this state determines that the child, child’s parents, and any person acting as a parent do not have a significant connection with this state and that substantial evidence is no longer available in this state concerning the child’s care, protection, training, and personal relationships;
(b) A court of this state or a court of another state determines that the child, the child’s parent, and any person acting as a parent do not presently reside in this state.
When can a court of this state modify that determination?
A court of this state which has made a child custody determination and does not have exclusive, continuing jurisdiction under this section may modify that determination only if it has jurisdiction to make an initial determination
When can FL modify a child custody determination made by another state?
Not unless FL made the initial determination and
1. the other state determines it no longer has exclusive continuing jur or that FL would be more convenient
2. FL court or court of another state determined that child child’s parents or any person acting as a parent do not reside in the state
When can FL exercise temporary emergency jur under 61.517
(1) If child is present in FL and has been abandoned OR it is necessary in an emergency to protect child bc child or sibling or parent to child is subjected to threat with mistreatment or abuse
(2) If there is no previous child custody determination that is entitled to be enforced under this part, and a child custody proceeding has not been commenced in a court of a state having jurisdiction under Fla. Stat. 61.514-61.516, a child custody determination made under this section remains in effect until an order is obtained from a court of a state having jurisdiction under Fla. Stat. 61.514-61.516. If a child custody proceeding has not been or is not commenced in a court of a state having jurisdiction under Fla. Stat. 61.514-61.516, a child custody determination made under this section becomes a final determination if it so provides and this state becomes the home state of the child
(3) If there is a previous child custody determination that is entitled to be enforced under this part, or a child custody proceeding has been commenced in a court of a state having jurisdiction under Fla. Stat. 61.514-61.516, any order issued by a court of this state under this section must specify in the order a period that the court considers adequate to allow the person seeking an order to obtain an order from the state having jurisdiction under Fla. Stat. 61.514-61.516. The order issued in this state remains in effect until an order is obtained from the other state within the period specified or the period expires.
(4) A court of this state which has been asked to make a child custody determination under this section, upon being informed that a child custody proceeding has been commenced in, or a child custody determination has been made by, a court of a state having jurisdiction under Fla. Stat. 61.514-61.516, shall immediately communicate with the other court. A court of this state which is exercising jurisdiction under Fla. Stat. 61.514-61.516, upon being informed that a child custody proceeding has been commenced in, or a child custody determination has been made by, a court of another state under a statute similar to this section shall immediately communicate with the court of that state to resolve the emergency, protect the safety of the parties and the child, and determine a period for the duration of the temporary order.
A court of this state which has jurisdiction under this part to make a child custody determination may decline to exercise its jurisdiction at any time if it determines that it is an inconvenient forum under the circumstances and that a court of another state is a more appropriate forum. The issue of inconvenient forum may be raised upon motion of a party, the court’s own motion, or request of another court. What must court consider before deciding its an inconvenient forum
(a) Whether domestic violence has occurred and is likely to continue in the future and which state could best protect the parties and the child;
(b) The ability of the court of each state to decide the issue expeditiously and the procedures necessary to present the evidence
(c) The familiarity of the court of each state with the facts and issues in the pending litigation
(d) The relative financial circumstances of the parties;
(e) Any agreement of the parties as to which state should assume jurisdiction;
(f) The nature and location of the evidence required to resolve the pending litigation, including testimony of the child;
(g) The distance between the court in this state and the court in the state that would assume jurisdiction
(h) The length of time the child has resided outside this state;
If court rules FL is an inconvenient forum, what shall it do
Stay the proceeding upon condition that a child custody proceeding be promptly commenced in other state and impose any other condition that is just and proper
When may court decline to exercise the jur under this part
If child custody determination is incidental to an action for divorce or another proceeding while still retaining jur over divorce or other proceeding
Is conceiving a child in FL sufficient to give FL subject matter jur
No - it doesn’t fall within UCCJEA. That only corners personal jur
Mother conceived child while visiting Florida, although she permanently resided in New Hampshire. Prior to the child’s birth, father filed in Florida a petition to establish paternity and a parenting plan. Less than a month later, mother gave birth to the child in New Hampshire, where the child has resided ever since. Does FL have jur?
No - no subject matter jur under UCCJEA bc kid never set foot in FL
Child was adjudicated dependent and the child was placed in the father’s care. Father then moved to Virginia with the child and the child was in Virginia for 10 years. Father was later arrested for child abuse in Virginia and mother filed an emergency motion in the Florida court seeking to have the child returned to Florida and placed in her custody. Florida court entered a temporary emergency order requiring the child’s return. Virginia court conducted a hearing to register and enforce the Florida temporary court order, ultimately finding it was in the child’s best interest to stay in Virginia with a paternal aunt. Florida transferred jurisdiction to Virginia as a more convenient forum after participating in the Virginia hearing by phone. Was this proper?
The 4th DCA held the Virginia court was authorized to exercise emergency jurisdiction under the UCCJEA to modify Florida’s custody determination in the child’s best interest and the Florida court did not abuse its discretion in transferring the case to Virginia as a more convenient forum.
Child was born on November 3, 2009. It is undisputed that on approximately January 3, 2010, the mother moved to Florida with the child. Mother claims she moved to North Carolina on September 7, 2010 (Father claimed she was in Florida longer). On December 9, 2010, father filed his Petition to Determine Paternity and for Related Relief in Sarasota, Florida. The trial court ultimately dismissed the father’s petition, concluding Florida was not the home state of the child. Was this error?
The District Court concluded that the trial court failed to look back to June 9, 2010, six months prior to the filing of the father’s petition, to determine if Florida qualified as the home state at any time between June 9, 2010 and December 9, 2010, the date he filed his petition. As the mother admitting having lived in Florida from January 3, 2010 until September 7, 2010, a period totaling eight consecutive months, and September 7, 2010 is within the six-month period prior to the filing of the father’s petition, Florida qualifies as the home state under the UCCJEA and Sarasota, Florida had jurisdiction to make the initial timesharing determination.
*Section 61.514(1)(a) provides for jurisdiction if this state “…was the home state of the child within 6 months before the commencement of the proceeding and the child is absent from this state but a parent or person acting as a parent continues to live in this state.”
Mother and Father moved with their two minor children from Colorado to Florida in October 2010. In August 2011, the Mother moved back to Colorado with the children, and the third child was born in 2012. In December 2011 (i.e. 4 months after the mother and children moved back to Colorado), the Father filed a verified petition for establishment of a parenting plan, child support, and determination of parental responsibility and timesharing. The Mother’s answer asserted that she had filed a petition for divorce in Colorado, but failed to contest the alleged duration of time the minor children lived in Florida. At a hearing in May 2012 on Father’s request for a pick-up order, the trial court found Colorado to be the home state under the UCCJEA. Which State has jurisdiction?
Father’s Petition was filed on December 8, 2011, the court looks back to six months prior to the date of the Father’s petition (June 8, 2011) to determine whether Florida qualified as the home state of the minor children at any time between June 8, 2011 and December 8, 2011. Considering the children resided in Florida from October 2010 until August 2011, a period of 8 months, Florida became the home state of the children and was the home state within six months prior to the filing of the Petition
What is PKPA?
Short version of the federal UCCJEA
Is PKPA a multistate statute
No - it is a single FEDERAL statute
What is PKPA
For purposes of full faith and credit clause, it defines when a court has child custody jur, prohibits courts that don’t have jur from having their actions given full faith and credit and lays down rules for when modifying child custody determinations with proper PKPA jur will be recognized.
What is the actual title of the “PKPA” fed statute
Full Faith and Credit Given to Child Custody Determination
What is the concept of PKPA’s continuing jur?
Once court properly invokes child custody jur under PKPA, it keeps jur until both parents and kid lead unless court subsequently declines to exercise cont’ jur
If there is a conflict between PKPA and FL law, which controls
PKPA - federal law trumps state law under supremacy clause of US Const.
What is the Hague Convention
A convention that provides remedies for a parent to seek the return of their child who was abducted back to parent’s country
What countries are NOT signatories to Hague Treaty
Africa & Asia
What are the notable exceptions in Africa and Asia that do comply with Hague
S Africa, Australia, S. Korea
When does the convention apply?
When a child is abducted from a country which is a signatory to the treat SO LONG AS child is under 16 years old. If kid is abducted before 16, but subsequently turned 16, treaty is no longer applicable.
What is the home state concept under hague
habitual residence
How is habitual residence defined
the nation where, at time of removal, the child had been present log enough to allow his or her acclimatization where the presence as a degree of “settled purpose”
Under the convention, a child’ removal from a signatory country that is their habitual residence or child’s retention in some other country is “wrongful” under what circumstances
- It is in breach of rights of custody attributed to a person, an institution or any other body, either jointly or alone, under the law of the State in which the child was habitually residence immediately before the removal or retention; and
- At the time of removal or retention those rights were actually exercised, either jointly or alone, or would have been so exercised but for the removal or retention.
What must each country that is a party to the convention do
Designate a central authority -which is a specific government office to carry out specialized convention duties.
what is the purposes of a central authority
Assist parents in filing applications for return of their kid under the convention
What is US’s central authority
Department office of children’s issues with bureau of consular affairs
What the evidentiary standard under hague
Bc of the need to quickly determine if abduction was wrongful, courts take judicial notice of foreign law directly & any docs attached to application or submitted are admissible and do not need to be certified
Do federal and state courts have concurrent jur to hear convention child return cases in US?
What are defenses to a hague application?
If the person opposing establishes:
1. The person, institution, or other body having the care of the person or the child was not actually exercising the custody rights at the time of removal or retention, or had consented to or subsequently acquiesced in the removal or retention; or
- There is grave risk that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation.
When may a judicial or administrative authority refuse to order turn of child
if it finds that the child objects to being returned and has attained an age and degree of maturity at which it is appropriate to take account of its views OR
if this would not be permitted by the fundamental principles of the requested State relating to the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms or
failure to file hague application within ONE year of wrongful removal
Is there a statute of limitations on hague returns
Yes - 1 year from date of wrongful removal
What country has the move unresolved child return cases
What chapter DOES allow grandparent visitation
Dependency statute (39.4105) - IF child has been adjudicated dependent and taken from parents, grandparents are afforded visitation under best interest standard. But vitiation terminates if child returned to parents.
Can grandparents see custody in dependency action
If child has been adjudicated dependent but if parents want kid returned, grandparent lacks standing to seek custody and Child must be returned
What is the exception to when a grandparent can seek to extend temp custody even if a parents requests return?
If the allege detriment
Who has standing to seek temporary custody
any family member/relative of minor child & also afforded to putative father if mother’s whereabouts are unknown
Does a putative father have standing in a dependency action if mother’s whereabouts are KNOWN
Must initiate a paternity action and seek custody
What is the purpose of Chapter 751
To provide temporary or concurrent custody of a minor child to a family member having physical custody of the the child to enable the custodian to:
(a) Consent to all necessary and reasonable medical and dental care for the child, including nonemergency surgery and psychiatric care.
(b) Secure copies of the child’s records, held by third parties, that are necessary for the care of the child.
(c) Enroll the child in school and grant or withhold consent for a child to be tested or placed in special school programs, including exceptional education.
(d) Do all other things necessary for the care of the child
Who has standing to seek temporary custody under 751
(1) Any extended family member who has signed, notarized consent of the child’s legal parents; OR any extended family member who is caring full time for the child in the role of a substitute parent AND
(2) the individual seeking concurrent custody must:
(a) Currently have physical custody of the child and have had physical custody of the child at least 10 days in any 30-day period within the last 12 months; and
(b) Not have signed, written documentation from a parent which is sufficient to enable the custodian to do all the things necessary to care for the child which are available to custodians who have an order issued under this Chapter.
What must a petition for temporary custody include
- Petition must be verified
- Must be extended family member
- Must contain UCCJEA-type allegations.
4 Must also plead timeframe kid w you last 12 months - Petitioners relationship to child
When shall court grant temporary custody
If natural parents consent, then court shall award temporary custody IF in best interest of the child.
What happens in a petition for temp custody if one or both parents object
If one or both of natural parents object, court may only award temporary custody based upon clear and convincing evidence that the natural parents are unfit as defined in Chapter 39.
If court grants temporary custody, can it provide temp custody to natural parent
Temporary custody order may provide visitation rights to natural parents & may also impose child support obligation upon natural parents if served personally or substitute service.
If temporary custody is granted, how can natural parent seek to terminate the order?
Natural parents may seek to terminate order at any time upon showing of parental fitness. If originally given consent (notarized consent form), may revoke said consent at any time (extended family would then need to show “unfitness” in order to keep child).
In a custody dispute between a natural parent and a 3rd party, what standard must the court rely upon?
NOT JUST BEST INTEREST - two step analysis
1. Determine whether remaining with natural parent is detrimental to child
2. THEN court determines best interest
What is your first inquiry in a Hague case?
Is the other country a Hague Abduction Convention Signatory
Is the Hague Analysis a best interest test
What is ICARA
Congress implemented the Hague Abduction Convention Treaty by enacting the International Child Abduction Remedies Act - which vests concurrent jurisdiction over claims brought under the Convention in Federal and State courts.
What is necessary for a petition for return under Hague
- Kid under 16
- Wrongful removal from habitual residence
- Both countries have acceded to convention
- Removal in violation of rights of custody
- Rights of custody actually exercised
How do we determine a child’s habitual residence
TOTALITY OF CIRCUMSTANCES - no fleshed out definition in convention
Can you agree to the country of habitual residence
Defenses to a Hague petition
- 1 year since removal
- Not exercise time
- Consent or acquiescence
- Grave Risk
- Mature child objects
What is the burden of proof for a hague petition
Preponderance of the evidence for:
-case in chief
-DEFENES: 1 year, not exercising custody/ consent
CCE - DEFENSES grave risk or public policy
What happens with fees in a hague case
Respondent pays Petitioner’s fees and cost unless R establishes it would be clearly inappropriate
Under UIFSA, how can you get personal jurisdiction
- Personal service in FL
- Consent or waiver
- Resided with child in FL
- Resided here and provided prenatal expenses or support
- The child resides here as a result of acts of individual
- Sex in FL results in kid
- Assert parentage in court or putative father registry
- Any other basis consistent with constitution
Petition filed in State 1, a second pleading must be filed in State 2 within time allowed for responsive pleading challenging the jurisdiction
of State 1, and a timely challenge must be made in State 1. If both states have JUR, who wins?
Home state