12.285 mandatory disclosure rules apply to family cases except:
Adoption, simplified dissolution, enforcement, contempt, injunctions for protection against domestic, repeat, dating, or sexual violence, or stalking, and uncontested dissolutions when the respondent is served by publication and does not file an answer OR
action for fees based solely on 57.105 -
Can parties agree to modify compliance with 12.285?
Yes but not with respect to FA or CSG
Are parties obligated to produce original documents for purposes of 12.285?
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties or ordered by the court, copies of documents required under this rule may be produced in lieu of originals.
When are parties required to produce original records?
Upon request IF available.
After parties produced records pursuant to 12.285, are they obligated to produce it again?
No, parties shall not be required to serve duplicates of documents previously served.
What if anything in compliance with 12.285 should be filed with the court
Only FA and CSG - 12.285 specifically states no docs to be filed with court unless court order.
When is compliance with 12.285 due for temporary relief hearing?
10 days before a temporary relief hearing unless it was served when due (45 days after R served)
When does respondent have serve 12.285 docs for a temp relief hearing?
R must serve the required documents on the party seeking
relief at least FIVE days prior to the temporary financial hearing, unless the docs were already served
When is 12.285 discovery due in an initial / modification proceeding?
45 days of service of the initial pleading on the respondent
When are parties excused from filing a serving FA
-If seeking simplified DOM OR
They have no MC, no support issues, and have filed written settlement agreement disposing of all financial issues OR
-Court has no jur do address financial issues
In any proceeding for temporary financial relief heard within 45 days of the service of the initial pleading or within any extension of the time for complying with mandatory disclosure granted by the court or agreed to by the parties, what must be served on other party before temporary relief hearing?
- FA (must be filed with court & cannot be waived by parties)
- Federal and state income tax return, gift tax return, intangible personal property tax return files within the last year (party can file transcript in lieu of return)
- W2, 1099 K-1 for the past year if tax return for that year not prepared but if no tax return for last 2 years need 2 years of W2, 1099 & K-1
- Pay stubs or other evidence of earned income for the
6 months before compliance with these disclosure requirements for temporary financial relief.
What must a party serve in any proceeding for an initial or supplemental request for permanent financial relief, including, but not limited to, a request for child support, alimony, equitable distribution of assets or debts, or attorneys’ fees, suit money, or costs?
- FA
- 3 years tax returns
- IRS forms W-2, 1099, and K-1 for the past year, if
the income tax return for that year has not been prepared. If
income tax returns have not been filed for any of the prior 2 years beyond the past year, then IRS forms W-2, 1099, and K-1 for those prior 2 years as well - Pay stubs or other evidence of earned income for the
6 months before compliance with these disclosure requirements for initial or supplemental proceedings - A statement by the producing party identifying the
amount and source of all income received from any source during the 6 months preceding the compliance with these disclosure requirements for initial or supplemental proceedings if not reflected on the pay stubs produced. - All loan apps & financial statement for last 24 months months
- All deeds for last 3 years, all promissory notes or other documents evidencing money owed to either party at any time within the last 24 months and all leases, whether held in
the party’s name individually, in the party’s name jointly with any other person or entity, in the party’s name as trustee or guardian for a party or a minor or adult dependent child of both parties, or in someone else’s name on the party’s behalf wherein either the party is receiving or has received payments at any time within the last 3 years for leased real or personal property, or owns or owned an interest - All periodic statements from the last 12 months f12 months for all other accounts
- All brokerage account statements in which either
party to this action held within the last 12 months - The most recent statement and statements for the
past 12 months for any profit sharing, retirement, deferred
compensation, or pension plan (for example, IRA, 401(k), 403(b), SEP, KEOGH, or other similar account - he most recent statement and statements for the
past 12 months for any virtual currency transactions in which
either party to this action participated within the last 12 months - The declarations page, the last periodic statement,
statements for the past 12 months, and the certificate for all life insurance policies insuring the party’s life or the life of the party’s spouse - Corporate, partnership, and trust tax returns for the last 3 tax years if the party has an ownership or interest in a
corporation, partnership, or trust. - All promissory notes evidencing a party’s indebtedness for the last 24 months
- All written premarital or marital agreements entered
into at any time between the parties to this marriage whether
before or during the marriage, and all affidavits and declarations of non-paternity or judgments of disestablishment of paternity for any minor or dependent children born or conceived during the marriage. Additionally, in any modification proceeding, each party must serve
on the opposing party all written agreements entered into between them at any time since the order to be modified was entered. - All documents supporting the producing party’s claim that an asset or liability is nonmarital, for enhancement or
appreciation of nonmarital property, or for an unequal distribution of marital property - Any court orders directing a party to pay or receive
spousal or child support
When does a party have an obligation to disclose new financial info?
Continuing duty to supplement whenever there is a material change in their financial circumstance
What must be included with an amended FA?
The amending party must also serve any subsequently discovered or acquired documents supporting the amendments to the financial
Can a party be sanctioned for failure to comply with 12.285
Any document to be produced under this rule that is not served on the opposing party within the time periods set
forth for temp relief hearings, before a nonfinal hearing
or in violation of the court’s pretrial order shall not be admissible in evidence at that hearing unless the court finds good cause for the delay. In addition, the court may impose other sanctions authorized by rule 12.380 as may be equitable under the circumstances. The court may also impose sanctions upon the offending lawyer in lieu of imposing sanctions on a party.
Can a party seek an extension of time to comply with MD?
Either party may file, before the due date, a motion to enlarge the time for complying with mandatory disclosure. The court must grant the request for good cause shown
When must objections to MD be filed?
Objections to the mandatory automatic disclosure shall be served in writing at least 5 days before the due date for the disclosure or the objections shall be deemed waived.
The filing of a timely objection, with a notice of hearing on the objection, automatically stays mandatory disclosure for those matters within the scope of the objection. For good cause shown, the court may extend the time for the filing of an objection or permit the filing of an otherwise untimely objection. The court must impose sanctions for the filing of meritless or frivolous objections.
If children are involved, what does 12.285 require?
Parties must file a CSG
Where shall MD docs be produced?
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties or ordered by the court, all production required by this rule takes place in the county where the action is pending and in the office of the attorney for the party receiving production. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties or ordered by the court, if a party does not have an attorney or if the attorney does not have an office in the county where the action is pending, production takes place in the county where the action is pending at a place designated in writing by the party receiving production, served at least 5 days before the due date for production.
Where shall production take place if venue is challenged?
On motion by a party the court must designate the place where production will occur pending determination of the venue issue
Can a default fj be entered if the default party doesn’t comply with 12.285?
Can an FA be compelled in an enforcement or contempt proceeding?
Yes - 12.287 - a short form FA must be filed within 10 days (can seek more or less time by approval of court)
When may a party request any other party to submit to an examination by a qualified expert?
When the condition that is the subject of the request is in controversy and there is good cause
What is needed for a request for a examination of physical condition?
- Condition must be in controversy
- Burden on requesting party to show good cause
- Request must specify reasonable time, place, manner, conditions and scope of exam.
- Exam takes place in county of party’s residence
- 30 days after request, other party shall file a response agreeing or objecting (or 45 days if request made with initial petition)
- If other people to be present - request / response should say so.
What must be included for a request for a non-physical evaluation?
The order for examination may be made only after notice to the person to be examined and to all parties, and must specify the time, place, manner, conditions, and scope of the examination and the person or persons by whom it is to be made
Party does not put his or her mental condition in controversy
merely by seeking custody
What happens when a party who submits to an evaluation requests the report and/or a depo of examiner?
The party examined waives any privilege that party may have in that action or any other involving the same controversy regarding the testimony of every other person who has examined or may thereafter examine that party concerning the same condition.
What is required in order to preserve claim for appeal
Must file a motion for rehearing
When must a a motion for rehearing be filed
A motion for new trial or for rehearing must be served not later than 15 days after the return of the verdict in a jury action or the date of filing of the judgment in a non-jury action. A timely motion may be amended to state new grounds in the discretion of the court at any time before the motion is determined.
When a motion for a new trial or rehearing is based on affidavits, what is required?
Affidavit must be filed with the motion and opposing side has 10 days after being served to file opposing affidavits (time can be extended for good cause or agreement but not longer than 20 days ). Court may permit reply affidavit
Can the court initiate a motion for rehearing or new trial?
Yes - within 15 days after entry of the judgment
Once a motion for rehearing is filed, what must court do
Determine if a hearing is required. If no, enter order denying. If yes, enter order granting and set hearing.
What must order granting rehearing provide
Must specify the grounds for rehearing.
When must a motion to alter or amend FJ be filed
no later than 15 days after entry of judgment
What is the purpose of summary judgment
Summary judgment is designed to test the sufficiency of the evidence to determine if there is sufficient evidence at issue to justify a trial or formal hearing on the issues raised in the pleadings
What is the standard for granting a summary judgment
The rule simply is that the burden to prove the non-existence of genuine triable issues is on the moving party, and the burden of proving the existence of such issues is not shifted to the opposing party until the movant has successfully met his burden.
Thus, in determining whether the moving party met this burden, the facts must be taken in the light most favorable to the non-moving party
When can a petitioner move for summary judgment
20 days after filing an action or after service of a motion for summary judgment from adverse party but cannot file motion for summary judgement while MD is pending.
What must now be included in all motions for summary judgment
What is the test for a genuine dispute of fact?
The test for whether there exits a “genuine dispute” of a fact is whether “the evidence is such that a reasonable jury could return a verdict for the nonmoving party.”
What is the new rule change for mediation and arbitration
The Referral to mediation may now specifically include that such mediation or arbitration may be done in person or remotely through communication technology. Party is deemed to have appeared at mediation if they are physically present or if they have appeared via communication technology following a court order or written stipulation of the parties permitting such a technology appearance.
Is there a limitation on amount of expert interrogatories?
No - updated rule in 2022 says that expert rogs ot be counted as any of the ten additional interrogatories
What is the new rule on taking of depositions?
-Can now do depos remotely
-If depo duces tecume, then docs must be given 5 days before depo
-If video depo - must identify the method
-Parties can now waive the requirement of stenographic recording if deposition is being recorded, but does not specifically limit such waiver.
-But if a party wishes to use the recording at a hearing or trial must have the testimony transcribed and file the transcript with the court. Copies of the recording must be provided to another party upon request, but the requesting party must pay for the copy
What is the new rule concerning issuance of subpoenas to 3rd parties
No longer required to file Notice of Subpoena to Parties
What is the update on the Florida Rules of General Practice and Judicial Administration regarding appearance at hearings
-Amended to permit all hearings and trials in which testimony will be required to be conducted by communication technology so long as a request is made via motion by a party and sets forth good cause.
-Also creates a manner for the administration of the oath over the communication technology even when the person administering the oath is not physically present with the witness
What is the rule update on motions for rehearing
Filing of a motion for rehearing is required to preserve an objection on appeal for insufficient trial court findings in a final judgment order
What are the two circumstances now that allow a pro se litigant to be excused from designating an email
- If they are in custody and not represented; and
- If they have completed a required form 2.601 and sworn under oath that the party “does not have an email address or does not have regular access to the Internet.”
What is the new rule for GM’s now at conclusion of hearings
-Recommended Order is issued to the circuit judge, which contains findings of fact and conclusions of law.
-The recommended order must contain the name, phone number and email address of any court reporter that was present.
-Upon receipt, the court will review the recommended order and then must promptly enter the order, unless (the sole exception) there is a facial or legal deficiency, in which case the Judge will remand it back to the General Magistrate to address, with further proceedings if needed.
-Instead of “exceptions,” which have now been eliminated, any effected party may file a MOTION TO VACATE the recommended order within 10 days from the date it was entered.
-Any other party may file a cross-motion to vacate within 5 days of service of the Motion to Vacate.
-The trial court must then hear the motion to vacate within 30 days, and the Judge must enter an order on the motion within 30 days of the hearing. The hearing can be extended beyond 30 days only be entry of an order extending the timeframe.
-The party moving to vacate, must immediately seek to set the motion for hearing, otherwise the motion may be denied.
-A timely filed motion to vacate stays the enforcement of the recommended order until after the court has conducted a hearing on the motion to vacate. I
-For the purpose of the hearing on the motion to vacate, the record “shall be provided to the court by the party seeking review if necessary for the court’s review.” “The record shall consist of the court file, all depositions and documentary and other evidence presented at the hearing, including the transcript of the relevant proceedings before the general magistrate. However, the transcript may be waived by order of the court prior to any hearing on the motion to vacate” The cost of the original and all copies of the transcript of the proceedings shall be borne initially by the party seeking review, subject to appropriate assessment of suit monies. The transcript must be delivered to the court and opposing counsel “not less than 48 hours” before the hearing.
Can the court order an evaluation of minor child
Yes - on motion by either party or by court
Party can seek additional evaluation if there is good cause
-Order will specify issues to be addressed by expert
-Order can require that eval be recorded
-Order will include initial allocation of cost
-Copy or order will be provided to expert by court unless otherwise ordered
-Expert will provide report to parties 30 days before trial or 75 from appointment
-Report does NOT go to court without both parties’ written consent
-Expert who has treated, tested or interview or examined kid can testify only if good cause exists
What is a basis for relief for judgment under 12.540
- Mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect
- Newly discovered evidence which by due diligence could not have been discovered in time to move for a new trial or rehearing
- Fraud (whether heretofore denominated intrinsic or
extrinsic), misrepresentation, or other misconduct of an adverse party; - Judgment is void
- Judgement has been satisfied, released, discharged or prior judgment upon which it is based has been reversed or vacated or it is no longer equitable that the judgment should have prospective application
What analysis should court engage in to determine excusable neglect for 12.540 motion
It is a factual determination to be decided case by case
What is the test to determine whether to grant 12.540 relief on the basis of newly discovered evidence
- Evidence is more likely than not to change the outcome
- Evidence was discovered after conclusion of trial
- Evidence could have been timely discovered by the exercise of due diligence
- Evidence is material to issues raised in trial
- Evidence is NOT impeachment or cumulative
What must a court do if it determines a judgment is void?
It has no discretion and it must vacate the judgment.
What is the time frame to bring 12.540 motion?
1 year from FJ for:
1. Mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect
2. Newly discovered evidence which by due diligence could not have been discovered in time to move for a new trial or rehearing
3. Fraud (whether heretofore denominated intrinsic or
extrinsic), misrepresentation, or other misconduct of an adverse party;
What is the time period to object to an order of referral to GM?
-10 days from service of the order
-If a hearing is set before 10 days, then objection must be before hearing
-If the order of referral is served within the first 20 days after the service of the initial process, the time to file an objection is extended to the time within which to file a responsive pleading.
What is required to be included in an order of referral?
Language about time to object AND it must indicate that review of the recommended order must be done by motion to vacate & include the transcript from the hearing
When should the judge NOT enter the recommended order by GM?
Unless the court finds that the recommended order is
facially or legally deficient, in which case, it must identify the deficiency by written order and remand to the general magistrate to address and, if necessary, conduct further proceedings without the necessity of a new order of referral to general magistrate.
If someone files a motion to vacate recommended order of GM, when must it be heard
30 days from the date the motion is filed, unless the time frame is extended by court order. Thereafter, the judge must enter an order rendering a ruling no later than 30 days after the hearing on the motion to vacate.
what must party do when they file motion to vacate gm recommended order?
The party seeking review shall seek to schedule a hearing date at the same time that the motion to vacate is filed with the court. Failure to seek a hearing date in conformity herewith may result in a denial of the motion to vacate
If a party files a motion to vacate GM recommended order, when do they have to provide the record to court
48 hours before the hearing
Who can be a hearing officer
Chief Judge of each circuit appoints a HO who is a mmber of FL bar in good standing unless specifically waived
What actions must be heard before HO
Proceeding for the establishment, enforcement, or modification of support to which this rule applies, the court or clerk of the circuit court shall assign such proceedings to a support enforcement hearing officer
Can a HO hear contested paternity action
What must be included in a notice of hearing for a HO
To seek review of HO recommended order, must file motion to vacate within 10 days of entry of the order & must provide court with sufficient support, usually need transcript
When will court not accept recommended order by HO
The court shall review the recommended order and shall enter an order promptly unless good cause appears to amend the order, conduct further proceedings, or reassign the matter back to the hearing officer to conduct further proceedings.
What is the time frame to file motion to vacate HO recommended order
10 days - party seeking cross claim has 5 days after service of motion to vacate
When can a party move to modify a HO order
If you seek depo duces tecum through communication technology, when must deponent produce docs
5 days before depo
What is the rule on if you have a depo audiovisually recorded in terms of transcript
At depo, whoever wants it transcribed has to pay initial costs & whoever uses audiovisual depo for court must have it transcribed and file it with the court
What is the change in rule prohibiting kids from being at court hearings
Modifies 12.407(a) prohibiting the presence of children at hearings to include remote hearings held via communication technology, and requiring that the parties, counsel, and the court ensure that children are not present or nearby during any remote proceedings
What has to be included in the subpoena now for an audiovisually recorded depo
To require a party intending to audiovisually record a deposition to include in the subpoena: the name and address of the operator of the audiovisual recording equipment, the fact that the deposition is to be taken using communication technology, the specific form of communication technology to be used, and instructions for access to the communication technology.
What must notice to set case for trial include
Any party may file and serve a notice
that the action is at issue and ready to be set for trial. The notice must include an estimate of the time required, indicate whether the
trial is on the original action or a subsequent proceeding, and, if applicable, indicate that the court has authorized the participation
of prospective jurors or empaneled jurors through audio-video communication technology under rule 12.430(d).
The clerk must then submit the notice and the case file to the court. If there are any issues to be tried by jury, the notice for trial must so state.
What was changed with respect to family law rules governing mediations
Modifies 12.740(b) to expressly state that every effort must be made to expedite mediation of family issues and adds that such referral may provide that same be conducted remotely via audio or audio-video communication technology. Absent direction in the order of referral, MEDIATION MUST BE CONDUCTED IN PERSON UNLESS PARTIES STIPULATE OR COURT ALLOWS IT VIA REMMOTE